Chapter 2568

After Liu Mingzhi finished explaining a few words to his younger sister Liu Xuan, he slightly turned to look at Wen Renzheng at the side.


"Huh? What's the matter?"

Young Master Liu's eyes flashed a few years ago when he was in Fengyundu in Xinzhou, Wen Renzheng lingkongyuexia's celestial posture with more than a dozen sword auras at his fingertips.

Such invincible strength and realm, I am afraid that I will never have the chance to touch it in this life.

With such formidable strength as him, it would be perfect for him to plunder for himself and others later.

"Grandpa, I want to compete with the film master myself. Yixue was ashamed of being assassinated in Fengyundu back then. Why don't you wait for me for a while?"


Wen Renzheng hesitated for a moment as he caressed his beautiful beard, and finally nodded silently.

"I understand, boy, when the two of you fight against each other later, you must be more careful, more cautious, more cautious.

The Infinity Sword Sutra practiced by the shadow master is not much better than the nine-style sword song passed on to you by the old man, and some moves even surpass the nine-style sword song in terms of overbearing.

There are two kinds of kung fu, Wuliang Dao Jing and Nine Styles of Sword Song, one for heavy strength, the other for heavy and light illness, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is hard to distinguish between them.

Although the shadow master's Wuliang Dao Sutra is not as prestigious as the Nine Styles of Sword Songs in the Jianghu, but this does not mean that the power of the Wuliang Saber Sutra is not as powerful as the Nine Styles of Sword Songs.

It is only because the film master has been living in secret for decades to speak and serve, and after dealing with those rebels who harbored disobedience, he seldom left his name behind, so he has a bad reputation in the Jianghu martial arts world. Significantly.

Over the years that this old man has wandered around the rivers and lakes, as far as this old man Wuwu knows, it is rumored that more than a thousand rebels died under the sword of Wuliang, but only the shadow master himself knows the exact number of deaths.

After all, the rumors are somewhat different.

In the past, the old man had a private duel with him. Although the old man was not defeated by him that time, he did not beat him by one move either.

However, this does not mean that the old man fought to a draw with him. At that time, because of our mutual identities, there were reservations between me and him in that battle.

The old man guessed that if it wasn't because of his status as an old man, he really went all out to fight, maybe the old man would have been severely injured by him.

His sword skills are too domineering and fierce, time is urgent, no matter how much the old man says, you will not be able to understand it, and when you fight against each other later, as long as the actor really uses his full strength, then you will understand what the old man said in the meaning.

Those years were fleeting, and decades passed in a hurry.

There has never been a second fight between us, how much his current strength has changed from decades ago, even if he is old, I dare not jump to conclusions.

The shadow master leads the spies under his command, who can assist and monitor officials and generals all over the world, and at the same time, can overwhelm the people in the martial arts world who dare not make troubles for decades. It is not for nothing.

You must not be careless, after all, at our level, even a small mistake will cost your life. "

"Infinite Sword Sutra."

Liu Mingzhi murmured softly about the master's cultivation skills, and nodded to Wen Renzheng solemnly.

"The boy understands, I will definitely do my best later."

Young Master Liu is quite familiar with the old man's personality. He is not the kind of person who would aimlessly. It seems that later on, he will have to work hard no matter what.

"If you can face up to the enemy, you can at least let go of half of your worries. These years, this old man doesn't know how your kung fu practice is. , As for how much you can comprehend, it all depends on your own ability."

The embarrassment in Young Master Liu's eyes disappeared after hearing Wen Renzheng's words. Although he was not lazy in practicing martial arts these years, he was not very diligent either.

Most martial arts practitioners have the habit of practicing three days in winter and three days in summer, and young master Liu has nothing to do with it, but young master Liu has not abandoned his martial arts over the years.

After all, Young Master Liu is quite diligent in practicing the two Taoist inner strength methods of "Yin Yang Harmonization Great Compassion Fu" and "Yin Qi Jing". He must practice the two inner strength methods every two days. Uninterrupted and never interrupted.

Several years passed, and the zhenqi in Young Master Liu's body became more and more solidified, but Liu Mingzhi was a bit hard to say in terms of other attacking moves.

