Chapter 2551 Come Back Alive
Liu Chengzhi was severely hit by the behavior of many mothers who valued their daughters-in-law and despised their sons, and stood there sullenly with a depressed face.

Liu Chengzhi really couldn't figure it out, it was obvious yesterday that his son was the eldest son and the son was the shortest, how could he become like this in just one night?

Didn't it mean that daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are natural enemies?How did you change your appearance when you came here?

Good guy, all the words I thought about along the way to make mothers not embarrass Jingyao, a new daughter-in-law, were all in vain.

First Young Master Liu glanced at Liu Chengzhi's bitter expression, which seemed to be unrequited, put down his teacup and coughed twice.

"Chengzhi, Jingyao."

"The child is here."

"It's getting late, go to Xiyuan to serve tea to your grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, and the four elders, and go back to rest after serving the tea.

I was busy all day yesterday, and I got up so early today, so I went back early to rest and refresh myself. "

"Yes, baby retire."

"Mother, all aunts, the child will leave."

"My daughter-in-law is leaving."

"Okay, okay, slow down on the road."

After the young couple saluted and left the main hall hand in hand, Young Master Liu looked around at the beauties drinking tea silently, shook his head casually, got up and walked towards the back of the hall.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have breakfast?"

The girls quickly responded, put down their teacups and followed her husband.

At about three poles in the sun, the young master Liu, who was full of tea and food, sat silently under the gazebo in the garden for a long time, looked up at the bright sun in the sky, got up and rushed towards Liu Zhian's study.

"Old man, have you settled the accounts in your hand?"

Liu Zhi'an heard the words of Young Master Liu who arrived before he arrived, and calmly drew a horizontal line with the tip of the pen on the ledger, then put down the pen in his hand and looked towards the door, as if he knew all along. It seems that Young Master Liu will come here.

In the blink of an eye when Liu Zhi'an put down his pen, Young Master Liu walked into the study with a slightly unruly figure.

Seeing the old man who was staring at him motionless, Young Master Liu walked over to a chair beside him and sat down, picked up the teapot and cup and poured himself a few cups of tea.

"Old man, why have you been staring at me, young master? It seems that young master has flowers on his face, do you suddenly feel that young master is less and less like your old man?

By the way, have all the accounts for today been settled? "

Liu Zhi'an ignored Young Master Liu who had a hippie smile on his face, squinted his eyes and remained silent for a long time, reached out and took out a token from his cuff and slapped it on the table.


First Young Master Liu raised his brows, put down his teacup, got up and walked towards Liu Zhian's desk.

Reaching out his hand to pick up the token engraved with golden willow leaves, Young Master Liu put it in his cuff with a smile and gave Liu Zhi'an a thumbs up.

"Why don't we say that we are close fathers and fathers! As far as the tacit understanding between our fathers and fathers is, there are not many of them in the world!
This alone is enough to show that my mother really loves you, she didn't do anything to apologize to you when she was young. "

"Ahem... You bastard can live so long, it's because of God's displeasure! Get out of here, don't make me angry."

Seeing the twitching corners of his old man's eyes, Young Master Liu immediately waved his hands and walked quickly towards the study door.

"Come on, you're always going to settle accounts, so my young master will leave first."

"and many more!"

"Huh? Old man, do you have anything else to say?"

Liu Zhi quietly looked at Young Master Liu who was holding the door frame with a curious face, the worry in the depths of his pupils flashed away, and then he picked up the brush on the brush washer in a careless gesture.

"I haven't hugged my grandson yet, so don't die too early. Don't leave earlier than me, and you won't be able to enter the Liu family's ancestral grave!
Come back alive. "

Liu Mingzhi's expression sank for a moment, and he immediately looked at Liu Zhi'an with a playful smile.

"Old man, don't worry, my young master, I haven't inherited the Wanguan family property in your hands, so I can't bear to report to King Yan so early.

When are you lying in that long box, I will think about this matter again, Master Ben. "

"Fucking lady, get out!"

Young Master Liu shrank his head, dodged the boots thrown by Liu Zhi'an and ran towards the outside of the study.

After leaving the courtyard of Liu Zhi'an's study, Liu Mingzhi's footsteps gradually slowed down, he took out the token engraved with golden silk willow leaves from his cuff and looked at it for a long time, Young Master Liu turned towards his own with a solemn expression. Go in the direction of the study.

"Old man, don't worry, I won't let a white-haired person give you a black-haired person.

You have worked hard for most of your life, and this young master will take care of you until the end of your life no matter what. "

"Come on."


