Chapter 2555
Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Zheng's portrait and said something on his own, got up and slapped the dust off his clothes a few times, and turned to look at Zhou Fei who was standing beside the altar with a complicated expression.

"Old Zhou, are you going to stay here with Father, or are you planning to go out with me to have a look?
This kind of scene may be seen once in a lifetime.It would be a bit regrettable if you missed it. "

Lao Zhou's face was a little hesitant, and he stroked the somewhat messy dust whisk in his hand for a moment, then Lao Zhou nodded slightly to Young Master Liu as a signal.

"The old servant will accompany the son-in-law to take a trip, not only to witness a rare scene in this world, but also to take a quick look, so as not to make too much noise and disturb His Majesty's spirit in heaven."

Liu Mingzhi was not surprised, he smiled casually, turned and walked out of the entrance of the main mausoleum.

Lao Zhou looked at Liu Mingzhi's back as stable as a mountain, bowed to Li Zheng's portrait a few times, and followed Young Master Liu with a flick of his whisk.

The moment Lao Zhou walked out of the entrance of the imperial mausoleum, his aura suddenly changed slightly, and his rickety body, which was about to rot, was deformed like a sharp knife that drank blood.

The hunched old man who was sitting cross-legged on the futon just now seemed to have turned into a downhill tiger in the blink of an eye.

The fierce aura was fleeting, and Lao Zhou turned into that humble hunchback again, as if the previous terrifying aura was just an illusion.

Liu Mingzhi, who was walking in front, felt the sharp aura of Lao Zhou behind him at that moment, paused slightly, and then continued to walk silently.

There was no intention of looking back at Old Zhou at all.

Liu Mingzhi tapped the scabbard of the Heavenly Sword lightly with his fingertips, and looked at the scenery around the main mausoleum with wistful eyes.

Although it is now the end of August, the scenery around the imperial mausoleum is still pleasant.

Innate, no matter how old you are, you are about to lie in a coffin, it is also innate, and it is an innate that can come and go freely among thousands of troops.

Although it is impossible to fight against thousands of troops, but thousands of troops are also unable to defeat the innate masters who can do nothing to them.

It is true that people are old, but the realm is not old!

Liu Mingzhi was a little confused and hesitant. He didn't know whose camp Lao Zhou, a long-famous innate master, would stand in later.

He may stand in his own camp because of the face of the three princesses, or he may stand in the spy shadow's camp just like Feng Yundu did that time.

After all, no matter how time goes by, Lao Zhou is still the same as before as a slave of the Li family, and this will not change because of the passage of time.

Judging from Lao Zhou's loyal behavior of staying outside Broken Dragon Stone for decades as his father Li Zhengshouling, the chances of him standing in the spy shadow may be higher.

Or maybe Lao Zhou will remain neutral and wait and see what happens to both sides impartially, but how likely is this possibility?
Liu Mingzhi himself didn't have any confidence, after all, only people's hearts are unpredictable.

As Yao'er said in the study a few days ago, in the existence of an innate master, the possible changes in it really have to be guarded against.

well!Let's take one step at a time, and hope that Lao Zhou will not be as stubborn as the movie master and the others.

Liu Mingzhi's thoughts raced away from the main mausoleum of the imperial mausoleum one after another with Old Zhou Yi, and rushed to the place where the shadow master, Liu Xuan and the others were.

The sharp eyes under the shadow master's cloak saw Lao Zhou behind Young Master Liu, the surprise in his eyes flashed away, and he gently raised his hand and punched Lao Zhou.

"Boss, the old man is polite."

Old Zhou sighed faintly, and returned a salute to the shadow master with a flick of his whisk.

"Brother Li, you are being polite."

The two seemed to be very acquainted, but also not so familiar, they just exchanged casual greetings and stopped talking.

It may also be because Young Master Liu is caught in the middle and it is inconvenient to say more.

"Brother, did anything unexpected happen?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Xuan who was approaching silently, and nodded slightly imperceptibly.

"For the time being, nothing unexpected has happened, just wait and see what happens and don't be careless, everything depends on the eyes of the elder brother, and don't act rashly without the instruction of the elder brother.

