My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2556 Willing to give up his life to light the lamp

Chapter 2556 Willing to give up his life to light the lamp

Because of what Young Master Liu said, the film master opposite Young Master Liu chuckled angrily a few times, picked up the chopsticks on the side plate, wiped them several times with a spotless silk cloth, and placed them in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"This old man is just an old man on the verge of death, why should the prince be so curious?

It's not that the old man is unwilling to show his true face, but that the old man is afraid that the prince will be shocked when he sees the old man's true face.

If that's the case, it's better not to watch it.

The prince's curiosity doesn't need to be so important, people, apart from the distinction between men and women, there is no big difference after all. "

Liu Mingzhi silently squinted his eyes and looked at the shadow master opposite, as if he wanted to see something, he shook the folding fan in his hand and pondered for a moment, Young Master Liu let out a soft breath. .

"Senior, this king is already 40 years old this year. Although the past few decades can't be called a lot of knowledge, but traveling here and there, traveling north and south for so many years is still somewhat insignificant.

Although this king's knowledge is not as good as your senior's, it's not enough to be startled by a person's appearance.

Of course, it seems a bit arrogant to say so, and it is not impossible for this king to be shocked.

To say something that the senior doesn't like, unless the senior's appearance is really indescribable, the younger generation may be shocked.

Secondly, there is another possibility that the younger generation will also be shocked. "

"Oh? The old man would like to hear the details."

"The possibility that the king mentioned is that the senior is an acquaintance of the king, if this is the possibility, the king will also be surprised.

I just don't know if the seniors dare to show their true colors to others? "

"Hehe... the prince is too worried, the prince doesn't need to use words to test the identity of the old man.

No matter whether the prince believes the old man's words or not, the old man is really just an ordinary person, not anyone that the prince is acquainted with. "

"Really? Even the Spy Shadow master claims to be an ordinary person, so how can the real ordinary people in the world call themselves?

Modesty is certainly a good thing, but too much modesty will appear a bit hypocritical. "

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's questioning, the actor shook his head lightly, reached out and lifted the flagon on the table and poured two glasses of wine.

"My lord, it doesn't matter if I don't mention the matter of the old man's appearance right now, when it's time for the lord to see it, I will let you see it, but it depends on whether the lord has the means to see the whole picture of the old man.

Come on, the old man first toasts the prince with a cup of thin wine. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the wine glass that the shadow master raised in mid-air, casually lowered his head and glanced at the wine glass that the shadow master put in front of him, and glanced vaguely at the wine jars on both sides of the low table, with a slight hesitation on his expression.

Kung fu has reached the state of my own now, any adverse effect will be fatal.

It's fine if the shadow master opposite is an ordinary person, even if it's a master of the third rank, he is not afraid, but the opponent is an innate master who is exactly like himself.

Moreover, he is an innate master whose strength is so powerful that it is even more unfathomable than himself.

If he didn't drink, he would already be at a disadvantage against the old fox, the film master, with his own strength. If he drank more alcohol, wouldn't he be at a disadvantage even more!

Fighting at the same level, even the slightest loophole will kill him!

Do you want to drink these wines yourself?Did the actor really just want to have a few drinks with him, or did he want to numb his mind with wine?

If it's the latter, what I'm drinking is wine, and what the film master is drinking is not water.

He will be affected by the drink, and he will also be affected by the drink, right?Isn't this a lose-lose behavior?

The film master looked at Young Master Liu's frowning expression, and raised his wine glass again to signal Young Young Master Liu.

"Why? Your lord won't suspect that I will poison the wine, will you?"

Liu Mingzhi reacted and shook his head without hesitation, staring calmly at the shadow master opposite.

"Naturally, this king will not doubt senior. With senior's strength and status, he doesn't even bother to commit such low-level behaviors as poisoning in wine.

Although this king is not very familiar with the character of the senior, but this king believes in the dignity of a master. "

"Then the prince is afraid that drinking too much wine will affect his strength then?"

The suspicion in the depths of Liu Mingzhi's eyes disappeared for a moment, and he looked calmly at the old and sharp eyes of the shadow master, neither nodding his head in recognition nor shaking his head in denial.

