Chapter 2545
Qi Yun and the other sisters looked at the man who was fussing and reacting, but didn't answer anything.

They all looked at each other, and finally set their eyes on the queen and sister Huyan Yunyao.

Young Master Liu felt the strange posture of the girls, and followed the gazes of the beauties, and this time there was really a look of doubt in his eyes.

It's really strange, in my impression, no matter what the girls had in the past, Qi Yun, the eldest wife, was always the main one.

Why did he change his appearance today, it seems that Wanyan and Yao'er and the other sisters are the main ones?

During the time when I was talking with my aunt Liu Ying in the front yard, what did the sisters and others talk about in private to cause this weird scene to appear.

Young Master Liu didn't know that the reason for this kind of situation had a lot to do with the invitation from the Bourne Shadow Lord.

Among all the beauties, naturally not everyone knows the existence of the top underground force, the former spy shadow spy.

After all, even the third princess Li Yan, the former princess of the dynasty, and her mother, the empress dowager Nangong Meng, met the film master, the head of the spies, for the first time at the wedding banquet in the palace today. .

What kind of noble status did the three princesses, their mother and daughter have at the beginning?One is from the original harem, and the other is the most favored princess in the past. Both mother and daughter don't know the identity of the actor after seeing him, let alone others.

Therefore, it is not surprising that among Liu's many wives, there are beauties who do not know the power of spy shadow spy.

For example, Gumo Rongrong, Xue Bizhu, Huang Lingyi, Ying'er and the other beauties who don't know kung fu are the best of them. They spend most of their time at home with their husbands and children, and rarely have the opportunity to be exposed to secret fights.

Although Qinglian, Qi Ya, and Wenren Yunshu had followed her husband to visit the ancestral temple at night to investigate the whereabouts of spy shadow agents a few months ago, but if you really want to talk about how much they know about the power of spy shadow and what it is like, The same can only be said to know very little.

Even Qi Yun, the wife of Liu's family, didn't know much about the power of Spy Shadow. She knew that Spy Shadow existed, but she only heard her husband mention it occasionally. However, Qi Yun said that the specific situation of Spy Shadow was true. A little knowledge is not an exaggeration.

There are some things that the husband seldom tells them, and it is not easy for them to ask too much.

In this way, among the sisters, the only ones who know the spy shadow best are Sister Wanyan and Sister Yunyao.

One of them was the former queen of the Kingdom of Jin, and the other was the Great Khan of the Turkic Empire. The identities of the two sisters are there. They must have known clearly about some things that their sisters and others did not know.

The Queen and Huyan Yunyao and the other sisters were also a little hesitant when they looked at the expectant eyes of the sisters who were full of curiosity. They didn't get the instruction from Young Master Liu, and they didn't know whether they should tell the sisters the details about Spy Shadow. .

But they have been together for so many years, they have already become sisters, and it is not appropriate to say nothing. After weighing the trade-offs, the queen and the two daughters can only tell Qi Yun that Spy Shadow is an extremely powerful underground force.

Qi Yun and the others also saw the embarrassment of the empress and the two daughters, and did not continue to ask, but they began to discuss how to prevent the husband from going to the appointment.

Before First Young Master Liu came back, after some discussion, the girls finally decided to ask the queen and Huyan Yunyao to advise her husband about the actor's invitation to a banquet in the suburbs of Beijing.

The queen felt that Young Master Liu was following the gazes of the sisters on her, and biting her cherry lips, she hesitated for a while, got up and walked to Young Master Liu.

"Without conscience, I told my sisters that I know very well what kind of character you are, and once you have made up your mind, our sisters' persuasion will not have much effect.

That being the case, we sisters will stop talking about unnecessary nonsense, and just ask you politely, do you have to go to the actor's banquet? "

Liu Mingzhi seemed to have expected that the empress and the other sisters would say these words, he reached out and rubbed his earlobe and nodded slightly to the beauties.

"Since you've reached this point, my husband will tell you frankly. In three days, no matter what, my husband will go to the suburbs of Beijing to attend the appointment."

The queen frowned and stared at First Young Master Liu: "Even if you know it's a Hongmen banquet, you still want to go to the appointment?"

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and remained silent for a while, then walked to the chair behind the desk and sat down, and poured a cup of herbal tea to moisten his dry tongue.

"Wanyan, Yun'er, Yan'er, and all of you sisters, some things have to be faced sooner or later, and even more to be resolved, since it's so early, it doesn't make any difference.

After all, it has to be solved. Anyway, if it has to be solved, it can be solved one day earlier. There are too many things piled up, which is not a good thing!

Once something unpredictable happened, wouldn't it be my husband who would suffer in the end?
Therefore, even if the film master gave me a Hongmen banquet at the Imperial Tomb in the suburbs of Beijing, I would still go to the appointment for my husband.

The most important thing is that this banquet is actually not as dangerous as you imagined. Seeing that each of you sisters seems to be in trouble for their husbands, I feel helpless for my husband.

Don't forget what this place is, this is within the capital, and the suburbs of Beijing are also within the capital, not to mention that one hundred thousand elite forbidden troops can be mobilized at any time, and the husband himself is also a master of the innate realm.

If there is a real war, if you really can't fight, it's a big deal for your husband to run away!
Under the same realm, as long as I don't want to fight for my husband, it shouldn't be too difficult for me to escape, right?
So my husband can't figure it out, what else do you have to worry about in this situation?
Don't worry, my husband will be fine. Others don't know my husband's nature. Don't you sisters understand my husband's nature?

How can a person who cherishes his life so much for my husband do something he is not sure about.

Since the husband dares to go to the appointment, he must have his own confidence, so you should put your heart in your belly steadily!
As long as there is a husband, the sky will not fall.

There are countless people in this world who want to die for their husbands. Isn't it just as good to live as a husband now?
For the rest of your life, the best time is still waiting for you to play games for your husband and enjoy the blessings of equality among a group of beauties!For my husband, I can't bear to let you group of charming beauties go to report to Yan Wangye alone.

Don't worry, don't worry about everything. "

Seeing her husband's confident appearance, all the beauties gradually relaxed their worries.

Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Wenren Yunshu, Empress, Qinglian, Yun Qingshi, Ling Weier, a group of beauties with martial arts skills looked at each other for a moment, Qi Ya got up straight and walked to Young Master Liu.

"Husband, it's not impossible for you to go to the banquet, but I and other sisters who are skilled in martial arts plan to accompany you to the appointment. Although we are not innate like you, we also have the strength of the third rank.

In case there is any trouble on the day of the appointment, even if the concubine sister can't help you a lot, she can help you a little or two. This is not too much to ask of the concubine sister. "

"Nonsense, this is a matter between men and men, you group of women are going to mess around with you."

"But the concubine..."

"No, but, there is no need to mention this matter, you all just stay at home honestly.

When my husband needs your help, if you don't tell me, I will speak up myself.

When you don't need your help, don't meddle in it. "

All the girls fell silent after hearing her husband's unquestionable words.

Even Sister Ya couldn't talk about her husband's affairs, let alone a few of their sisters.

The complex look in the empress's bright eyes flashed away, she sighed silently and walked towards First Young Master Liu, Huyan Yunyao at the side also got up and followed after seeing this.

The two sisters stopped in front of Liu Mingzhi's desk, and successively took out a delicate gold medal from their cuffs and put them on the table in front of Young Master Liu.

(End of this chapter)

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