Chapter 2566
Wen Renzheng and the four looked at each other, and walked towards the film master not far away with complicated expressions.

Wen Renzheng and the others walked up to the shadow master and before he could speak, the shadow master seemed to hear the light footsteps of several people, and suddenly turned around and glanced desolately at the four old friends who were not old friends.

"The purpose of the four old friends is already clear in my heart, I don't need to talk about it anymore, I have made up my mind, I will definitely not make any changes, and the four old friends don't need to waste any more words.

The old man happened to know that the four old friends would come to the imperial mausoleum to meet today, so he specially told the brothers to prepare a few jars of vintage wine to wait for the good news.

The four old friends also came from afar, so why not let me have a good drink with my husband today, and it will not be in vain for us to get to know each other in the past.

Drinks are enough, how about the four old friends? "

After the actor finished speaking, he seemed to be asking the four people, but in fact, without waiting for Wen Renzheng and the other four to agree, he tossed his cloak and walked straight towards the low table where he and Young Master Liu had just drank together.

Seeing this situation, Wen Renzheng and the others had no choice but to follow along with disappointed faces. Although they couldn't see through the shadow master's specific thoughts, they had already understood the shadow master's general thoughts from the shadow master's words and deeds.

It is no longer possible to use this old face to help Liu Mingzhi persuade the actor to stop making peace.

The film master glanced lightly at First Young Master Liu, who was standing a few steps away with a slightly surprised look, and slowly stopped beside the low table where he was drinking just now.

Looking at the table which had become a mess due to the fighting between the two of them just now, the movie master glanced at the wine jars placed on both sides of the low table.

After the film master confirmed that those wine jars were not affected by the fight between the two of them just now, a strong wind surged with a wave of his hand, and the four jars of wine placed on the left side of the low table were splashed with dust. Then, driven by the strong wind, he shot straight at Wen Renzheng and the four of them.

The four of them stared at the incoming wine jar with concentrated expressions, only Wen Renzheng waved his palms a few times in the air calmly, and took the incoming wine jar into his palm with a calm demeanor.

But Bai Hulai and the other three's seemingly calm expressions showed a trace of surprise. Although the movement of taking the wine jar was not laborious, it was a little more cumbersome than Wen Renzheng's elegant and free movements.

The four innate masters silently held the wine jar in their hands, except for Wen Renzheng, a hint of caution flashed in the depths of the eyes of the other three.

In the eyes of the film master, the apparently simple behavior of giving wine has actually been a brief confrontation in the eyes of the old foxes. In terms of the strength with which the film master swung the wine jar just now, if it weren't for himself and the others, it would be pretty good Ability, I am afraid that the wine jar will have been smashed to the ground the moment he got it.

The meaning that the film master wants to express is quite clear, this altar of fine wine is given to old friends, as for whether they can drink it or not, it is up to each of them.

If you can drink well, it is your own ability. If you can't drink well, you should blame yourself for being inferior to others.

People whose skills are not as good as others, although the old man will not look down on you, but also will not look too high on you.

The four of them instantly understood the profound meaning that the film master wanted to explain, and looked at the wine jar in their hands with a wave of their fingers and casually removed the mud seal on the wine jar with a light smile.

Wen Renzheng and Bai Hulai smelled the strong aroma of wine coming from the wine jar, and couldn't help showing their intoxicated expressions. They knew they were wine lovers at a glance.

On the other hand, Baishan and Huifa looked at the clear and mellow wine in the altar with bitter old faces and softly said the Buddha's name.

"Amitabha, sin is sin."

"My Buddha is merciful, the poor monk has no choice but to break the precept today."

The sharp eyes under the shadow master's cloak silently looked at the four people holding the wine jar with different expressions, and finally fixed their eyes on Wen Renzheng.

Because he felt a faint pressure from Wen Renzheng, although there was no real fight, but just from Wen Renzheng's smooth movements when he took over the wine jar, the actor already had a plan in his heart.

This former emperor teacher of the previous generation is obviously stronger than himself in terms of skill. As for how much stronger, the shadow master will not make a judgment without a real fight.

However, recalling Wen Renzheng's astonishingly powerful strength when he was crossing the wind and clouds in Xinzhou in the past, the film master left a bitter feeling in his heart.

After so many years, the strength of this old friend should have improved to a higher level, right?

But it's not absolute, after all, Wen Renzheng is old and frail now, and with the aging of the body, it may not be possible that the skill will gradually regress.

The film master still has a say in this point, because the strength of him and many brothers has gradually weakened a little with the passage of time and the aging of the body.

