Chapter 2567 Invincible
Liu Mingzhi looked at the film master who showed a generous attitude with complicated eyes, he also hesitated fiercely in his heart, and a feeling suddenly rose in his heart as if he was a heinous villain.

Although the movie master's previous words were only half spoken, they were replaced by the desolate laughter afterwards.

But to Liu Mingzhi, the long laughs from the actor were far harsher and more ironic than sarcasm.

Who doesn't want to be a wild crane?It's just a lifetime of loyalty.

First Young Master Liu thought over the words that the film master had said before, his arms trembled twice, and he touched the wine bag on his waist.

Untied the wine bag at his waist and flicked off the stopper, Young Master Liu held up the wine bag to the shadow master with a hesitant expression.

"I, I would like to respect you seniors again. Regardless of whether you are alive or dead today, after a hundred years, I will present you with a stele of loyalty and righteousness."

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he exhaled heavily, raised his wine bag, and drank happily like the film master and many spy shadow spies just now.

The expressions on the faces of Wen Renzheng and the other four were similarly complicated, what irony the actor's words just now sounded to their ears!
Especially Wen Renzheng, Bai Hulai and the two of them, one of them was a generation of imperial teachers of the Li family in the past, and the other was the chief coach of the Li family's internal guards, both of them were former courtiers of the Li family.

No matter what the reason is, or there are some unspeakable secrets, since he appeared here today, it means that he has definitely been labeled as a traitor.

Perhaps from now on, no one will know what happened today, or even if it is spread, no one will dare to mention it because of Young Master Liu's majesty.

But for the two of them, a set of shackles had already been tied invisibly in their hearts.

Wen Renzheng and the two subconsciously looked at each other, and from each other's eyes, they felt each other's entangled and bitter emotions.

In an instant, the two people's hearts became even more mixed.

Compared with the melancholy mood of Wen Renzheng, Baishan and Huifa were not so depressed.

One of the two is a person from the rivers and lakes who has never been taken seriously by the court from the beginning to the end, and the other is the former abbot of the Great Huguo Temple in the Kingdom of Jin. The feelings of the two of them for the former Dalong court cannot be said to be too deep.

After all, they had very little contact with the Li royal family in the past, and at best they had some connections.

The movement of Young Master Liu drinking brought Wen Renzheng and the others back to their senses, and they sighed secretly with completely different thoughts. The four raised the wine jar and gestured to the film master who was looking at the pine and cypress forests on both sides with sharp eyes.

"Brother Li."

The film master ignored the movements of Wen Renzheng and the other four, and looked at the dense forest on both sides with extremely calm eyes, and said something sarcastic again.

"What? Old friends and rising stars, do you want me to personally invite you out?"

Just as Liu Mingzhi threw the bottomed wine bag on the ground, he heard some cold words from the actor.

Young Master Liu glanced solemnly at the gleaming Yanling Saber in the shadow master's hand, turned his backhand and lifted the Heavenly Sword in his hand and said loudly.

"Everyone, since Senior Shadow Master already knows your whereabouts, there is no need for you to keep hiding, let's show up together."

After Liu Mingzhi's words were half a cup of tea, more than a dozen people dressed in different styles, tall, short, fat, and thin. Figures of all ages, men, women, and children gathered from all directions towards the place where Young Master Liu and the others were standing.

The moment a dozen or so figures appeared from the surroundings, the original fierce aura of the shadow master suddenly became more fierce and frightening. The gleaming Yanling Saber in his hand turned slightly at an angle, his eyes turned lightly like a torch, and he started to examine With a dozen visitors.

The movie master glanced coldly at the dozen or so other guests with an air of dust around him, and every time he saw a person, he would say a word, revealing the identity of the visitor.

"Elder Liutian in the willow leaf, the lore kills the five tyrants of the sky knife and wind."

"Elder Neiliu, kill Grand Uncle Slaughter once in five steps."

"Admiral Division Five Elements King Kong, Dalong traitor King Kong eight-armed Arhat Hui Gang."

"The big dragon is a traitor, the water diamond is in the cloud, Yan Chang Kunlun."

"Dalong Xuande's most wanted criminal in Mizhou for ten years, Huo King Kong and Huo Qilin Gu Muyi."

