My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2557 It's all about loyalty

Chapter 2557 It's all about loyalty

Liu Mingzhi heard from the actor's plain words that the two sides were determined to make peace, and he put down his wine glass lightly, and didn't plan to say anything about the drafts he had prepared in his heart.

After all, the actor has already spoken so clearly, so why waste his tongue!

"Senior, although I already know your decision and determination, I still want to ask one more question, do you really have a chance of winning?
To put it bluntly, Senior doesn't have any foreign aid to support you except for the spies under your command.

Even though your spy shadow spies are like clouds of masters, but this king also has millions of elite troops under his command.

In the eyes of ordinary people, high-ranking masters are indeed great existences, but in the eyes of elite soldiers and horses, they are nothing more than stronger enemies at best.

Seniors should also understand the reason why ants kill elephants more.

Even if you have all the masters of Spy Shadow, if you throw them into the battle formation of a hundred thousand troops, you probably won't be able to cause much trouble.

If 20 is not enough, then I will mobilize 20, if 30 is still not enough, I will mobilize 40, 50, [-] or even a million elites.

Although this point is a bit difficult for this king, it is not too difficult.

This king does not believe that your spy shadow masters are really powerful enough to fight against millions of heroes without falling behind. This king has enough confidence, and the seniors may not have such strength.

After all, when the manpower is exhausted, the internal strength of the master is not continuous. Once the internal strength is exhausted, it is also difficult to escape the miserable end of being cut to pieces by the army.

Senior is an innate master, you should be very clear about this in your heart.

Unless there are hundreds of thousands of spies under senior's command, if that's the case, this king will have no choice but to bow down, even if he loses to senior, he won't be wronged.

It's just that the spy shadow in the hands of the seniors shouldn't be able to produce hundreds of thousands of masters, right?If there are so many people in hand, the seniors don't need to stay dormant all these years.

In the final analysis, even though the spies under the command of the seniors are as skilled as clouds, they are still not at the level where they can look down on the world.

That being the case, this king finally has one more word of persuasion, hoping that seniors can think twice.

Senior is not afraid of death for the sake of the righteousness of the family and the country, this king admires it all, but senior must consider a thing or two for the brothers under your command, right?

They followed senior you through life and death for so many years, and senior just had the heart to watch them jump into the fire pit?

If the senior can be ruthless, this king will certainly have nothing to say in admiration.

However, if you act like this, although the senior has become a loyal and good courtier, he has not been a good elder brother and leader.

People's hearts are long, seniors, think twice! "

Listening to Liu Dashao's earnest words, the film master's sharp eyes flashed clear and complex colors.

Carrying the pot to fill up the wine for himself, the film master drank three glasses of fine wine in succession before placing the glass heavily on the table.

"Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be both, and neither can loyalty.

The moment we entered the Spy Shadow, it meant that life and death had already been ignored. This old man knew it well, and the brothers knew it too.

The old man doesn't know that the general situation is fixed, and there is no way to recover.

The old man has never thought of taking his brothers under his command to go back to the mountains and forests, never to care about world affairs, and to live a leisurely life like a wild crane.

Knowing that the destiny cannot be violated, let me ask the world, who doesn't want to be idle and wild?It's just a lifetime of loyalty. "

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion because of the actor's words.

Knowing that the destiny cannot be violated, let me ask the world, who doesn't want to be idle and wild?It's just a lifetime of loyalty.

Liu Mingzhi, who himself did not have much aversion to the actor, felt a sense of admiration from his heart at this moment, sincere admiration.

It's just admiration, but also mixed with a little sadness and sadness.

In order to restore the former dynasty, this old senior did not change his original intention. He treated Emperor Li with the utmost benevolence and righteousness.

"Senior, this king is suddenly a little curious. I have some doubts in my heart. I don't know if senior can clear up this king's doubts?"

"My lord, it doesn't matter."

"You Spy Shadows have seniors like you, the Lord of the Shadows, the Four Great Dharma Kings, and the Twelve Shadows Protectors. There are so many innate masters. Looking at the forces in the world that can gather so many innate masters at once, except for you Spy Shadows, this king has never heard of it. Said the second.

