My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2549 Those who can live there?

Chapter 2549 Those who can live there?
Liu Mingzhi looked at the third princess's sudden uneasy expression, and hurriedly waved his hands to signal the beauty to be safe and calm.

"Yan'er, stop thinking about it, this brat really hasn't caused any trouble recently, don't act like you're making a fuss just after hearing a few words from your husband, okay?"

The restlessness on the third princess' pretty face gradually calmed down, and she looked at First Young Master Liu with doubts in her eyes.

"Since Cheng Qian hasn't caused any trouble recently, why did you just say that your son has let you down more and more?"

Before Liu Mingzhi's eyes, the image of Liu Chengqian holding those Confucian classics and chewing on words appeared in front of his eyes, and he felt a little irritable.

In the past few years since he proclaimed himself emperor, he has never prohibited any of Liu Chengzhi and his brothers and sisters from reading classics about power and tactics.

Although he took care of Cheng Zhi a little bit in some aspects, but he was also secretly watching every move of their brothers, sisters and others.

I have seen Liu Chengqian's obsession with Confucian classics not once or twice, and it's not like I have never called this brat, but I really don't know if this brat is really confused or pretends to be confused. After listening to what I said No changes have been made at all.

Like him, if the country is handed over to him in the future, I really can't imagine what kind of situation this great river and mountain will turn into.

Liu Mingzhi does not object to his children learning Confucian classics, because even he himself sometimes reads the articles of sages!

It's just that there needs to be a limit to everything, and once this limit is exceeded, things will become unpredictable.

Subconsciously, he wanted to pick up the pipe on the table and take a few sips, but suddenly he thought of the third princess snuggling in his arms, and Liu Mingzhi retracted his outstretched hand.

The third princess had already sensed her husband's movements, she glanced back, smiled lightly, picked up the bong on the table and stuffed it into Young Master Liu's hand.

"If you want to take two puffs, just take two puffs. If the smoke is too much, I can cover my mouth and nose with my sleeves."

The third princess did not wait for Liu Mingzhi's consent before she finished speaking, she untied the purse wrapped around the tobacco rod, squeezed out some shredded tobacco from the purse and put it in the cigarette pot, then leaned slightly and raised the table case The candlestick on the top moved to the smoke pot and lit the shredded tobacco in the smoke pot.

The beauty was so gentle, considerate, and understanding, so Young Master Liu couldn't evade any more, so he took two mouthfuls of force and spit the faint smoke into the air.

"Yan'er, this kid Chenggan has indeed been staying at home to review the articles of sages and sages these days, and my husband also knows this.

But the problem that Wei Fu wants to talk about lies in these so-called sage articles, and the books he read are all bullshit articles.

What is the use of reading those books every day?Does he plan to become a doctor of Guozijian who only knows about Zheye in the future?
I don't mean to look down on those doctors who have read poetry and books in the Imperial College. Each person has his own use, which is understandable for the husband.

However, others can become a doctor of Guozijian to teach and educate people, and even have peaches and plums all over the world, but Chengqian's child can't, specifically, it should be all the children under his husband's knees.

Cheng Qian is the prince of the current dynasty, not those students who have studied hard for ten years and need to take the imperial examination to get into official career.

His eyes should be on that chair... Ahem... His eyes should be long-term, not only him, but all his brothers and sisters should be long-term.

One day at a time, one knows by reading the articles of this Ziyue and that Ziyue. The key is to read so many Ziyue articles, can the country be governed well?Can you rule the world?
The Confucian classics want great harmony in the world, long-term peace and stability in the world, but has this world ever been in peace and stability for a long time?Not to mention Datong under heaven.

My husband is now the king of a country, and I want the world to be unified more than anyone else.

However, as a husband, I can tell you resolutely, not to mention being a husband, even if you are a successor, or even the descendants of future generations, if you work hard for three to five hundred years, the world will never think about the real Datong.

people!There is always selfishness. Once there is selfishness, it means that people will have class distinctions, and if there are class distinctions, it means that the world will never be united.

Cheng Qian wants to be familiar with the Confucian classics, but the husband does not object, but the husband does not want him to indulge in the content of the Confucian classics.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he has not read any of the books that he should read as a prince, and he has been reviewing the past one after another to learn the new about the books that he should not read.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the mud cannot support the wall.

