My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2546 is already the world's stunning

Chapter 2546 is already the world's stunning

Seeing the actions of the queen and sisters, Liu Mingzhi looked at the two gold medals on the table.

He had seen the Empress's Royal Dragon Gold more than once or twice, not only had he seen it, but he had personally held it.

When I was an envoy to the Kingdom of Jin, when the vassal kings of the Kingdom of Jin rebelled to seize the throne of Wanyan, I once held this token to command the soldiers of the three armies in the capital of the Kingdom of Jin to repel the rebels.

That battle also completely established his reputation as handsome man in white.

As for the Golden Token of the Wolf God next to it, Liu Mingzhi had also seen it from Huyan Yunyao's hands after being married for so many years, so he naturally understood the meaning of this token.

Reaching out his hand to pick up the two gold tokens and playing with them, Liu Mingzhi smiled and nodded at the two women, and directly put the two tokens into his arms.

The empress, Huyan Yunyao and sisters looked at each other and smiled, and they were relieved, and the dull mood of the rest of the beauties also improved a lot.

"Without conscience, there are a total of five Vajras of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth in the admiral's department, and Mu Jingang Daihe has already gone to Tsarist Russia to protect the safety of this child Chengfeng.

Now there are only the eight-armed Arhat Huigang of the Golden King Kong, Yanchang Kunlun of the Water King Kong in the Cloud, Gu Muyi of the Fire King Kong and the Fire Qilin, Chen Houjia, the Taoist of the Earth King Kong, and the four elders who can be driven by you.

Among them, Golden King Kong with eight arms, Senior Arhat Hui Gang, and Water King Kong, Senior Yan Chang Kunlun, you have seen the two of them before.

When the incident happened in Xinzhou Fengyundu, the two seniors were by Wanyan's side to help you turn the crisis into safety.

Right now, we can only provide you with four masters of the innate realm. It turns out that there is also an old Zen Master Huifa from the Dahuguo Temple in the capital, who is also a master of the innate realm. However, the capital is only three thousand miles away from the capital. It is impossible to rush to the capital in one day for the old Zen master to come to help.

Due to lack of time, he may not be able to be your right-hand helper.

One of the Spy Shadow Agents, the Four Dharma Kings, and the Twelve Shadow Protectors are all innate masters, and among the rest of the Spy Shadow Agents, there are also half-step innate realm masters emerging in endlessly, and their strength must not be underestimated.

Even though a Maoyingying protector had fallen because of sister Tao Ying, there are still at least sixteen masters in the innate realm on Spy Shadow's side, and the number of top masters on your side is still far behind Spy Shadow. big.

You have to gather at least ten innate masters within three days to be barely invincible. I wonder if you are sure of this? "

Huyan Yunyao hurriedly agreed and nodded: "Husband, my sister is right, the number of ordinary masters on your side must not be weaker than the number of masters on the spy shadow spy side.

But if you are a top expert, you will be at a disadvantage here. The existence of a top expert can reverse too many situations. Yaoer is not as good as Sister Wanyan, who can only provide you with the original Wang Ting Daguo Master Duo Lun, He is also a master of the innate realm.

The innate masters provided by Yao'er and sister Wanyan are already five masters, and if you add your husband, you will already have six masters.

Right now there are at least four top masters, Yao'er thinks that Liu Ye on her father's side should be able to provide you with at least two masters, right?

However, Yao'er's wolf guards have been formed for too short a time, so they don't know what kind of masters are in the hands of his father's Liu Ye. "

The queen heard Huyan Yunyao's helpless words and followed the trend: "The four elders of Neiliu Tiandi Xuanhuang, the lore kills the five tyrants of the sky sword and wind, kills the grand uncle with five steps, and Xuanbei palms Lu Yu, Tianmang sword Huang the road.

Today, on the Tianmang Sword Yellow Road, Senior Huang has gone to Tsarist Russia with Mu Jingang Dai and Senior Dai, and is secretly protecting Chengfeng's safety.

There are still three elders, Tiandixuan, in Neiliu, but just in case, father must set aside a senior to protect the safety of Liufu. Not a big deal. "

Holding the teacup, Liu Mingzhi looked at the eloquent queen in amazement, and couldn't help giving the queen a thumbs up.

"To put it bluntly, you know more about Nei Liu in the hands of the old man than your husband!

To be honest, after so many years, even my husband only knows that there are four great elders in Neiliu, Xuanhuang, Heaven and Earth, but what are the names of these four elders, and what kind of Jianghu titles are there? . "

The empress rolled her eyes angrily: "Do you think my mother wants to understand so clearly? It's not because you were too dandy and rascal back then.