"It is said that Liu Song will meet me in the study immediately."

"As ordered."

As soon as First Young Master Liu reached the study, Liu Song followed closely behind and ran into the study.

"Huh...huh...young master, what's your order for the young one?"

Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair and picked up a pen to dip in the ink, and wrote some content on the rice paper with a pen and a snake. He picked up the rice paper and blew on the ink a few times, folded it up, put it in an envelope, and handed it to Liu Song.

"Immediately send this letter to the young master, my elder brother Song Qing. You have to make a trip yourself, and you must hand the letter into his hands."

Seeing the young master's dignified expression, Liu Song didn't dare to hesitate at all, took the letter into his arms and ran out of the study.

"The little one understands, the little one will leave first."

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at the arrangement in the study, got up and left the study, and hurried towards the courtyard where Liu Xuan lived in Xiyuan.

Although Liu Mingzhi didn't exaggerate anything intentionally, everyone in the Liu Mansion who saw First Young Master Liu could feel the solemnity of the atmosphere from the aura exuded by Young Master Liu.

As if something big was about to happen.

After Young Master Liu rushed to the courtyard where the younger sister lived, the younger sister Liu Xuan was sitting cross-legged on the lawn in the garden, practicing silently with her five hearts facing the sky.

Seeing this scene, Liu Mingzhi hastily slowed down his steps. He is also in an innate realm, so he naturally understands that his little sister is currently cultivating to a good stage, and if he disturbs her, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Liu Mingzhi looked around, found a place a little far away from Liu Xuan's position, and sat down lightly in front of the steps, gently shaking the folding fan in his hand and quietly observing the situation of his younger sister Liu Xuan.

About half an hour later, the dense air lingering around Liu Xuan's graceful jade body gradually dissipated. Liu Xuan, who was motionless on the lawn with her legs crossed, exhaled lightly, turned her head and faced the sitting on the steps. Young Master Liu looked over.

"Brother, you are here."

Liu Mingzhi immediately got up and walked towards Liu Xuan: "Brother saw that your inner strength cultivation was getting better when he came, so he didn't dare to disturb you. How is it? How do you feel?"

"It's pretty good, the zhenqi has been running along the eight extraordinary meridians for two big circles, and it's much more solidified than before.

The highest level of the Tiangang finger, the little girl Kaitian can now perform it with ease and ease. "

"That's good, that's good, the more solid your realm is, the more at ease big brother will feel.

Years ago, when Brother Fengyundu in Xinzhou and I were assassinated, even though you and my brother and sister joined forces to fight against the enemy, they were still manipulated like ants in the hands of Shadow Guardian. root thorn.

Although the wound has healed, the traces of the scars left behind will never disappear. Brother doesn't want that kind of scene to happen to you and my brother and sister again. "

Liu Xuan looked at her elder brother's mournful and gloomy expression, and nodded her head solemnly with her beautiful eyes.

"Brother, you can't forget the past, how could Xuan'er ever forget it! If we really want to meet each other this time, it will be the moment when you and I, brother and sister, will have to pay our respects.

Brother, time waits for no one. In order to be safe, let's take the time to feed each other! "

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and suddenly pinched the sword finger of his right hand without any warning and swung it towards Liu Xuan's bullying Saixue's jade neck.

Liu Xuan didn't expect her elder brother to do it as soon as she said so, and feeling the sharp aura from her elder brother's fingertips, Liu Xuan frowned slightly and quickly flew away behind her.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Xuan narrowly escaped what seemed to be a fatal blow from First Young Master Liu, and when she sensed the sharp sword fingers of her elder brother, Liu Xuan's two slender fingers on her right hand lingered and pointed at Young Master Liu's. The sword commander swung away.

"Brother, take a snap of your fingers from my younger sister, you must not be merciful."

At the point where the fingers of the two brothers and sisters intersected, the sound of golden spears echoed in the courtyard.

Liu Xuan stared coldly at the big brother whose body was protected by the qi lingering around him, and quietly flipped her left hand towards Young Master Liu's face.

"Take another move from my little sister to shake Yue with a flick of the finger."

Young Master Liu felt the power of the little girl's fingertips that was powerful enough to break mountains and rocks, and her pupils suddenly shrank, and her figure turned around in the air and flew back behind her.

Instead of retreating, Liu Xuan advanced, a wave of true energy emerged from the tip of her two fingers, and the sword blade slashed towards the elder brother's waist.

"Finger to Tiangang."

"The third sword song is the setting sun."

(End of this chapter)

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