My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2553 I'm afraid of death!You are not afraid?

Chapter 2553 I'm afraid of death!You are not afraid?
The man in black robe holding a short knife was stunned subconsciously when he heard Liu Mingzhi's self-identification words, and leaned forward slightly to look at Young Master Liu's face under the bamboo hat.

There is no one above Liu Mingzhi.

mad!At first glance, this sentence can be described as quite arrogant.

However, if the visitor was really Liu Mingzhi, it would be reasonable for him to declare himself so. After all, in terms of his current status, no one would dare to surpass him.

It is not an exaggeration for Liu Mingzhi to say that there is no one above him.

After the man in black leaned forward and finally saw Young Master Liu's true appearance clearly, he immediately straightened up and punched Young Master Liu with a complex and respectful expression.

"Li Xiao, the deputy commander of the Spy Shadow Soldiers Department, sees the side-by-side king, thousands of years old.

Forgive me for my poor eyesight, because the prince is wearing a bamboo hat to hide his appearance, I did not recognize the identity of the prince in the first place, there are many impolite words in the words, I hope the prince will be tolerant. "

Liu Mingzhi immediately raised his head when he heard the words, and looked calmly at Li Xiao, the deputy commander of the Spy Shadow, who was neither humble nor overbearing.

"You don't have to be so polite, my young master, I won't make it difficult for you because of some words, I'm not that narrow-minded.

This young master wearing a bamboo hat is also a helpless move. As the saying goes, it is easy to hide a spear, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow. Among you, there are people who want my young master's life. I think about my own life, so I don't wear a bamboo hat To confuse the audiovisual, I am not at ease in my heart.

After all, not everyone is as bright and aboveboard as your film master, and won't engage in backstabbing and hurting people!

Perhaps this young master's action is a bit of a villain's heart to judge a gentleman's belly, but in order to survive, this is not ashamed.

What do you think of this young master's words? "

Li Xiao listened to Young Master Liu's mixed praise and criticism of Spy Shadow, and smiled bitterly.

"Although the prince's words are not very pleasant, it is also human nature."

Liu Mingzhi stopped his scrutiny of Li Xiao, and looked up at the imperial tomb that he had visited many times.

"Where are you film masters? My young master, I was invited and came as scheduled, but he hasn't shown up to meet him until now. Isn't this a disrespect for hospitality?

What's the matter?Could it be that my identity as this young master is not enough for him to meet him in person?

If that's the case, the movie master must be a bit deceitful, right?
It seems a little inappropriate to say this, after all, the capital is my territory now, and you Spy Shadows are the guests.

If you put it that way, you movie masters seem to be a bit anti-customer. "

Li Xiao didn't expect Liu Mingzhi's words to be so sharp, looking at Liu Mingzhi's deep eyes, he didn't know how to reply for a while.

"Hahaha... the lord's words are serious, the old man is here too.

My lord, most of the brothers under this old man are vulgar warriors who are illiterate. Compared with you, a lord who has read poetry and books and has a brilliant literary talent, it is really not worth mentioning.

My lord, he may not be able to recognize all the words you just said on paper, so don't embarrass him.

The old man didn't know that the prince would go to the appointment so punctually, and he was too late to greet him, so he still hoped that the prince would be happy.

The bullying or anti-customer mentioned by the prince will naturally not happen, and the old man will never dare to be so presumptuous in front of the prince.

For the disrespect of the old man and his brothers, I hope the prince will forgive me. "

When Li Xiao was thinking about how to respond to Young Master Liu's sharp words more appropriately, an old but angry voice came from the depths of the imperial tomb behind Li Xiao.

At first glance, the words seemed to be full of self-modesty, but in fact, they also implied that Young Master Liu was fussing over a pawn.

The moment the voice fell, a figure in a black cloak was dodging on the main road of the imperial mausoleum like an eagle spreading its wings, and appeared in front of First Young Master Liu within a few jumps.

"The humble Li Xiao sees the Lord."