With the strength of your Spy Shadows in the past, you could easily assassinate Wanyan Wanyan and Huyan Yunyao among the king's beloved wives in secret. Why didn't you do this?
As long as you kill the two sisters, the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks will be leaderless at that time. If the emperor wants to take the opportunity to rule the world, it shouldn't take so many years of hard work, right?

The king is very curious, why did you not act like this?
If you had acted in this way early in the morning, perhaps there would not have been one after another of the subsequent incidents. "

The film master looked at Young Master Liu with strange eyes and smiled softly a few times, then lifted the pot and filled his and Young Master Liu's glasses with wine again.

"My lord, as long as people in the world are qualified and capable, who doesn't want to be an emperor?"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he understood the deep meaning of the actor's words, and realized that he had asked such an idiotic question, and he couldn't help showing a hint of embarrassment on his face.

20 years ago, when I helped Wanyan put down the rebellion in the Kingdom of Jin, I could think clearly about the problem, but today I am confused. I really don't know what bullshit was thinking in my mind just now.

When the civil strife broke out in the Kingdom of Jin, his father Li Zheng and the original Huyan tribe could have watched the changes quietly and watched from the sidelines, but in the end they both chose to send troops to help the Kingdom of Jin put down the rebellion.

Because the Weihe war disaster had just ended at that time, the three kingdoms of Dalong, Jin, and Turkic were all secretly recuperating and recovering their national strength.

Whether it was his father, Li Zheng, or the Western Turkic royal family and the Turkic tribes that were close to the Kingdom of Jin, under such circumstances, no one wanted to see the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin suddenly become a figure that he had no idea about.

After all, compared with an opponent he is familiar with and an opponent he is completely unfamiliar with, anyone will choose an opponent he is familiar with to take power.

Liu Mingzhi raised his wine glass and gestured to the film master, then drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Assassinate an emperor, there will be the next emperor. Assassinate a khan, there will be the next khan.

And who knows what the next person in charge will look like?

If a ruthless and extreme person takes power, it may not be a good thing for the Dalong court, which was recuperating at the beginning.

Destroying a country is not just a simple matter of killing one emperor, or two emperors.

Moreover, doing so can easily arouse the rebellious psychology of the officials and people of the enemy country. If the new ruler is an extreme person, he will definitely take the opportunity to take advantage of the general anger of the people and cause a disaster of war.

At that time, the outcome may be unpredictable.

The most important thing is that there are masters in the innate realm under each other's command. If you are in the first grade of junior high school, others will dare to be in the fifteenth grade.

This kind of behavior that harms others and benefits oneself is more difficult to control than killing a fish and breaking a net.

Senior, what this king said should be correct, right? "

"The prince is the prince, and the pros and cons of it are clearly analyzed by the prince in a few words.

A congenital master with a double-edged sword can hurt others as well as himself. The prince also said just now that no one is not afraid of death. Who would use his life to bet on such an unpredictable thing?

If the old man and others had secretly assassinated the Golden Empress and Taichang Khan, Emperor Ruizong would also have to face endless revenge from the innate masters of the two countries.

Tigers also doze off, who can guarantee that nothing will go wrong?
This is also why the old master has countless brothers and masters, but they still dare not assassinate the prince easily.

As for the reason, the prince knows better than the old man.

It is not too difficult to kill an old man and others who are familiar with the temperament of the prince, but no one can bear the chaos after killing the prince.

The trend of the times cannot be violated by human power! "

"Senior, aren't you very sober? If that's the case, why do you still have to go against the sky?
As you are mere spies, do you think you can really change the day? "

The film master drank the wine in one gulp, looked calmly at First Young Master Liu with a weeping expression, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Oh? Mere? The prince's words seem to be contemptuous of the spy shadow's power? Does the prince think that you are better than Liu Weng?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned suddenly, and looked at the actor with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Senior, what do you mean by that?"

(End of this chapter)

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