Human energy is limited after all!
Wen Renzheng understood something from Young Master Liu's erratic eyes, and shook his head imperceptibly, but he didn't say anything admonishing him.

"The nine-style sword song is light in weight, agile, quick, steady, accurate, and ruthless. It can be said that the moves of the nine-style sword song incorporate the advantages of all sword techniques. The sword is slightly lighter than the knife, so it should be light and elegant. .

Among all the weapons, there are only a few types of weapons that are lighter than the sword.

Although the nine-style sword song has gathered all the advantages of all swordsmanship in the world, no matter how powerful the sword moves are, they will eventually be dead, but people are alive.

Although the sword moves of the nine-style sword song are very powerful, if one only pays attention to the sword move, it will be difficult for those who practice the nine-style sword song to get out of the shackles of the sword move.

It is enough to deal with ordinary masters, but if the enemy is a master of the same realm as you, or a master whose realm exceeds yours, then paying too much attention to sword moves will become your burden instead.

After all, compared with a strong opponent who has been wandering on the edge of life and death all year round, their rich combat experience is beyond your imagination.

So at this time, if you still continue to use sword to meet the enemy, you will be defeated in the end. In this way, you must find your own way in the fight.

Attacking with the sword is based on momentum, it is false; attacking with skills is based on reality.

Falseness becomes reality, reality becomes emptiness, learning from each other's strengths to make up for its weaknesses.

What is false and true is yin and yang, and yin and yang are the way of heaven and earth.

Therefore, you should put down your sword moves and use skills as your strengths.

The shadow master's infinite sword is extremely overbearing, especially gravity. Compared with the sword, the sword itself is slightly weaker in terms of strength.

Then winning with skills is the only way for you to win now.

Although your fighting experience in the Jianghu martial arts world is not as good as that of the shadow master, but you have led the army for so many years, and your experience in fighting on the battlefield is thousands of times more than that of the shadow master.

Compared with the fierce fighting moves in the rivers and lakes, the fighting moves on the battlefield are mostly based on hitting the weakest enemy and making quick decisions.

At this time, you have to integrate your experience of killing enemies on the battlefield into your sword moves, and exchange the opponent's maximum consumption at the minimum cost for yourself.

Although the shadow master's Wuliang Dao Jing is overbearing and unparalleled, it may not be much stronger than you in terms of lightness kung fu, especially after you have practiced the peerless lightness kung fu of facing the wind and stepping on the snow, you have a two-point advantage.

Remember, you must use your own strengths to deal with the enemy's weaknesses, so that you have the possibility of winning. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wen Renzheng with a serious expression, sat cross-legged on the ground lightly, and silently closed his eyes to calm down his agitated mind.

In my mind, I gradually intertwined the already engraved nine-style sword song with the instinctive habit of fighting on the battlefield, merging, merging, and constantly merging.

Attacking with the sword is based on momentum, it is false; attacking with skills is based on reality.

Falseness becomes reality, reality becomes emptiness, learning from each other's strengths to make up for its weaknesses.

What is false and true is yin and yang, and yin and yang are the way of heaven and earth.

What is false and true is yin and yang, and yin and yang are the way of heaven and earth.

When Young Master Liu held his breath and wandered in the void, Yin Yang and He Da Bei Fu involuntarily wandered through the eight meridians in Young Master Liu's body, like a mischievous naughty boy, hitting again and again Seeing the two veins of Ren and Du that Young Master Liu had already penetrated.

After a long time, First Young Master Liu suddenly opened his eyes, holding the sword with his right hand, and pinched his left hand in front of him to make sword fingers, sliding lightly on the sharp and dazzling blade of the Heavenly Sword.

A burst of Tongtian Sword Intent, which attracted the attention of everyone present, surged out centered on First Young Master Liu, causing the minds of many masters to instinctively tense up a few times.

When everyone subconsciously turned their eyes to wait and see, a sword glow like a comet hitting the moon seemed to cut through the sky, and flew towards the shadow master dozens of steps away.

(End of this chapter)

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