If you hadn't done such despicable and shameless hooliganism to Wanyan when we first met in Jinling, wouldn't my old lady be so angry that she couldn't eat or sleep well for half a year?

Back then, in order to investigate your detailed identity, my old lady spent a lot of manpower and material resources in private. If it hadn't been for the investigation that there are so many masters in the hands of your father, Neiliu, you didn't even know how you died. "

Young Master Liu looked at the Queen's 'gritting her teeth', and rubbed the tip of her nose resentfully.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings, besides, if I hadn't caught my husband back then, wouldn't there be no fate between you and my husband in this life!

This is called meeting thousands of miles by fate, not meeting face to face without fate.

It's not that my husband wants to be a rascal to you, but the fate bestowed by God prompts my husband to be a rascal to you.

Hasn't my husband already compensated you with his whole body now?It’s so polite to calm down, calm down, how many years have passed, so let’s not mention it, let’s not mention it. "

The empress lowered her eyes slightly and glanced at her eyes, which blocked her view, so that she couldn't see her round chest with lotus feet and toes, and the pride flashed in her eyes.

A woman who bows her head but does not meet her feet is already a stunning beauty in the world.

Only this part of me is already peerless in the world, if coupled with my prosperous appearance, it is even more stunning among the peerless in the world.

Um!The old lady can really be proud.

However, after the complacent look in the empress's heart disappeared, her crescent eyebrows straightened, and her slender fingers suddenly twisted fiercely on Young Master Liu's ear.

"Calm down? Do you still have the face to tell me to calm down my old lady? How do you let my old lady calm down?

It’s okay if you don’t mention it, but when I mention it, my old lady will become even more angry. When the name was not right and the words were not right, there was no chance for you to force it. Now that the name is right and right, every day is an opportunity, but you don’t come.

Even the whole person has been compensated to the old lady, where did you compensate?Did the compensation go to Jiuchongtian?

Do you know that my old lady has been alone in the empty room for a few days?You're a heartless bastard who's useless even if you get a chance.

You are a three-sucking man with kidney deficiency. "

First Young Master Liu stood up abruptly, looking at the empress's stunning beauty with an indignant expression on his face.

"To put it bluntly, we have to speak with conscience! You've only been in the vacant room for a few days? You just walked out of your house the night before yesterday because of your husband, okay?
All the time up to now is only two days... No, it's only less than a day and a half.

It will be less than a day and a half, why does it sound like your husband hasn't served you for a year and a half when you say this?
Even a donkey has to rest for two days, right?What's more, being a husband is an individual! "

"What's the use of it? Don't you have any strength in your heart? Three men suck."

Young Master Liu's face suddenly turned crimson, the queen's words were several times more severe than the critical blow that her aunt Liu Ying had brought to her not long ago, it was a blow to the soul.

"Three suck men? Wanyan said bluntly, you are going too far, let's talk about the facts, but we don't want to make personal attacks.

Especially personal attacks that distort the facts and speak nonsense against conscience.

You can say that I don't spend enough time with you as a husband, I admit this as a husband, but you can't insult my personal strength that is the best in the world.

Looking at the capital city, no, looking at the whole world, can you find a man who is stronger than Wei Fu?
My husband is now sitting with more than a dozen of you who are all charming and charming, big beauties who are as old as wolves and tigers.You are not three or two sisters, but more than a dozen sisters!

In this kind of hell mode, being a husband can still make your sisters soak up the rain and dew. Who else has such a powerful strength besides being a husband?

Let me ask you, who else is there in the world?Who else? "

A group of beauties watched speechlessly and argued, the blushing two really didn't know what to say.

It was obvious that we were discussing about going to an appointment before, so why did we start talking about the love and lingering bed when the topic changed?

And the content is so bold and unrestrained, is this really appropriate?

The empress looked at Young Master Liu's displeased face as if she had been humiliated by her own words, and curled her cherry lips arrogantly.

"I have never met other men, so how do I know who is more powerful than you among the men in the world?
Why don't I try it with another man tomorrow, and then report to you after comparing the results?
And it seems difficult to make an accurate comparison of one or two, or start with a hundred people, so that the result can be more clear.

Heartless, I don't know what you want? "

Looking at the provocative expression of the queen who was not willing to give in, Young Master Liu coughed a few times and almost couldn't breathe. The corners of his mouth trembled uncontrollably a few times. Young Master Liu licked his face and helped the Queen to sit on his chair.

"It's so polite, what are you talking about? We seem to be talking about business, right? Off topic, off topic.

Let's not talk about these mundane things, let's talk about the business first, and the business first. "

All the girls looked at her husband's embarrassment, but he still had to lick his face to make amends. They covered their lips and laughed a few times, and the worries in their hearts were gradually dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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