Over the years, I have never prohibited any of these children under my husband's knees from reading the books and classics they should read.

But what?These bastards are not up to par one by one, especially Cheng Gan, who asked Liu Song to send so many books to each of them because of his husband, but look at what he reads.

In addition to those who are also, or those who are.

It is neither up to date, nor successful.I was wise and wise, how did I give birth to such bastards. "

The third princess was originally an ice-snow smart woman with a pure heart and a beautiful heart. From her husband's words, and from her husband's expression of hating iron and steel, she had already understood the deep meaning of her husband's words.

Doesn't your husband mind Gan'er competing for that position?

All these years, my husband has never established the position of crown prince. Could it be that my husband did it on purpose, just to let Chengfeng, Chengzhi and Gan'er brothers fight for that position by themselves.

Is your husband planning to let the capable live there?

The third princess couldn't help feeling a little confused, feeling in her heart that she had understood her husband's thoughts, but she was afraid that she might be wrong.

White teeth bit her red lips a few times, and the third princess looked into her husband's eyes tentatively.

"Then... that concubine took the time to be vigilant? Tell him to read more books that he should read?"

"What's the use of being vigilant? Beat them when they should be beaten? Beat them to death! A bunch of bastards, think that I can't beat them up with a training stick when I'm old?
It really annoyed Master Ben, and I broke his legs. "

The third princess looked at her husband's sulky face, and finally confirmed her husband's intentions. It turned out that the husband really didn't mind his son fighting for the position.

Is it just that my son is that material?The nerd appearance of her son when he was reading appeared in front of her eyes, and the third princess herself couldn't help but doubt it.

"Oh! I know, I will teach him well when I find time!"

"Just don't be soft-hearted when the time comes, the husband has seen through it, these little bastards just need to be dealt with.

Yan'er, it's getting late, I've told you everything I need to say about my husband, you got up so early today, if you're tired, go back and rest earlier. "

The third princess glanced at the flickering red candle on the desk, and leaned against her husband's chest with a delicate face and blushing.

"Husband, I want to be with you today, love me."

Young Master Liu glanced sideways at the charming and shy phoenix eyes of the third princess, hesitated for a moment, and happily whispered something in the ear of the third princess.

The third princess's cheeks were flushed and hot, and she nodded her head, got up and walked towards the soft place behind the bookshelf where Young Master Liu usually took a nap.

After the third princess got up, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to pick up the pen to wash the hair on his hair, dipped it in the ink, and wrote silently on a piece of rice paper with a face as silent as water.

After a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi dried the rice paper written with vigorous and powerful characters, folded the rice paper, got up and walked out of the study.

Standing at the lighted place under the corridor of the study, Liu Mingzhi gestured to the hazy night sky with the bright moonlight on his solemn expression.

About half a cup of tea time, a beautiful figure with foresight nearly volleyed over to Young Master Liu and saluted.

"Queer sees the young master."


"Master Xie, does the young master Kui Ye summon Que'er for something important?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, handed the rice paper in Suzaku's hand, leaned forward and whispered some words into Suzaku's ear.

Suzaku's originally charming and bewitching eyes suddenly became a little fierce, and she secretly put away the rice paper in her hand and nodded slightly to Young Master Liu.

"Que'er understands, Que'er will leave."

"Hmm. Be safe."

"Yes, thank you young master for your concern, Que'er will leave."

During the several ups and downs, the beautiful figure of Suzaku gradually disappeared under the hazy moonlight, and the courtyard of the study regained its tranquility, as if no one had appeared.

Liu Mingzhi slightly raised his head and stared at the bright moon in the sky, his eyes were sometimes excited, sometimes surprised, and finally recovered the simple and unwavering calm.

"Show Master, Movie Master, it's been five years, don't let me down, young master!

You are old, and so is my young master. It is time to settle all the past, all the grievances and hatreds. "

After muttering something softly, Liu Mingzhi's aloof and cold demeanor disappeared immediately, and he returned to the study with his big hands rubbed and a laugh.

About half a stick of incense time, the inside and outside of the study under the hazy moonlight is already full of spring.

(End of this chapter)

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