My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2560 So Despicable

Chapter 2560 So Despicable

The moment the film master's voice fell, what responded to him was no longer Liu Mingzhi's words, but a loud, clear and sharp sword chant.

I saw a swift and cold sword light like a stream of light stabbing at the throat of the shadow master's cloak without warning, the sword light left behind many afterimages, and shot towards the shadow master's vitals like a rainbow. go.

Facing the sudden attack of the sword light like a comet hitting the moon, the shadow master's eyes flashed calmly sideways, and the cold sword light just slipped past the corner of the shadow master's cloak, and attacked straight behind the shadow master A group of spies.

The moment the shadow master came up, dozens of spy spies headed by the shadow protector instinctively flew back towards the sides, barely avoiding the deadly cold and sharp sword light.

In the short time that Shadow Guardian and the others flew back, three cypress trees that were tens of steps away fell to the ground with harsh creaking sounds.

In the royal mausoleum, where the scenery was originally pleasant and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, dust and smoke suddenly rose, and the forest birds were startled, and the atmosphere instantly became full of chilling meaning.

No one paid attention to the huge movement of the cypress tree falling to the ground dozens of steps away, because the second sword light struck and killed the shadow master's neck again.

Sitting on the futon, the shadow master with calm eyes felt the power contained in the second sword light, his calm water eyes finally became slightly dignified, and left an afterimage of his right hand towards the ground.

When the sword light was only a short distance away from his neck, the shadow master volleyed in the air, avoiding the second terrifying sword light just right.

Flipping in mid-air like an eagle, the black cloak on his body whistled automatically without wind before landing on the ground, and the protective energy instantly lingered around his body and shot towards the rear. In the blink of an eye, the shadow master had already moved away from the low table The location is ten feet away.

At the same time that the film master stopped quickly, another puff of smoke and dust rose up in Berlin, [-] feet away to the left of the low table, and a ravine about [-] feet long shrouded in the smoke and dust appeared in the corners of everyone's eyes. In the peripheral vision.

Liu Mingzhi completely ignored the damage he caused, and stared coldly at the shadow master who flitted back ten feet away, raised the sky sword in his hand and slowly stood up from the futon.

"Senior, it's so easy."

The shadow master silently rubbed the smooth gap at the shoulder of his cloak with his fingers a few times, pulled off a black cloth strip with a little force and threw it on the ground.

The shadow master exhaled lightly, staring sharply at the blade of the heavenly sword in Young Master Liu's hand.

"My lord is also good at swordsmanship, but also very despicable."

Liu Mingzhi casually flipped the scabbard of the Heavenly Sword to Liu Xuan who was behind him, watching the Shadow Master walk away from the range of the low table gently.

"This king is praised by seniors, but I dare not be the king.

But being despicable is despicable, as long as you are acquainted with this king, who doesn't know that I, Liu Mingzhi, have never been a gentleman.

Although I, Liu Mingzhi, will not be proud of this, I will not be ashamed of it either.

Still the same sentence, this king is still a person who is more afraid of death.

Since the stubborn people like the seniors can't agree, they are enemies and not friends.

This king will never be merciful to those enemies that he can kill. Since it is impossible to be friends, there will only be swordsmen.

Moreover, this king is relatively open-minded, as long as he is sure that the words are not speculative, he can do it directly, and there is no need to chatter about those miscellaneous nonsense. "

Before Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, afterimages mixed with cold light shot towards the shadow master's heart.

The shadow master stared at the cold light that came in front of him in the blink of an eye like a torch, and lingering between his fingers, the body-protecting qi could be seen with the naked eye, and then aggressively waved towards his heart door.

When there was a clang like the sound of clashing swords reverberating inside and outside the pines and bolins, it was as deafening as Huang Zhong Dalu, and bursts of true energy swept away in all directions centered on the two of them.

Within a few feet around the two of them, smoke and dust filled the sky instantly, and the fine and delicate branches and leaves of the nearby pine and cypress trees were also swaying in the strong wind and whistling non-stop.

The swift cold light invisible to the naked eye stopped half a foot away from the shadow master's heart, and it was difficult to get in. The robes of the masters shook and the strong wind blew away the smoke and dust.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone stared at Young Young Master Liu and the two shadow masters, and saw that the cold light of the Heavenly Sword was caught between the two fingers of the shadow master with lingering true energy. no.

The hero's cloak roared and danced with gangster energy all over his body, looking straight at the young master Liu who was holding a sword hilt and flying in mid-air, who was also full of gangster wind and dressed in sharp clothes.

