Chapter 2548
Liu Mingzhi heard the deep meaning in the voice of the third princess, and his heart was full of mixed emotions.

"Yan'er, the man in the black cloak who met you and the queen mother outside the Qinzheng Hall in the palace today is the spy shadow master that my husband just said in his words.

As for his real name, Li Kan, it was only today that he knew his husband for the first time.

If it wasn't for the shadow master himself telling you his real name in front of you and the queen mother, it would be very difficult for a husband to know the shadow master's surname and name.

Spy spy, a powerful underground force that existed when the father was in power.

They secretly monitored the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and the officials of various state capitals for the father. They were also responsible for monitoring the border generals, investigating the enemy's intelligence, and suppressing some restless forces in the rivers and lakes.

It can be said that in all walks of life in the world, whether it is high-ranking officials, generals, soldiers, or traffickers, there may be spies and spies.

No matter what power it is, as long as there is something that is not conducive to the court, they all have the right to execute themselves.

It can also be said that it is cut first and played later, and the imperial power licenses it.

It is not particularly clear whether the power of Spy Shadow Agent was formed after his father succeeded to the throne, or was formed by Emperor Weihe or even an earlier emperor.

So far, Weifu's understanding of Spy Shadow is only that they are a powerful underground organization, and Weifu also has only a half-knowledge about how powerful they are.

So far, I myself have not seen the true full picture of The Spy.

In the assassination at Fengyundu that year, although all the top experts of Spy Shadow appeared, there were not too many ordinary experts.

At that time, my husband could vaguely guess from the words of the film master that the spy shadow spies who appeared in Fengyundu were just the tip of the iceberg of all their spy shadow spies.

As for whether the actor is telling the truth, or deliberately exaggerating, I can't guarantee it.

Because my husband hadn't dealt too much with the spies over the years, ever since my husband announced the news of Ye'er's fake death to the world, the spies seemed to have disappeared from the world overnight.

She secretly sent people to search for her husband for many years, but found nothing.

Except for the spies from the Spy Shadow who showed up on their own initiative, it can be said that Wei Fu couldn't find any clues about any spies from the Spy Shadow.

Their hiding place has always been a mystery to the husband, and their concealment skills are also impeccable.

Over the years, regarding the spy shadow's hiding place, it can be said that the spy shadow spy has guarded every drop of water!

And the purpose of their hibernation is husband, needless to say, Yan'er, you should also be able to think... oh..."

Hearing her husband's heavy tone, the third princess involuntarily grabbed Young Master Liu's arm and hugged her in her arms, rubbing her husband's shoulder with a serious face, the third princess' voice trembled slightly.

"Re...restore the country!"

Liu Mingzhi clearly felt the trembling delicate body of the third princess in his arms, hugged the willow waist of the third princess tightly against his chest, and sighed faintly.

"Yes, restore the country! Execute me, Liu Mingzhi, a rebellious official who seeks power and usurp the throne, and restore the court of your Li family."

Even though she was hugged tightly by her husband's warm chest, the exquisite body of the third princess still trembled violently a few times uncontrollably.

"Husband, as a concubine... as a concubine... as a concubine..."

The third princess seemed to want to say something, but some words got stuck in her throat and she couldn't utter them. An unspeakable pain was written on her magnificent face.

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the three princesses in dejection, his pretty face entangled in grief, and his heart felt as painful as a knife.

"Silly Yan'er, my husband didn't tell you these things to accuse you, let alone to insinuate anything, my husband just told you these things not to make you think wildly.

When we were talking earlier, my husband, I noticed that your emotions were not quite right, so my husband left you alone and told you everything that needs to be said.

I do this for my husband because I don't want you to feel that because you are the daughter of the father and the third princess of the previous dynasty, the husband will intentionally try to alienate you.

Yan'er, Spy Shadow is Spy Shadow, you are you, this is not a question worthy of conflict.It doesn't matter what your identity is, the most important thing is that you are the first wife of your husband.

I, Liu Mingzhi, are your husband, Li Yan, and you, Li Yan, are my first wife, Liu Mingzhi. The rest are not important to us at all.

This alone is enough for you and me.

Good Yan'er, do you understand my husband's thoughts? "

The third princess frowned slightly and remained silent for a moment, her cherry lips raised an indescribably happy smile.

"Well! I understand now, thank you husband."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and kissed the third princess on the forehead: "Stupid or not, we've been a loving couple for 20 years, it's too much to thank you.

You can feel relieved if you can figure out the matter about Spy Shadow. I was afraid that you might feel depressed when I saw your expression before becoming a husband, but now I can finally rest assured. "


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"I have an unfeeling request, I wonder if my husband can agree to it?"

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a long time with a complex expression, and then said softly: "If there is a chance to clear up the past on the day of the appointment three days later, my husband also does not want to see some loyal seniors die in front of my husband.

Because my husband had the same beliefs as him back then, and understood his difficulties and feelings.Although we are enemies now, we know what it means to be a hero and cherish a hero as a husband.

People who were like-minded in the past have gradually become rivals who have different ways and do not seek each other, and it is also uncomfortable for a husband.

It's just that my husband can't decide these things alone, if the shadow master insists on going his own way, as a husband, I can only... only..."

The third princess suddenly raised her hand to cover Liu Mingzhi's lips, looked melancholy at Young Master Liu and nodded her phoenix head a few times.

"Husband, you don't need to continue talking, I understand, I understand everything.

No matter what, you must come back safe and sound. The other concubines don't need to care, but the concubine cares about your safety.

If... your husband, if you can't fulfill my request to let you return safely, when the news of your bad news comes, it will be the day when I will go with you. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the delicate face of the third princess who suddenly became firm and decisive, and his face suddenly changed: "Fart, Li Yan, listen to me, if you dare to act recklessly, don't blame your husband for turning your face against you."

The third princess looked at her husband's suddenly serious face, and lowered her phoenix head in aggrieved eyes: "Then... then husband, you must promise that I will come back safely."

"I...promise you for my husband, why don't you promise me everything you say for my husband?
Let's not talk about these things for now, my husband has his own confidence in the matter of going to the appointment, and I will never let Yan'er worry you, so put your heart in your stomach!
Yan'er, I think it's necessary for my husband to talk to you about doing this worthless bastard. Now this kid is disappointing my husband more and more. "

The third princess's originally pitiful expression suddenly became flustered.

"Husband, what happened to him? Has he caused some trouble again?
Impossible!The child has stayed at home for the past two weeks and read sage articles, except for attending Cheng Zhi's wedding banquet, he has never gone out at all.

This is what my concubine saw with her own eyes, what kind of trouble could he cause by staying at home? "

(End of this chapter)

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