Chapter 2559
All the two words in the movie master's sentence are particularly strong, as if they intend to emphasize something to Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the shining eyes under the shadow master's cloak, slightly lowered his eyes to glance at the thickest book in front of the shadow master, and fell silent.

There are many spy shadows, all pervasive, these eight words linger in my mind like brand marks.

Before Liu Mingzhi's eyes, he couldn't help but see the scenes of the past that happened in Xinzhou Fengyundu many years ago. At that time, he had considered almost everything, but he didn't expect that among his own soldiers There will also be spy shadow agents.

As the memory of the past gradually became clearer, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but feel a slight chill down his spine.

There are many spies, all pervasive.These eight words hit Young Master Liu's mind like a curse.

In the past, there could be spies in the ranks of my own soldiers, so who can guarantee that there are no spies lurking in the relevant department, among the spies of the two departments?

Not only among the two secret agents under his command, but also among the willow leaves in the old man's hand?
Nei Liu is okay, all of them are the old man's cronies, but what about Wai Liu?Although there are also loyal Liu Yezi brothers in the Outer Liu, will everyone be as loyal as the inner Liu children?

Are there spy shadows lurking among the forces of the two secret agents, Liu Ye, Admiral, Wolf Guard, Cloud Warrior, and Wumeng?

Judging from the look in the shadow master's eyes, Liu Mingzhi didn't feel that the shadow master was aiming for nothing.

It's just that the spies of Spy Shadow are really so powerful?
Could it be that what is recorded in the book in front of him is really a list of all the brothers under his command today?

Is this old fox lying to himself, deliberately disturbing his state of mind?

Gently closing the carved jade fans together, Liu Mingzhi wanted to turn around and look at the hundreds of masters behind him, but finally held back his own thoughts.

Slightly turning the folding fan in his hand, Liu Mingzhi took a few silent breaths to calm his mind, and threw out all the negative effects of the actor's words on him.

The irritability in his heart gradually calmed down, and Young Master Liu gradually realized that he, who was supposed to take the initiative, seemed to have been led by the nose by the old fox, the actor.

Except that the number of masters in the innate realm is slightly less than Spy Shadow, all other aspects have the upper hand.

Obviously the winning ticket is already in hand, so what else do you have to worry about?

After carefully reviewing all the scenes since the meeting with the actor, Liu Mingzhi finally realized that he was almost influenced by the tone of the actor, and subconsciously thought that he had too many handles and loopholes in the actor's hands. hand.

This old fox is not only powerful in martial arts, but also insidious in terms of scheming!I almost fell into this old fox's way without knowing it.

After figuring out the key point, Young Master Liu's tense mind suddenly relaxed.

He secretly thought that he must take the initiative into his own hands, otherwise he would easily be led astray by this old fox again.

Young Master Liu brought the wine glass to his mouth, and carefully tasted the old wine in the glass, using this to cover up the light of thought in his eyes.

It turned out that he could drink the wine in a single sip, but Liu Dashao took about half a cup of tea carefully before drinking the wine in the cup.

Putting the wine glass on the table in an elegant manner, Liu Mingzhi looked at the film host with a smile while pouring the wine from the pot.

"So? What does this senior want to prove to this king?

Does it prove that your spy shadows are really pervasive, covering any of the forces under the king's command?
Or do you want to prove to the king that your spy spies are fully capable of helping the old master and restoring the former dynasty?

Senior, stop joking, and recognize the reality as soon as possible. If you spy shadows really have this strength, why have you been hiding in Tibet for more than five years?
Don't say that these forces under the king's command have some hidden stakes of your spies, even if all the brothers in one of them are your spy spies, so what?
With this king's current strength, why be afraid?

Even if there are spies from your spy shadow among the generals in the Northland, what does it matter to me?

This king is now in control of the supreme authority in the world, wielding the power of life and death in the world, with the will of the people inside, with civil and military assistance in the court, and the support of thousands of troops outside.