This imperial mausoleum seems to be calm and calm, who knows how many murderous intentions are hidden in private!One negligence, you and my brother and sister may be going to bliss early today.

Put away the flares in your cuffs, but make sure nothing goes wrong. "

Liu Xuan nodded cautiously with a pretty face, quietly retreated to the position three steps away from her elder brother and stood quietly.

The actor casually put down his slightly haggard hands, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with sharp eyes, as if he didn't see the picture of the brother and sister whispering together just now.

"My lord, the old man has already set up some beer wine in the pines and pine trees two miles away from the southeast corner. The weather is clear today and the wind is warm. It's a good time to drink. The old man invites the lord to have a few drinks.

I just don't know if the prince dares to go? "

Liu Mingzhi reached out and took off the Wanli Jiangshan carved jade fan at his waist, flicked it casually and fanned it lightly, looked at the actor calmly and deeply for a moment and smiled lightly.

"Senior was joking. Since I was invited to come to the banquet, is there any reason not to go, and is there any reason not to dare to say so? Please senior lead the way."

"My lord is proud, please."


After half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi and his party stopped in the pines and forests towards the southeast corner of the main mausoleum.

There is a low table in a relatively open place in the forest, and four jars of wine are placed on each side of the low table. The obvious traces of time on the wine jars can be seen to be aged for many years fine wine.

On the low table are two dishes of exquisite dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, and two sets of wine sets placed opposite each other. Although it is not grand, it is also very elegant.

Standing under the cypress tree behind the low table are dozens of figures in black robes. Fifteen of them are covered in black cloaks just like the protagonist, with only a pair of eyes and a little face exposed. As for their identities, it is not clear. And metaphor.

If nothing else, it must be the Four Great Dharma Kings of Wind, Thunder, Rain and Lightning in Spy, and the remaining eleven Shadow Guardians.

Liu Mingzhi's eyes never moved away from them after seeing them for the first time, calmly looking up and down at the fifteen cloaked men more than ten steps away, as if he was distinguishing the specific identity of each of them.

Liu Mingzhi met these masters once when he was in Fengyundu, and later met several of them again at Tao Ying's home.

If he was unfamiliar, Liu Mingzhi would never forget the past when they almost killed him. If he was familiar, Liu Mingzhi had never seen the true face of any of them.

The dead Maoying was certainly not among them.

It's very helpless to say that if they don't open their mouths to reveal their identities, I can't recognize who they are just based on their current appearance.

The film master didn't care that Young Master Liu carefully examined the actions of the Four Great Dharma Kings and the Shadow Protectors, and waved his hand as he pointed to the table in front of him where the food and drinks were placed.

"My lord, please sit down and have a glass of thin wine. I hope your lord will not be disgusted."

Liu Mingzhi focused his eyes for a moment, glanced at the environment in the pines and cypresses, raised his hands and smiled lightly, took off the bamboo hat over his head and sat cross-legged on the futon in front of the low table.

"Senior, please sit down too."

After seeing First Young Master Liu taking his seat, the film master silently walked to the futon opposite Young Master Liu, straightened his black robe and sat down cross-legged.

Liu Mingzhi lightly shook the folding fan in his hand, and looked thoughtfully at the opposite Shadow Master who was completely covered in a cloak.

"Senior, to this day, you and I have sat and drank together, don't you plan to let this junior see your true face in Mount Lu?
To be honest, although we are not very familiar with each other, the junior is very curious about the identity of the senior!

Of course, what the junior is talking about is not the senior's current identity as the Spy Shadow Master, but the senior's appearance and the layer of identity on the ordinary surface.

You and I have been dealing with each other for so many years, the senior knows everything about the junior, but the junior understands very little about the senior.

To say that you have only a half-knowledge is already a junior, and I am boasting in order to save my face. I am afraid that even if you walk up to this junior with your true colors on weekdays, I may not be able to recognize an expert. right in front of you.

Now that you and I are sitting opposite each other drinking, shouldn't the senior openly let the junior see the true face of the senior?

After all, it is not a gentleman to drink with distinguished guests with a cloak covering your face! "

(End of this chapter)

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