The film master nodded casually, and directly saluted Young Master Liu with a solemn expression.

"Old man Li Kan sees the side-by-side king, the prince is a thousand years old."

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the shadow master who bowed to him a few steps away, and the palm of his left hand holding the Heavenly Sword scabbard instinctively tensed up.

The strength of the film master, the old fox, is still as unfathomable as it was a few days ago!

Even though I won't be powerless to fight back against him, I'm afraid I won't be able to take advantage of it too much.

Thinking that there are still fifteen innate masters like him in Spy Shadow, Young Master Liu's mind involuntarily tensed even though he was full of confidence.

Since the film master dared to invite himself to come to the imperial mausoleum for an appointment so openly, he naturally had his confidence in thinking about it.

Facing this kind of scheming and powerful old fox, even if you have the confidence in your heart, you can't be careless, you can't be careless!
"Senior, you don't need to be too polite. You are an old man under the father's command. Although this king is the respect of the prince in the eyes of the senior, but as the son-in-law of the father, I dare not be arrogant in front of the senior. The senior is not polite. "

"Courtesy cannot be discarded, thank you, my lord."

"Senior is serious."

The sharp gaze exposed under the cloak of the shadow master casually sized up First Young Master Liu and the hundreds of attendant masters standing behind him. There was no surprise in his eyes, as if he had known this kind of scene for a long time.

The shadow master withdrew his gaze and turned slightly sideways, stretched out his slightly withered palm under the black cloak and waved it lightly.

"My lord please."

"Senior, you are being polite. You are a senior, so please invite me together."

The eyes under the shadow master's cloak looked in surprise at Young Master Liu who suddenly came to him, and after controlling the distance, he was about to walk shoulder to shoulder with him and shook his head gently.

"It seems that the prince is not usually worried that there will be arrows appearing from behind!"

"There is no way, one life, one autumn of grass and trees, the short life of a person is only a few dozen years, and the long life is only a hundred years.

Compared with vegetation, which can have the opportunity to die again, people are not so lucky.So, only those who cherish their lives can live longer.

Frankly speaking, this king is afraid of death, why?Isn't senior afraid? "

The shadow master stared at First Young Master Liu's calm and straightforward eyes for a moment, then nodded gently with his head hidden under the cloak.

"This old man is also afraid of death. Everyone in the world is afraid of death. This is human nature. It is just a lie to say that you are not afraid of death.

It's just that the old man has never seen such an open-minded and straightforward person as Wang Ye. There are not a few people who dare to face life and death, but daring to face life and death does not mean that they are not afraid of death.

For a person like the prince who dares to speak out about his weaknesses, the old man has no flattering words, so I admire him very much.

Most people in the world speak insincerely and do not agree with what they say. People with such an open-minded state of mind as the prince are rare in the world, rare in the world.

According to what the prince just said, the old man invites you together. "

"Senior is really generous, please."

"Li Xiao."

"I'm humble."

"The distinguished guest has arrived, you don't need to guard here anymore, just step back."

"Yes, I will resign from my humble position."

Li Xiao jumped up and disappeared at the entrance of the imperial mausoleum within a few ups and downs.

Young Master Liu and the film master chatted about insignificant topics, and walked towards the main mausoleum of the imperial mausoleum, talking and laughing.

Hearing the words of the two people talking happily, people who don't know what happened thought it was a pair of old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years talking to each other!

However, only those present could understand in their hearts that there were endless murderous intentions hidden under this seemingly peaceful scene.

Maybe the two were still having a good time chatting one moment, but the next moment they will be bloody with swordsmen.

In this scene where both sides were hiding their swords in their smiles, the expressions of Liu Xuan and the others became more and more serious.

Especially Liu Xuan, who approached her eldest brother without any trace.

Liu Xuan's beautiful eyes were twinkling and she silently looked at the environment on both sides of the road. Following the rhythm of her walking, her white and flawless right hand casually wandered around the soft sword hilt on Liu's waist from time to time, in case something happened.

(End of this chapter)

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