Even if there are dozens of generals in the army who want to stir up trouble and start a war, in the eyes of this king, it is nothing more than a mantis raising his arms. "

In words, Liu Mingzhi untied the pipe from his waist, skillfully filled it with shredded tobacco, lit it with a torch, and gently puffed out a few puffs of smoke.

Young Master Liu looked at the actor with an arrogant and unrestrained attitude and snorted a few times, an indescribably contemptuous aura exuded from Young Master Liu from the inside out.

"As long as I, Liu Mingzhi, live, look around the world, whoever dares to make false claims of war disturbs the peace of the world, and disrupts our Dalong, Jiangshan, Shanshan, and the country, the sky will not punish him, and I, Liu Mingzhi, will punish him.

Although this king is not considered to have risen from Qianmo, he was also born in the army. He has done things like killing enemies and massacring cities. It is just a matter of lifting a few young people with evil intentions.

So, it doesn't matter to me whether the seniors on this list report or not, and it doesn't matter whether there are hidden stakes of spy shadow among the brothers under my command.

As long as they are willing to serve Liu Mingzhi sincerely and loyally, this king will naturally not treat them badly, and if they want to show up to be that clown, this king doesn't mind preparing a few more coffins.

Now that the national treasury is still abundant, some coffins can still be afforded by the king.

If the senior wants to continue to make a big fuss in this regard, I advise the senior to calm down.

Since this king dared to come to the appointment openly, it shows that this king is not afraid of any conspiracy.

It's better not to talk about some trivial matters, seniors, after all, everyone is quite busy.

If you save trouble, this king will also save trouble. "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, the wine in the wine glass was just right.

Putting the jug back to its original place, First Young Master Liu knocked the smoking pot on the table leg a few times, with a nonchalant attitude.

The film master looked at Young Master Liu's seemingly cynical but domineering attitude, and the faint regret in the depths of his eyes flashed away.

Silently putting down the opened cover, the shadow master showed a little tiredness in his eyes.

"The lord was joking, the old man just wanted to tell the lord that if there were no foreign aids such as Liu Ye, Admiral, Wolf Guard, Cloud Warrior, Shadow Killer Guard and the members of the Martial League, the lord should not be too arrogant just relying on the two secret agents in his hands better.

To be honest, although the two secret agents under the prince's command have become popular, they are still young children who are still growing up in Spy Shadow's eyes.

If there is no support from other major forces to give the prince full confidence, would the prince dare to come to the imperial mausoleum for a banquet in such a swaggering manner today just by relying on the two secret agents in his hands? "

"Hehe, what the senior said is reasonable, but is it a skill to use the situation to be different?

It is true that the king took advantage of the situation today, but why didn't the seniors use the knife to kill people many years ago?Everyone is just half-assed. "

The shadow master was silent for a moment, then sighed faintly.

"Your Highness is talking about Tao Ying, the side concubine of King Shu, right?"

"That's right, it was Tao Ying who didn't succeed at the beginning, if she succeeded, senior would probably be so happy that she wouldn't be able to sleep for three days and three nights.

Not only did I easily remove this king, the biggest stumbling block to the restoration of the former dynasty, with a borrowed sword, but the spy shadow was not even tainted with any crimes. Senior is really good at calculating!

If it weren't for this king's vigilance enough, what kind of scene this world would be like now is really two things to say.

The senior himself is already a congenital master, and his subordinates are even more masters, who can use swords to kill people, why can't this king use the power to do it?

For this king, the result is more important than the process.As long as the desired result is achieved, the process is not important to me.

Whether the senior wants to say that this king is an unscrupulous villain, or that this king is a hero who achieves great things and does not care about small things, this king doesn't care at all.

This king just wants to ask the senior one last time, hoping that the senior can think about it carefully.

enemy?or friends? "

Because of Young Master Liu's last words in Songbailin, there was only a faint sound of wind and a few chirping of birds, the atmosphere became faintly serious, and there was a posture of fighting with swords if there was a disagreement.

The atmosphere was bleak for a long time, and the film master picked up the wine glass and sent it under the cloak silently.

"Forgiveness is hard to obey."

(End of this chapter)

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