"Chen Houjia, a traitor disciple of the Heavenly Master Taoist Temple in Hezhou, and a Taoist of Earth Vajra Deadwood."

"The leader of the Yun family in the northwest, Gong Hao, the cloud dragon."

"Former Turkic Royal Court Master, Huanxi Vajra Duolun Master."

"A rising star of the Bai family in the East China Sea, the Bell Fairy Bai Ling'er."

"The up-and-coming star of the Bai family in the East China Sea, Bai Chongliang, a layman of Xiaoyao."

"Eastern Sea Martial Arts Daoyahai, Liu Sandao, the swordsman."

"A hero who travels alone in the rivers and lakes, coffin bearer Song Zhong."

"The rising star of the Great Compassion Zen Forest, the monk who broke the precepts is Master Fan."

After the shadow masters called out the identities of the people one by one, they continued to look around with gloomy eyes.

After all the visitors had gathered behind Young Master Liu for about a cup of tea, and no one else appeared on the spot, the shadow master withdrew his gaze.

"Except for Elder Liu Yexuan, Xuan Beizhang Lu Yu, Elder Huang Tianmang Jian Huanglu, Admiral Simu Jingang Daihe, it seems that everyone who should come today has come.

The prince really knows each other all over the world!Today's grand event can be described as unprecedented, it is really eye-opening.

The old man admires, the old man admires to the utmost. "

It's hard to tell whether the actor's words are sincere admiration or deliberate irony. Presumably the latter should be the majority.

Liu Mingzhi's eyes were also flickering with an inexplicable meaning, he turned around silently and looked at the people around him a few times, and his mind was in a daze for a few times.

Previously, he was clearly at a disadvantage in the hands of the top experts, but with only half a cup of tea, he firmly gained the upper hand. This made Young Master Liu feel a little unreal, as if he had been in a lifetime.

Young Master Liu silently calculated the names in his heart, and the number of innate masters standing on his side obviously surpassed that of Spy Shadow.

Even without including myself and my younger sister Liu Xuan who has never exposed her true strength to outsiders, the number of masters in the innate realm on my side is already seventeen.

Unknowingly, he even overtook a master from Spy Shadow. When the scuffle started, even if Lao Zhou, the former chief executive, stood on the side of the shadow master, he was only on par with his side.

Especially when this doesn't include the two of him and his younger sister Liu Xuan, they have already maintained a balance.

If you count my brother and sister, as long as there are no unexpected situations that everyone can predict, I will already be invincible in today's duel with the actor.

Yes, already in an invincible position.

The shadow master has fifteen brothers who are born and died in the innate realm, and himself has eighteen relatives and friends who are in the innate realm.

The film master has spies in his hands, and he also has all the troops who came to help out, so it may not be much worse than spies, and it may even be a little better.

Under such a situation, apart from God intending to kill him, no matter how he thought about it, Liu Mingzhi couldn't imagine how he would lose with his current lineup.

"Senior, to this day, Liu Mingzhi is no longer the Liu Mingzhi of the past. I will give it to you in the end because of your utter loyalty to your family and country..."

Before Liu Mingzhi finished his sentence, the actor suddenly raised the Yanling Saber in his hand, and the bright and cold blade immediately reflected the sunlight reflected on the knife onto Young Master Liu's face.

The dazzling light made Young Master Liu's eyes narrow subconsciously, and the palm holding the hilt of the Heavenly Sword became a bit tighter and stronger.

Although the film master didn't reply to Young Master Liu's words, he already expressed his feelings to Young Master Liu and others with his actions.

Liu Xuan quietly took off the bamboo hat on Zhenshou, took out a piece of silk from the cuff, and tightly tied the three thousand black silks hanging down to Liu's waist.

"Brother, do you want me to send a signal flare to summon the brothers who are lurking around the imperial mausoleum?"

"Not for the time being, if the enemy does not move, we will not move, as long as there are not a large number of spies and spies besieging them, don't call them to help.

The fight between us will only be a disservice if they come, and they will sacrifice their lives in vain. "

"Okay, Xuan'er understands."

"Later, we will fight one-on-one first. When you are watching the battle from the side, you should have a sharper eye. Once you find that someone on our side is losing the wind, go to help immediately.

Once the situation is not right, immediately call all the brothers to come closer. "

"Xuan'er understands."

(End of this chapter)

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