My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2552 Liu Mingzhi is here, no one is above

Chapter 2552 Liu Mingzhi is here, no one is above
Brother and sister Liu Mingzhi and Liu Xuan clashed their fingertips with sword blades condensed with true energy, and a strong wind suddenly swept across the small courtyard.

Ripples of true energy visible to the naked eye destroyed the neat lawn on the grass, and the beautiful August chrysanthemum in the flower bed beside it.

The grass clippings are flying, the autumn chrysanthemums are swaying, and everything in the garden is struggling in the criss-crossing wind.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the young girl Liu Xuan's black hair fluttering and flying like willow branches in the wind, her calm face tightened slightly when she saw that her face was still swaying in the air without any change.

It seems that her offensive didn't make Xuan'er feel the slightest pressure at all.

Young Master Liu's lingering right hand suddenly withdrew, flipped around in the air and jumped towards the back of his little sister Liu Xuan.

"The eighth sword song ghost howling."

At the same time as the words fell, Young Master Liu's fingertips slashed toward the atrium of Liu Xuan's back with a more fierce sword energy with the momentum of thunder.

Looking at the sword aura that seems to be holding a destructive force, it can be seen that Liu Mingzhi has no intention of holding back his younger sister Liu Xuan at all.

Liu Xuan's jade cheeks were calm, and her delicate body turned slightly to avoid the sharp sword energy that hit her heart.

The moment the cherry lips opened and closed, Liu Xuan's jade arms flipped, and a fierce wind that was more terrifying than the sword energy of Liu Dashao's fingertips surged from Liu Xuan's body, forming a sharp blade with condensed true energy at her fingertips and shooting at her. It touched Young Master Liu's throat.

Young Master Liu only felt a wave of energy coming towards him that made him tremble with fear, and out of instinct, he directly leaned back with a hard work on the iron bridge.

The moment Liu Mingzhi bent his waist, the sharp blade condensed with true energy swept past Young Master Liu's chin, and continued to shoot towards the rockery behind Young Master Liu.

A moderate muffled sound came into the ears of Liu Mingzhi brother and sister, and the eyes of the two brothers and sisters silently looked towards the rockery in the distance.

I saw the protruding corner of the top of the strangely shaped rockery, sliding down to the grass below without a sound, and with a muffled bang, a stone the size of a human head fell heavily on the grass. superior.

After the stones were stabilized on the lawn, a plane as smooth as a mirror surface appeared in the eyes of the two brothers and sisters.

Brother and sister Liu Mingzhi looked at the smooth stone with complex expressions for a moment, then turned their heads to look at each other.

After a moment of silence, the brother and sister spoke in unison.

"Brother, Xuan'er can't be cruel."

"Xuan'er, big brother can't be cruel."

Brother Liu and his sister were startled for a moment, and they couldn't help grinning at each other as they looked at each other.

Liu Mingzhi sighed with a complex expression, sat cross-legged on the lawn, untied the pipe from his waist, lit it with a torch, and took a few mouthfuls of smoke forcefully.

"Xuan'er, if you had used all your strength just now, brother, I would either have a wound on my chin or a wound on my forehead, and even the rockery next to me would not just lose my head, at least my body would be smashed to pieces."

Liu Xuan casually sat on the lawn, bent her arms and hugged her knees, her round chin silently tapped on her knees and glanced at the stones that fell on the grass not far away.

"Brother, you didn't use all your strength for the eighth sword song ghost howl that you leaped behind Xuan'er just now, did you?

If the elder brother used all his strength, at least half of the clothes on Xuan'er's body would become tattered, and a wound on the left waist would be minor.

The main reason is that Xuan'er always subconsciously doesn't use zhenqi to protect her body when she is doing tricks with her elder brother.

Brother, you also didn't use true energy to protect your body, and after the howling of ghosts and gods just now, brother has the potential to launch another fatal blow.

If the elder brother didn't have the spare power to control, Xuan'er would have no spare power to fight back with a flick of the sky, so he could only passively defend the elder brother's attack.

oops!What can I do about this? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
It's better to just rely on instinct to perform some common moves where you attack and defend, it's better to keep the true energy in your body and rest well, waiting for the date of the appointment. "

Liu Mingzhi smacked the cigarette pot on the sole of his shoe: "There's no way, the main reason is that the two of us are not much different in realm, and it's hard to control not to hurt each other under the ultimate move of going all out.

It's better not to practice, as you said, right now it's better to keep the true energy in your body and wait for the appointment! "

"Well, that's all I have to do. By the way, brother, have you notified all the people who should be notified?
The film master invited you to the banquet so swaggeringly, he must have come prepared, this banquet is the kind of grand banquet that spies masters do their best.

If you don't prepare well this time, maybe we really might come back in a bad way, but if it's just a bad thing, it's fine, at best it's just a matter of losing face.

I'm afraid that the shadow master has murderous intentions and wants to directly take your head!
It is a matter of life, you must not be careless, you must treat it carefully. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, took out several tokens from his cuffs and placed them one by one on the lawn in front of Liu Xuan.

"Each piece of token can send enough masters to be used by me, as long as the sky doesn't kill you, brother, I have enough confidence to come back alive.

As for whether he can escape unscathed, the eldest brother can't guarantee that.

After all, the strength of Spy Shadow is quite strong, and the information that my brother and I have here is only a little bit, but judging from the serious expression of the old man, Spy Shadow's strength should not be ordinary.

