My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2561 This is too showy

Chapter 2561 This is too showy

Liu Mingzhi didn't give the shadow master a chance to continue to think deeply, and suddenly turned the heavenly sword in his hand sideways, turned into thousands of sword lights, and flew towards the shadow master with the power of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

The dizzying and dizzyingly sharp sword moves are the nine-style sword song, the third sword song, and the setting sun.

Knowing how powerful the Shadow Master is, First Young Master Liu spared no effort to launch a fierce attack. Liu Mingzhi knew very well that he must not spare the slightest bit of strength today, otherwise he would definitely die in the hands of the Shadow Master on the spot. .

Today's fight, even if it is possible to raze the pines and forests on the south side of the main mausoleum, I can only do it.

"Nine-style sword song, the setting sun is slanting!"

The shadow master stared at the sword light that left afterimages in the air and said secretly, the wind immediately overflowed around his body to protect the vital parts of his body, and waved a huge palm print with condensed true energy towards the head with a wave of his right hand The coming sharp sword light shot away horizontally.

The palm print and the sword light collided, and the roar was accompanied by the turbulent wind and shot away in all directions.

The people who were standing dozens of steps away from the battle were startled when they saw the strong wind that flew towards them in an instant, and immediately gathered a body-protecting stellar energy to surround them, so as to avoid being caught by the young master Liu when they fought against each other. Yu Wei was injured by mistake.

Although everyone had already taken precautions, when the fierce storm affected them, apart from Liu Xuan, the four great Dharma Kings of Wind, Thunder, Rain and Lightning, and the Twelve Shadow Guardians who were innate masters, the remaining third-rank masters on both sides still couldn't help themselves. He took a few steps back before stopping to stabilize his figure.

Calming down the turbulent internal force in the body, everyone looked in horror at Young Master Liu and the shadow master who were still fighting in the center, and once again realized how terrifying the overbearing and powerful strength of the innate realm is.

Comparing the internal strength of an ordinary martial artist with the true qi in the eight meridians of an innate master, the difference between the light of a firefly candle and the brilliance of the sun and the moon is simply a world of difference.

The masters of the first to ninth ranks have a saying that they are first rank and first heavenly, but when they have cultivated their internal strength to the ninth rank, they suddenly understand how outrageous the difference between themselves and the innate masters is.

The Ninth Grade is called by the people in the rivers and lakes the internal force to penetrate the mystery, but when it reaches the innate realm, it is really a meritorious fortune.

While everyone was feeling complicated, the figures of Young Master Liu who were attacking me at the center gradually became erratic. Even Liu Xuan and the others, who are also innate masters, could only capture a series of sharp and ghostly figures. Afterimage.

As for the ordinary upper third-rank masters, they can barely see the blurred figures of the two fighting in mid-air, and they can feel the approximate positions of the two figures from the fluctuation of true energy when the gold and the sword fight.

Dust was flying in the pine forest, and the orderly stone bricks were cut into pieces of strange-shaped gravel by the sharp sword light. In the dense forests on both sides of the path, dozens of cypress trees with the thickness of bowls had been cut down in the middle without knowing it. broken.

The canopy of the tree was blown to the ground by the strong wind, and once again a burst of choking smoke was raised.

In the middle of the air, Young Master Liu resisted the numb tiger's mouth and immediately encircled the sword with zhenqi around his arms, and then stabbed the shadow master's Tanzhong acupoint with the zhenqi sword in his palm.

The shadow master felt Young Master Liu's ferocious sword move that intended to kill him, and swung it straight at the cold blade of Tianjian with a finger.

When the sword tip of the Heavenly Sword was about three fingers away from the Shadow Lord's Tanzhong acupoint, the Shadow Master's fingers accurately hit the sword body of the Heavenly Sword, and the fierce Heavenly Sword trembled immediately. The position of the tip of the sword happened to be close to the body guard on the left side of the shadow master, and it flew away.

The shadow master, who avoided the fatal blow of the Heavenly Sword, rolled over in the air as if he was walking on the ground, and kicked Young Master Liu's chest with his whip leg, which had been prepared for a long time.

Young Master Liu, who had no time to turn his sword body to defend, felt the shadow master's domineering and ferocious whip legs immediately circulate his physical energy, and the originally faint body protection energy became more solidified.

