Chapter 2564
The film host felt that Wen Renzheng and the others were looking at him, and they also followed the trend.

Quietly looking at the four old friends who were barely friendly, the shadow master let out a deep sigh, with an indescribable complex meaning flashing in his eyes.

Wen Renzheng and the others restrained their minds and did not mean to greet Young Master Liu first, but tidied up their respective robes and walked towards the film master and the others with melancholy expressions.

Seeing this situation, Liu Mingzhi didn't feel the slightest bit of displeasure in his heart, but followed the figures of the four and looked at the shadow master again.

Maybe the appearance of the four of them, grandfather and old man, can help him convince the film owner, this old stubborn one or two.

Liu Mingzhi was very clear from the beginning to the end, if he could solve the spy shadow incident without bloodshed, he would definitely not want to meet the shadow master and the entire spies.

This kind of thinking is not because Liu Mingzhi is afraid of spy shadows, but because Liu Mingzhi's current thoughts are all on those external matters.

For example, the opening of the frontiers of the Western Expeditionary Army in Asia and Europe, the marriage of the eldest son Liu Chengfeng in Tsarist Russia, and the affair of An Gouer sailing to the sea to make friends with Western nations.

On the surface, these three things seemed ordinary and had nothing to do with each other, but Young Master Liu knew better than anyone else that these three things had already been connected invisibly.

Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye and the others commanded the Western Expeditionary Army to station in Tianzhu, within the borders of the two countries, the northeast could be bordered by Tsarist Russia, and the southwest could be adjacent to Western sea states and many small inland barbarian countries.

One of the three parties travels across the vast ocean, while the other two travel across the borders of the mainland; two are heading west, and the other is expanding north. From this point of view, the three parties don't seem to be able to intersect.

But the fact is just not the case.

The three parties that seem to have no intersection have already formed a line invisibly at the moment when the Western Expeditionary Army crusade against Dashi, and the barbarians of Tianzhu and India.

This is the reason why Liu Mingzhi lamented for a long time that the move of the Western Expedition would affect the whole body.

It can be said that all the focus of the Dalong court has been placed on the matter of expanding the territory, and the premise of expanding the territory is internal stability, and the court can become a place for people from all walks of life to expand the territory without any worries. The stable backer, or it can be said to be faith.

Young Master Liu was born in the army leading the army, so he naturally understands how important morale and military spirit are, and the prerequisite for maintaining these all depends on the belief in the imperial court.

Only when all soldiers and horses can firmly believe that the court can let them advance and retreat without any worries, can the Western Expedition Army be truly invincible.

To fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside. If the internal territory is already in turmoil, how can we talk about fighting against the outside world?

Therefore, in the current situation, what Liu Mingzhi is most afraid of is that the internal situation of the court is turbulent. Once the internal situation is turbulent, it will not only be the Dalong Inner Mansion, Bei Mansion, and Xin Mansion that will be shaken in the future.

As long as there are waves of internal turmoil in the imperial court, not only will there be turbulent chaos in Dalong's homeland, it can be said that even the countries in the Western Regions will be greatly affected.

If even the countries in the Western Regions are about to be affected, then one can imagine what the situation will be like for the two Western Expeditionary armies who have traveled thousands of miles away, the two countries of Tianzhu, Rome, Egypt, and Frankland.

Liu Mingzhi was still extremely concerned about the film masters and the others who might become the source of internal turmoil.

If the dispute can be resolved without bloodshed today, the original worries in my heart will no longer exist.

It's just that the old man and the four of them don't have this ability and face?

Thinking of this, Liu Mingzhi stared thoughtfully at the backs of Wen Renzheng and the four of them.

"Brother Li, you are being polite."

"Brother Li, Baihu has come to be polite."

"Show Master, I'm being polite."

"Benefactor Li, the poor monk is being polite."

The eyes under the cloak of the film master watched Wen Renzheng and the other four salute one after another with neither humble nor overbearing expressions.

"Old man Li Kan, I have seen four old friends, it is polite."

After Wen Renzheng and the others put down their palms, before they could say a second word of greeting, Shadow Master quietly put his hands behind his back and walked a few steps towards the direction of the main mausoleum.

The shadow master silently stopped on a complete stone brick that was not affected by the strong wind, looked around bitterly at the dense pine and cypress forest that dotted the scenery of the main mausoleum, and sighed.