Under the cloak, the shadow master snorted again, and under Liu Mingzhi's surprised eyes, the shadow master picked up the wine glass and sent it directly under the cloak.

In the blink of an eye, the film master gestured to Liu Mingzhi with the bottomless wine glass in his hand, and naturally put it on the table and filled the pot with wine again.

"Actually, this old man's drinking capacity is not much stronger than that of the prince, so in the face of a distinguished guest like the prince, the old man has no choice but to do it first as a respect.

However, whether the prince drinks or not is his own business, the old man will not care about it, let alone underestimate the prince because of it. "

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and remained silent for a moment, reached out his hand to pick up the wine glass in front of him, gestured to the film master, put it in his mouth and drank it down in one gulp.

Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly after tasting the clear and mellow taste of the wine in his mouth.

"Good wine."

"The lord is indeed a hero, if it wasn't for the good fortune to trick people, the old man and the lord should be able to have a good time with each other and talk freely about the world's affairs.

No matter what!No matter what!
The sauced beef and stewed tofu are the two dishes that the old man personally likes. If it doesn't suit the prince's taste, I hope the prince will be tolerant.

No matter what, please give me a taste or two. "

"Senior is polite."

Liu Mingzhi picked up a piece of sauced beef with his chopsticks and put it into his mouth. After savoring the aroma of the beef for a moment, he swallowed it directly into his stomach.

Young Master Liu put down his chopsticks with a thoughtful expression, and filled his wine glass with the pot.

"Senior, in fact, you should be clearer than most people. Now that the general situation of the world is fixed, if you want to help the old master in the hands of this king, it is not impossible to restore the former dynasty.

However, this kind of opportunity is very small for you.

You lead a group of brothers under your command to continue this futile struggle. Do you really think there is any point in continuing to dormant like this?

What is going on in the world today does not need to be told by me, seniors should have witnessed it with their own eyes over the years.

Outside, no strong enemy dares to invade the frontier; inside, the people are well-fed.

This king governs the country, the national power is booming day by day, the people live and work in peace and contentment, the world is peaceful, the sea is clear and the rivers are clear.Outside the king's court, the army opened up the territory and expanded the territory, exalted our great dragon's national prestige, the four barbarians obeyed, and all nations came to the court.

It is not an exaggeration to say that such a big dragon is a prosperous and prosperous age that is rare in a century.

Under such a situation, the slim hope of restoring the country will not be changed because of your hard work and courage, seniors.

Seniors, if you continue like this, it will be nothing more than a mantis holding a chariot, and a mayfly shaking a tree. The seniors should know better than this king what it means to judge the situation.

Some things, if you know that you can't do it, you will do it, but the people in the world will suffer in the end.

If possible, I very much hope that I can make peace with the seniors and have a real drink and talk.

Although the senior has not really had much dealings with this king, the senior should have some understanding of this king's virtue.

I, Liu Mingzhi, will never go back on my word once I say it.

As long as the senior is willing to make peace with this king, if my father, elder brother, and Li Ye's children can give you spies, this king can give you all, and even double it.

Afterwards, if this king treats you the slightest unfairly, the sharp knife in the hands of seniors can take off the head of this king at any time, and this king will never complain.

Such sincerity, I don't know what the seniors think? "

Listening to Liu Mingzhi's sincere words, the actor under the cloak showed a faint complex meaning in his eyes. He picked up the wine glass and stared blankly for a long time, and sent it to his mouth.

After drinking the wine in the cup, the shadow master silently shook his head at Liu Mingzhi.

"The old man is not talented, so he has to dare to live up to the good intentions of the prince. The prince is right. The current situation is nothing more than a praying man's arm is like a car, and a mayfly is shaking a tree.

However, although it is difficult to see in the long night, the old man is still willing to risk his life to light the lamp.

As a minister, the old man can die, be smashed to pieces, and have his reputation ruined, but he cannot abandon his master and seek glory. "

Liu Mingzhi listened to the unremarkable but extremely decisive words of the movie master, he exhaled lightly, picked up the wine glass and drank silently.

"Senior... Senior don't think about it anymore?"

"My lord, the left and right are just seven-foot remnants, why bother to think carefully."

(End of this chapter)

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