In the blink of an eye, Young Master Liu's stellar energy was condensed, and the shadow master's calf, which was also lingering with raging energy, had already kicked the protective energy on Young Master Liu's chest. With great ease, he took the sudden blow from the shadow master.

It's just that Young Master Liu underestimated the shadow master's long-awaited whip kick after all, Young Master Liu, who resisted the whip kick abruptly, let out a muffled grunt and flew backwards towards the ground like a shooting star.

The figures of the two who were fighting fiercely in one place separated in an instant.

The moment Young Master Liu landed, he held the hilt of the Heavenly Sword with both hands and stabbed forcefully towards the ground. The moment the sharp blade of the Heavenly Sword pierced into the ground, there was a tooth-piercing tearing sound.

I saw Young Master Liu holding the Heavenly Sword in both hands and slipping back involuntarily. His feet rubbed against the ground for a distance of about ten and a half feet before barely stopping his figure.

And in front of First Young Master Liu, there was a long and narrow sword mark cut by the Heavenly Sword.

Young Master Liu had just stopped to stabilize his figure, worried that the shadow master would attack him again, so he pulled out the Heavenly Sword on the ground with his backhand without hesitation, flipped it around a few feet behind him, and fell to the ground again.

At the same time as he fell to the ground, Liu Mingzhi immediately put on a defensive posture, staring at the shadow master who was slowly falling from mid-air with uncertain eyes.

Looking at the shadow master, who seemed to be calm and calm, falling dozens of steps away, Liu Mingzhi was shocked in his heart, but his face calmly adjusted the turbulent true energy in his internal organs.

Quietly looking at the shadow master who landed calmly dozens of steps away, Liu Mingzhi had mixed feelings in his heart. In just a short moment of offensive and defensive confrontation, Young Master Liu understood that the gap between himself and the shadow master in terms of moves was not A star and a half.

This old fox's combat experience is really rich, compared to himself who has rarely experienced life-and-death duels, he is quite passive in his hands.

Due to my lack of experience in front of the battle, the attack of the nine-style sword song is too fixed. On the other hand, every move and every style of the movie master is used freely. Whether it is attack or defense, it is all based on the instinct of body experience.

No matter how proficient my own sword moves are, I still can't match the killing methods honed by the shadow master in the fight of blood and fire. The realm is similar, and the skill is not much different, but in terms of experience and moves, I have lost the wind after all. .

While Young Master Liu was reflecting on his own shortcomings, the film master was looking at Young Master Liu's current situation in a daze.

Seeing that Young Master Liu didn't appear to be injured at all except his face flushed due to the shock of true energy, the shadow master's doubts increased a bit.

After the sword move that was intended to kill him, Wang Mingming had already condensed all his true energy into the sword to increase his power. If he wanted to condense his true energy again, there must be a short gap.

In this case, how did the side-by-side king once again condense his true energy to protect his body to defend his sharp leg strike in the midst of the lightning?

Could it be that my perception is wrong?In fact, he did not use his full strength from the beginning to the end.

Although the King of Side-by-Shoulders is just a rising star, isn't this too good-looking?

In other words, he was pretending, but in fact he had already suffered serious internal injuries.

Thinking here, the shadow master suddenly raised his hand just like Young Master Liu did before, and a decisive wind blade slashed towards Young Master Liu's face without any warning.

Young Master Liu didn't expect that the shadow master, an old fox, would be so disrespectful and disrespectful of martial arts. He subconsciously stopped to calm the turbulent qi in his body, raised his sword and drew a sword flower, and shot a sharp sword energy towards the shadow master with his backhand. The incoming Gang Qi wind blades went on the attack.

There was a loud bang, and the collision of the two gang qi set off a strong wind and scattered away.

"Infuriating, strong and powerful, the King of Side-by-Shoulders is really not injured, but his inner strength is too strong, isn't it?"

"The old fox doesn't talk about martial arts, and he even imitated my young master and I play sneak attack. You don't learn so many advantages of my young master, but you learn how shameless I am.

It is really disrespectful and shameless. "

First Young Master Liu cursed secretly in his heart, and then another uneasy thought came to his mind.

Even if Lao Zhou is not added, I still lack a master of innate realm compared to Spy Shadow. With the strength of this old fox, can the crowd tactics really crush him?

If you can, what a price you have to pay!

(End of this chapter)

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