"The sword masters of the Heavenly Sword in the past are all masters who have been looked down upon across the rivers and lakes. After being passed into the hands of the prince, it will not be regarded as an insult to the reputation of the successor of the Heavenly Sword."

First Young Master Liu gritted his teeth tightly, holding the hilt of the Heavenly Sword in his palm, as if using all the strength in his body to turn it over forcefully. Vigorously breaking free from the shackles of the stellar energy, he slashed towards the shadow master's neck.

With the fierce power lingering around Tianjianjian, if Young Master Liu's strike is real, even if the shadow master is an innate master, he will still be unable to escape the fate of being decapitated.

However, in the face of this cold and frightening sword light, whether it is the Shadow Lord, the Four Great Dharma Kings of Wind, Thunder, Rain and Lightning, or the Eleven Shadow Guardians, there is no panic in their eyes, and some are just calm.

A kind of calmness that does not change face when Mount Tai collapses in front of it.

There was another muffled sound of clashing swords and swords, and the blade of the Heavenly Sword, which broke free from the shackles of the shadow master's right fingers and slashed towards the shadow master's neck, fell into the shadow master's left fingers again.

At the same time, the movie master's free right hand slapped Young Master Liu's face with surging qi.

Liu Mingzhi's heart trembled, and out of instinct, he clenched his left hand and immediately hammered towards the shadow master's lingering palm.

A loud bang shook everyone's minds, and the stones and bricks on the path flew up into the sky in all directions, and among the dazzling dust, the two young master Liu and the film master flew out of the air, and the other followed non-stop. It took about seven or eight steps before he managed to stabilize his figure.

Young Master Liu's figure quickly flew backwards out of the smoke and dust, and after landing on the ground, he drew a mark several feet long on his toes before stabilizing his figure.

Liu Xuan looked at holding the Heavenly Sword in her backhand, staring sharply at First Young Master Liu who was in the smoke and dust and trotted up.

"Brother, are you okay? Is there any injury there?"

First Young Master Liu took a few deep breaths, calmed down the turbulent qi in his body and shook his head gently at Liu Xuan.

"Xuan'er, don't worry, big brother is fine, your eyes should be brighter, and if the Spy Shadow's Four Great Dharma Kings and Eleven Shadow Guardians intend to do something later, you will immediately release the signal flare to call all the brothers to come."

Liu Xuan looked at Young Master Liu, who was fine in other respects except for her flushed face, and her tense heart finally relaxed.

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, big brother, you must be more careful, my little sister doesn't seem to use all his strength to see the film master, this old fox!"

"Don't worry, big brother was only a tentative attack just now, even the nine-style sword song is useless, the strength of the old fox and I should be on par with the shadow master.

He may be stronger than me, but he will definitely not be able to crush me.

You just continue to follow the plan and pay attention to every move of the shadow protectors. Brother, first calm down the true energy surging in his body. "

Liu Xuan nodded imperceptibly, retreated back into the distance without a trace, and stared coldly in the direction of the smoke and dust with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Looking at the other side of the smoke and dust, the shadow master's hands hidden under the cloak are also slightly lowered to calm down the turbulent zhenqi in his body after he stabilized his figure.

The actor was only slightly dignified at first, but his calm eyes, which had been revealing all along, became suspicious at this moment.

He raised his head and looked towards the smoke that filled the air, as if he could see through the smoke and see Young Master Liu on the opposite side.

After about a cup of tea, the smoke screen between the two sides gradually disappeared with the breeze, and both sides could see each other's figure, whether it was Young Master Liu or the film master, they all felt a little abrupt in their hearts.

Liu Mingzhi observed the shadow master dozens of steps away with cold eyes, and after holding a sword flower, he showed a relaxed and comfortable posture.

"This old fox's skill is so powerful, it seems that there is not much change from before! Fortunately, this young master has beneficial Qi meridians to promote the true qi in the eight extraordinary meridians, otherwise he will really suffer a dark loss!"

The shadow master was also examining Young Master Liu's situation, and seeing that Young Master Liu was only in a slightly messy figure, the shadow master was also beating drums in his heart.

"The moment when the sword qi was vertical and horizontal was obviously a gap in which the true qi was concentrated, why was the true qi that the side-by-side king subconsciously blocked so powerful?
Even if he didn't exert all his strength, he shouldn't be so imposing, it seems that something is not quite right! "

(End of this chapter)

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