My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2565 One more thing is worse than one less thing

Chapter 2565

Liu Mingzhi thought for a while, and after careful deliberation, he vaguely got the answer in his heart.

Grandpa Bai Hulai and the old man Wen Renzheng and the four of them were able to arrive here in time today, nine times out of ten it was the old man's handwriting.

But the old man is too insidious, right?You have arranged so many layouts back and forth, why don't I know anything about this young master?

You should at least say hello to me, right?

Are you too treacherous?Or is this young master too incompetent?

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, and suddenly felt that he was a waste compared to the old man.

Although I don't know exactly what Young Master Liu was thinking at this moment, but judging from the expressions on Young Master Liu's face that changed in just a short moment, the four of them seemed to understand something.

It seemed that even Liu Mingzhi himself was kept in the dark about the fact that the four of them were invited to help out. For a while, the four of them didn't know how to evaluate Liu Zhian's behavior.

You have done so much to help your son in secret, so is it necessary to hide it from him?

Fortunately, I waited for the four of them to come at the right time. If we came a little later and caught up with them when they were fighting fiercely, we would come up as each other's reinforcements, which would be a fatal move, but you will be able to see it.

Unprepared, a sudden killing move came towards him, even at the level of himself and others, it would be difficult to guard against, right?
Death or serious injury may not be the case, but losing face is definitely not running away.

The aggrieved scene that might happen appeared in front of them, and the four of them shuddered at the same time. If such a scene happened, it would be really embarrassing.

Young Master Liu recovered from his muttering, secretly took a look at the shadow master who was standing motionless not far away as before, coughed lightly and moved towards Wen Renzheng and the others.

"Grandpa, old man, the two masters, can you move forward a little bit? Tonight... I have something to discuss with the four of you."

Although Liu Mingzhi didn't want to use my self-proclaimed name in front of Grandpa and Wen Renzheng and the other two elders, but due to the presence of the two old monks Huifa and the others, Liu Mingzhi didn't want to lower his status, but he had no choice. I can only call myself this.

The four looked at Eldest Young Master Liu's vigilant expression, and didn't pay attention to his self-proclaimed words just now. They glanced slightly at the shadow master who was a few steps away, and seemed to understand something. They nodded lightly and raised their hands to signal Liu Mingzhi to lead the way.

The five walked unhurriedly to the cypress tree dozens of steps away from the shadow master and stopped. Young Master Liu held the Heavenly Sword in his back and punched the four of them.

"Grandpa, old man, two masters, thank you for coming to help me today. Although it was somewhat beyond my expectation, I still want to thank you for your assistance."

"Don't dare, your majesty is the king of a country. Although the old monk is an outsider in the Great Compassion Zen Forest, he is also a subject under the rule of the court. Your majesty needs the help of the old monk, which is actually a matter of the old monk's job. How dare you accept it?" Thank you, His Majesty."

"The old monk echoed the words of Zen Master Baishan. Today, the world is unified and the world is unified. Although the poor monk used to be in charge of the Dahuguo Temple in the Kingdom of Jin, today he is also governing his subjects for His Majesty. Your Majesty has a request, and the poor monk should be heartbroken. Dare to thank."

Wen Renzheng looked at Baishan old bald donkey and Hui Pharaoh bald donkey who had turned into licking dogs, and the look of disdain in his eyes flashed away.

If you are worried that your Buddhist monastery may be destroyed by the imperial army in the future, you just say it. Is it necessary to say these flattering words against your will?

Two old bald donkeys, hypocritical.

However, in order to take good care of his apprentice and save his grandson-in-law's face, Wen Renzheng punched Young Master Liu with a mixed heart.

"This old man is the same as the two old bald... Chan masters, as His Majesty's subjects, he should help the court to solve problems, and dare not accept His Majesty's words of thanks."

Bai Hulai coughed softly with his neck stuck, smiled lightly and punched First Young Master Liu.

"The old man seconded the proposal. Clearing the obstacles for the imperial court and stabilizing the hearts of the people in the world is part of my job. I dare not thank you."

Young Master Liu looked at Wen Renzheng and Bai Hulai, the two elders who cooperated with him, and a fleeting smile slightly rose from the corner of his mouth.