"Originally, the old man thought that the actions of himself and the brothers were already secret enough, but he didn't expect that after all, he still didn't avoid Liu Weng's eyes and ears, and you really came anyway.

The sun is at the height of the sky, and the king is in the world.God's quite old proverbs do not deceive the old man.

It seems that the sky really does not bless my Li family, it is the sky that does not bless my Li family! "

Bai Hulai, Wen Renzheng and the four of them heard the shadow master's soliloquy mixed with thousands of melancholy, all of them couldn't help shaking their bodies, and their bodies were slightly stooped.

They heard too much resentment, too much bitterness, and too much helplessness from the film master's short words.

Although they might meet today as rivals, they couldn't help but feel sorry for the actor.

How much pressure did this old friend of the past bear, and what a burden he shouldered!

The four people who originally wanted to say something silently swallowed the words that came to their lips.

When I came here, I obviously prepared thousands of words of persuasion, but at this moment, I couldn't say a single word.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the shadow master and the others who had been standing silently for a long time, he hesitated for a moment, took a sword flower behind his back, put away the sky sword, and walked up behind his arm.

With a calm and cautious gaze, Liu Mingzhi slowly stopped in front of Wen Renzheng and the others as he surveyed the surrounding scenery of the imperial mausoleum in a daze.

"Old man, the boy is being polite."

"Grandpa, the child is being polite."

"Old Zen Master Baishan, old Zen Master Huifa, the juniors are polite."

"Compared to a few years ago, the change is not small. Your status is different now, so you don't need to be so polite to the old."

"Good grandson, hurry up and get rid of the etiquette, our family doesn't have so many old-fashioned etiquettes."

"Don't dare, I see Your Majesty."

"Don't dare, the poor monk sees His Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi put down his hands and looked at the four people in front of him curiously, the question in his eyes was self-evident.

"Old man, where have you been all these years? Even if you are wandering around the world, at least report to your family that they are safe!
You guys who haven't heard from you all these years, Shu'er, Yao'er, Yun'er... Don't worry about us juniors.

A few days ago, the boy even told Shu'er that the next time I see you, I don't know that I will have to wait until the year of the monkey!As a result, you came to the capital by yourself today, which can be said to have given me a big surprise, kid!
Shu'er, if she sees your old man, she will be overwhelmed with joy.

And grandpa, you old man, you didn't even come to the banquet on the wedding day of your great-grandson Liu Chengzhi, why did you suddenly appear in this imperial mausoleum today?

What is the situation?How come I don't know anything about it, baby?

Furthermore, old Zen master Baishan and old Zen master Huifa, what is the situation with you two?It's too sudden for you to come, isn't it?Junior, I really didn't have the slightest preparation in my heart. "

The four of them looked at First Young Master Liu's puzzled face, looked at each other and spoke one after another.

"A few days ago your father sent someone to find the old man and told him about it."

"A few days ago, your mother passed on the letter to my grandfather, and then the old man rushed to the capital all day and night. If there is no accident, it is also the meaning of the good son-in-law of the old man."

"I also received a letter from Liu Weng a few days ago, so I rushed all the way to the capital."

"The poor monk also received a letter from Liu Weng a few days ago, and then rushed to the capital day and night."


Young Master Liu couldn't help but stare blankly at the four people who spoke sincerely. Did his old man inform them?
When did it happen?Why don't you know anything about it?
Besides, no matter how awesome Liu Ye is, she won't be able to find someone in the capital in three days, right?Not to mention that it takes time to deliver the news, it will also take time for them to come to the capital, right?

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to do it in three days!

Wait, how many days ago?What the four of them said just now seemed to be a few days ago. The actor obviously invited himself on the day of his son's wedding three days ago. Why did the old man send a letter to the four of them so many days ago?
Hiss... Liu Mingzhi took a light breath, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to think about what happened in Liu's residence these days.

Suddenly, a scene appeared in front of Young Master Liu's eyes, that was the scene that happened on the day before his son got married when his little sister Liu Xuan returned home.

At that time, the old housekeeper Liu Yuan rushed to the hall and said something to the old man, then Liu Zhi'an, who only exchanged a few words with his daughter, left the main hall with an excuse.

Could it be that the old man knew something that time?

(End of this chapter)

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