Although he is still respected as an innate master of the land gods by the people in the world, his strength is not as good as before.

Wen Renzheng is a few years older than himself, and it is not impossible for his realm and skill to decline.

But judging from the current situation, whether Wenren's strength is strong or weak is not very important.

Thinking of this, the corner of the shadow master's mouth covered under the cloak showed a self-deprecating smile, and he kicked a jar of wine into his hands with his toes.

Like Wen Renzheng and the four others, they removed the mud on the wine jar with their fingers. The film master held the wine jar and turned to look at the Four Great Dharma Kings of Wind, Thunder, Rain and Lightning, Eleven Shadow Guardians, and dozens of people in the distance. A spy raises his own wine jar.

"Brothers, today may be... just drink!"

Dozens of people from spy shadows stared calmly at the shadow master who was holding the wine jar high, and unanimously untied the wine bag or wine gourd and other drinking utensils from his waist and held them in their hands.

He removed the wine cork with an elegant demeanor, and a group of spies held up the wine bag and waved it at the shadow master.

"My brother, my lord."

The shadow master stared at the group of brothers who had lived and died for decades with their sharp eyes, and gradually replaced them with sadness and pain. He silently blinked the sore corners of his eyes a few times, and the shadow master slightly turned sideways with the wine jar in front of Wen Renzheng, the four of them and Liu Da. Less gestures.

"Old man Li Kan, I respect you all."

Under the complicated eyes of everyone, the shadow master held the cloak with one hand, and poured the wine jug into the open mouth inside the cloak with the other, as if wanting to drink to his heart's content.

A clear swallowing sound came to everyone's ears, and the spies not far away raised their drinking utensils and drank heavily.

A jar of five catties of old wine was gradually drained by the shadow master in about a cup of tea. When the last few drops of wine fell, the shadow master's arm holding the wine jar fluttered down.

After belching lightly, the film master glanced heavily at First Young Master Liu, Wen Renzheng and the others lifted the wine jar and threw it heavily on the floor tiles covered with sword marks.

After wiping the wine off his gray beard with his fingers, the film master looked at Young Master Liu and the others with heavy eyes.

"Bai Hu Lai Bai, old man, you were the head coach of the imperial guards in the imperial court in the past. How much did Emperor Ruizong value you, brother? How well did the imperial court treat your Bai family?

Brother Dishi Wenren, decades ago when you were young and energetic, you entered the temple where you had the opportunity to show your ambitions, so you left a great reputation in the court and in the rivers and lakes.

Ruizong admired his brother's great talent, and when he was young, he treated each other with the courtesy of master and apprentice, Fang Youxiong showed the world in his heart.

With the position of Emperor Master and the name of Heavenly Sword, everyone in the court and field admired his prestige. After his brother retreated to the south of the Yangtze River, people all over the world praised him for his integrity.

The first emperor also never denied the reputation of being a brother, emperor and teacher.

For decades, he has called himself an apprentice, why is the relationship between master and apprentice not as strong as love?
But when until today, the two big brothers would actually... Sigh...

Baishan old bald donkey, you are an outsider, you really shouldn't be polluted by the mundane world. If it wasn't for the kindness of Emperor Ruizong, the Great Compassion Zen Forest would have already been turned into a barren hill.

If the old man knew that today is already here, the old man would only regret that he did not disobey the holy will back then, wash your Great Compassion Zen Forest with blood, and destroy your Zen Forest Temple.

Hui Pharaoh's old bald donkey, he was just a defeated general in the past, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with the king, I have nothing to say to the four of them, my lord, you are the third princess, she... whatever... hahahaha...hahaha...

If you look at the world with drunk eyes, everyone is loyal and good; if you look at the current situation with eyesight, everything is hot and cold.

The world is hot and cold, it really is the world is cold and cold! "

The shadow master sneered at the few people, and quietly took out the Yanling knife made of black iron from under the cloak, and held it in his hand.

"People put ritual and righteousness first, and trees put their branches and leaves as their source.

The old man's courtesy has been exhausted, and this righteousness is difficult.

Except for Brother Bai and his four old friends, since the other old friends and up-and-comers have also arrived, there is no need to hide and hide, so why not show up together.

A few lines of names are left in Qingshi, but life is nothing but loyalty and integrity.

The worst thing today is nothing more than bloodshed and death, let's come out together.

It is really a blessing for a man to commit himself to the country, and I, Li Kan, have no fear of it. "

(End of this chapter)

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