My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2562 Sword Intent

Chapter 2562 Sword Intent
Liu Mingzhi fell into the battle between heaven and man because of the hero's strong strength, and suddenly the voice of his younger sister Liu Xuan rang in his ears.

"Big brother!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at the younger sister Liu Xuan who walked by his side at some point and said softly: "Huh? What's the matter? Did you find out that Dharma King Fenglei and the others have the intention to do something?"

Liu Xuan's beautiful eyes glanced at the film master lightly, and controlled her voice to be the lowest.

"I haven't found any clues yet, but you must be careful, big brother. The old fox, the shadow master, didn't do his best at all."

"Brother knows that when we fought just now, he has always been able to handle with ease under the fierce offensive of big brother. At that time, big brother knew in his heart that this old fox has not given his full strength yet!"

"Of course the little girls mentioned by the big brother have already observed it, but didn't you realize that during the more than a hundred moves you fought with the shadow master, this old fox has never used a weapon?
It can be said that from the first move you fought against, this old fox has never used his own weapon.

You must know that this old fox has a Yanling knife made of black iron as a weapon. When he was in Fengyundu in Xinzhou, this old fox held the Yanling knife and killed all directions. The two brothers and sisters were almost unable to fight back.

This shows that the strength of this old fox is not just as simple as boxing skills, but that he has practiced a sword technique. As for what kind of sword technique he is practicing, we don't know.

However, from the beginning until now, this old fox has been fighting against you with his bare hands, and has never used his weapon at all.How important a weapon at hand is to a martial arts practitioner, you don't need to tell the elder brother about this, you should understand it in your heart, right?

If you fight again, brother, you must not be careless. Perhaps the reason why this old fox has not used weapons is because he is looking for an opportunity, looking for a chance to kill you with a single blow.

Little sister hopes that big brother, you can always pay attention to the changes in the moves of the old fox, the shadow master, so as to prevent him from giving you a surprise at a critical moment. "

First Young Master Liu was shocked after listening to his younger sister Liu Xuan's careful and dignified analysis, and glanced at the shadow master's hands like torches.

Little sister's words made Liu Dashao sober up like an enlightenment. What the little girl said is too right. The old fox, the film master, has never used his own weapon from the beginning to the end. How could he ignore such an important link? Woolen cloth?
Looking vaguely at the shadow master who was covered in a black cloak, Liu Mingzhi tried to observe from some subtle places whether the shadow master was carrying a weapon under the cloak.

After observing for a while, Liu Mingzhi didn't see any clues at all.

The scenes that happened in Xinzhou Fengyundu many years ago could not help appearing in Young Master Liu's mind. You must know that after his thirteenth aunt Bai Ling'er appeared, the film master personally held a Yanling knife in his hand. Killing the Quartet on the chaotic battlefield.

At that time, under the murderous knife light of the shadow master, the guards in front of him were all dead and wounded. No one could stop this god from killing gods and Buddhas from killing them. The old pervert of Buddha.

Yao remembered that if his little sister Liu Xuan, Jiu Niu brothers and many experts from the Wumeng had not come to the rescue at the critical moment, he would have died tragically under the powerful sword light of the shadow master.

The gleaming Yanling Saber was the killer weapon that almost decapitated him, why did he forget it?

It's just that the Yanling knife is on the shadow master's body now?Is it really like what the little girl said, the movie master is looking for a chance to kill himself with one blow?

Young Master Liu recovered from his thoughts, and touched Liu Xuan's arm without a trace.

"Later, you will instruct Suzaku to send a message to Thirteenth Aunt, Fourth Uncle, Master Liaofan, Brother Liu, Brother Song...they, tell them to be vigilant, and if anything goes wrong, help them immediately."

Liu Xuan sensed the vigilance in elder brother's words, she gave a slight signal and silently leaned towards Suzaku who was wearing a bamboo hat.

"Yeah! Xuan'er knows."

Before Liu Xuan got close to the place where Suzaku was standing, the shadow master who was dozens of steps away suddenly had his pupils constricted, and he glanced aside with a surprised but expected expression.

Under Young Master Liu's slightly puzzled gaze, the Shadow Master suddenly raised his hand and waved to the Four Great Dharma Kings of Wind, Thunder, Rain and Lightning and Eleven Shadow Guardians who were standing a dozen steps away.

The Four Kings of Wind, Thunder, Rain and Lightning and the Eleven Shadow Guardians, who were more than ten steps away, saw the gesture of the Shadow Master, and immediately showed their magical powers and leaped towards the Shadow Master's position, and landed behind the Shadow Master's body. The hawk-like sharp gaze carefully and cautiously looked at the surrounding pines and forests.

Seeing this situation, First Young Master Liu and the hundreds of masters behind him immediately surrounded Young Young Master Liu, staring cautiously at a group of opponents on the opposite side who quietly touched their respective weapons.

Although they didn't understand why the well-behaved actor suddenly became a different person, but they knew what their responsibilities were and what they should do.

Liu Xuan didn't hide her actions any more, and with a quick stride, she heard Suzaku whispering something in front of her.

Suzaku's naturally charming and beautiful eyes glanced worriedly at First Young Master Liu who was standing at the top, nodded slightly to Liu Xuan and quietly withdrew from the crowd.

The shadow master looked at the group of masters who suddenly became ready behind Young Master Liu, tossed his robes, laughed a few times, and looked meaningfully in the direction of the entrance of the imperial mausoleum, as if he was waiting for someone.

Liu Mingzhi didn't know, so he followed the shadow master's eyes and glanced towards the direction of the imperial mausoleum, and couldn't help thinking a few words in his heart, did the shadow master already know that he had secretly gathered a large number of innate experts?

As soon as the idea came up, Liu Mingzhi dismissed it again.

The film master is not a fool, he must know in his heart that if he dares to come to the banquet, he must have prepared enough backers. Before he looked like a mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face, there must be a reason he didn't know suddenly.

The reason why the film owner is so vigilant must be no small matter, but why hasn't he heard any news about him as a party?

While Young Master Liu was thinking secretly, the shadow master suddenly sighed and turned to look to the north.

"Brother Wenren, Brother Bai, Brother Baishan, Brother Huifa, since we're here, why are you hiding? You might as well just show up and see.

We old bones haven't seen each other for so many years, and it's rare to get together today. The old man feels that there is no need to hide our heads and show our tails. "

At the same time as the shadow master's words fell, First Young Master Liu suddenly felt the Heavenly Sword in his hand trembling, as if he had encountered something worthy of excitement.

Looking down at the Heavenly Sword trembling in his hand, Young Master Liu looked around in all directions with surprise and hesitation.

Sword intent, strong sword intent.

A sword master who was not what he had expected came to the imperial mausoleum, and he was a master of swordsmanship.

(End of this chapter)

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