"The four of you are interested, then I will stop being polite.

May I ask the four seniors, is there anyone among you who is very familiar with the actor?

Can you go and advise Senior Shadow Master for me to let him put down the weapon in his hand and make peace with me, so as not to start another war.

Now that the world has not been unified for many years, the people feel at ease, and all the people yearn to live and work in peace, and the world is peaceful. I really don't want to see another war between the government and the public.

The actions of the movie master and the spy shadow in the imperial mausoleum today will certainly not cause a catastrophe to me, but once their actions are known to those who are interested, and they use this as an opportunity to make trouble, there will definitely be troubles both inside and outside the court.

With my current prestige, I am naturally not afraid of these things, but as the saying goes, more things are worse than less things. I really don't want to see the scene of my compatriots killing each other before my eyes.

They are all my Dalong's subjects, I really don't want to see any of my subjects die for no reason.

In order to unify the world, the soldiers and civilians in the three prefectures have died and injured more than a million. Now that the world is finally unified with great difficulty, I don't want to see another war in the territory of Dalong, so that the people will be displaced again and their lives will be ruined.

Therefore, if the four seniors have someone who is familiar with the film master's senior, can they go and persuade them with reason and emotion instead of me.

In order to persuade the senior shadow master to lead all the brothers under his command to lay down their weapons, so as to avoid the difficulty of weapons.

If any senior can facilitate this matter for me, I will definitely reward you heavily. "

The four of them fell silent after listening to Young Master Liu's generous words. If they hadn't heard the words that the film owner said to himself, they would naturally be willing to persuade Young Master Liu instead. After all, what they said today The purpose of coming is to extinguish this dispute.

However, there were the words of the film master that made them feel so emotional before, they really didn't know what other words could persuade the film master to put down the sword and make peace.

Even Young Master Liu's grandfather Bai Hulai sighed secretly, not knowing what to say.

Not to mention Baishan and Huifa, two outsiders who don't care about worldly affairs. They can only be said to have casual acquaintances with the film master, the former head of the spy spy.

Zen Master Huifa can even be said to be the shadow master's opponent. After all, when Young Master Liu did not rule the world, Dalong and the Kingdom of Jin were enemies on the same level. Naturally, the relationship between Li and the actor is not much better.

The reason why they can be called brothers after meeting today is just a polite way of greeting each other on the surface.

Let him persuade the film owner, not to mention that it can be effective, it is already quite good without adding fuel to the fire.

Wen Renzheng was a generation of emperor master with power in the government and the public. As the emperor master back then, he was also a well-known descendant of the Heavenly Sword in the martial arts world. He had some dealings with the shadow master in private in the past.

However, it is precisely because of his previous dealings with the actor that he has a better understanding of the actor's nature.

Wen Renzheng actually understood very well in his heart that what the film owner said just now seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact, he just said it intentionally for the four of them to hear.

From the words of the film master, Wen Renzheng already understood that there was no need to continue persuading.

But looking at Young Master Liu's eyes full of hope, Wen Renzheng's heart softened after all.

Forget it, just for the sake of my granddaughter not worrying about my sweetheart all day long, so I should get rid of this old face and go to work for her.

But this matter cannot be handled by the old man alone, and the three brothers next to him don't even think about doing it on the wall.

You can't keep this old face of old age, and you don't want to be contaminated with karma.

"That's all, the old man and the three old friends will run around for His Majesty again. As for the success or not, the old man can't guarantee it. I hope His Majesty will be mentally prepared."

Hearing Wen Renzheng's words, Bai Hulai was fine, he didn't have much weird reaction, but the two old monks Baishan and Huifa twitched their eyes a few times, and they could only nod their heads in agreement with a wry smile.

"I would like to go."

"The poor monk is willing to help you a little bit."

Bai Hulai glanced at Wen Renzheng with complicated expressions, and shrugged casually.

"Brother Baishan and Brother Huifa have no objections. Naturally, the old man will not have any objections. I am willing to go!"

"Then I will have to thank the four seniors. No matter whether it is successful or not, I will not complain."

"Your Majesty Shengming, I will go first to contact the film master."

"It's time to work, and we will return together."

The five people finished their conversation and returned to the low table with wine jars.

(End of this chapter)

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