The power that can make our old man fear it is naturally not to be underestimated.

No matter what, I can see the real chapter in two days, and I only have two days to prepare. "

Liu Xuan's slender light-white fingertips slid across several tokens one by one, and turned to look at her elder brother's face that was also ready for battle.

"Brother, no matter how difficult it is to deal with Spy Shadow, we brothers and sisters will definitely be able to fight a bloody way out if we work together.

It doesn't matter how powerful his Spy Shadow is, this is within the capital, and now the capital is your territory, and the strong dragon still doesn't overwhelm the local snake!
What's more, brother, you are not a local snake, but a real dragon, and the emperor of the dynasty will have God's protection for you.

Xuan'er didn't believe that they Spy Shadows could turn the world upside down this time! "

"That's well said, then big brother will accept Xuan'er's good words to you."

Two days later, on August 24th in the fifth year of Taiping, when the sky was clear and the weather was warm, Liu Mingzhi went out of the city to attend the appointment as scheduled.

On the official road leading to the imperial mausoleum in the suburbs of Beijing, Liu Mingzhi and Liu Xuan, brothers and sisters, are rushing towards the imperial mausoleum hand in hand, three to five miles away from the gate of the capital.

Young Master Liu held the scabbard of the Heavenly Sword in one hand, and a food box with an ordinary shape and atmosphere in the other. His expression was as comfortable as if he was going on an outing outside the city.

Although Liu Xuan's jade hands were empty, but from the exquisite sword hilt that appeared from time to time from her willow waist wrapped in a strong dress, it could be seen that this girl was carrying a fine steel soft sword that looked like a spirit snake.

The faces of the brother and sister were calm and breezy, they didn't seem to be going to a Hongmen banquet where a bloody fight might start, but rather relaxed and freehand like they were visiting relatives and friends.

After walking for about six miles, more than [-] people in gray robes, men, women and children, with bamboo hats on their heads quietly appeared behind the two brothers and sisters.

Although the weapons in the hands of the more than two thousand gray-robed men were varied, it could be seen from the cold and stern aura on their bodies that these weapons had all drank blood.

After walking for another half mile, more than a thousand people in plain clothes wearing plain gauze and bamboo hats quietly appeared on the official road on the left side of the gray-robed man. He had the same stern aura as the man in gray robe.

More than a thousand people in plain clothes quietly walked behind the two brothers and sisters and the gray robe on the right, tacitly walking, as silent as a dumb who can't speak.

Although the two groups of people didn't speak, the identities of the two groups of people can be seen from the inscriptions on their waists from time to time.

About half a mile further, on the north and south sides of the road leading to the official road, two groups of people appeared one after another.

There are about 4000 people in the group on the left fork, and in front of them are thousands of figures in uniform blue robes. They are gathering towards the main road of the official road at a leisurely pace. You can see the willow leaves embroidered on their chests.

Behind them are about three thousand figures in various costumes. Although the colors of their clothes are different, the chests of their clothes are all embroidered with silver willow leaves of the same size without a row.

Walking is also faintly visible under the reflection of sunlight.

On the fork opposite to the man in the green robe with golden willow leaves embroidered on his chest, there is a team of about two thousand people in black robes.

Except for the petite and beautiful woman in the lead, all the rest of the team had their faces covered with black cloth to hide their appearance.

After the two teams met on both sides of the official road, they stopped one after another. The leaders of the two teams nodded their heads and looked at Young Master Liu who had already walked up to him.

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and continued to rush towards the imperial mausoleum without stopping.

After a while, the two teams converged into the stream of people that stretched for miles along the official road.

A large number of people marched for about two and a half miles. A group of 2000 people wearing auspicious cloud badges on their waists and a group of people wearing wolf head bronze medals joined the brigade successively.

The six groups of men and horses together have exceeded ten thousand people, and more than ten thousand people are scattered on the official road, moving forward silently without any rules.

Some people take a sip from time to time with wine gourds or wine bags, some people gather together in small groups, talking and laughing, some people don't look at the road at all, just use the cloth in their hands to talk silently. Wiping the weapon in his hand.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this team of more than [-] people is a mob compared with the trained regular army. The scattered formation and undisciplined momentum are also inferior to the bandits and rogues.

Standing in the distance and taking a look, these ten thousand people are no different from those local hooligans who went to fight with their opponents in order to compete for territory.

At best, they are just local hooligans with more people and more power.

The closer to the imperial mausoleum, the line stretching above the official road gradually shortened, and after a while, there were only about a hundred people left.

Liu Mingzhi quietly inspected the entrance of the imperial mausoleum hundreds of steps away for a moment, then lifted the bamboo hat around his waist and put it on his head, and walked over swaggeringly.

Seeing this, Liu Xuan and the others also put on their bamboo hats one after another, and hundreds of people divided into two teams, one on the left and one on the right, and silently followed behind Liu Mingzhi.

"Who is coming? The place where the emperor's tomb is located, no one else can come near it."

Liu Mingzhi stopped slowly, raised his head slightly and glanced at the middle-aged man in black robe standing ten steps away holding a short knife from the corner of his eye, with a slight smile on his lips.

"This young master came to your appointment today as the film master, and your Excellency would ask who this young master is?

Your Excellency, you have to listen carefully. If you are not talented, you are under Liu Mingzhi, and there is no one above you. "

(End of this chapter)

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