Chapter 2569
Young Master Liu's sudden attack without any warning made everyone present couldn't help but feel worried. The film master, who was explaining something to the brothers through internal force transmission, felt the sharp sword light coming towards him, and even more gently Cursed a mean and shameless.

He finally understood that those so-called gentlemanly demeanor and chivalrous demeanor were not reflected in Young Master Liu at all.

If it was an ordinary person in the rivers and lakes or a rebel who committed such a despicable act, the film master would definitely not complain. After all, it is a life-and-death situation, and it is understandable to use despicable methods in order to survive.

However, Young Master Liu is not an ordinary person, but Dalong's current king of a country.

Although I and others do not admit this, but in the eyes of others, Young Master Liu is now Dalong's today.

As the emperor who is in charge of the power of the world, can you still have a bit of an emperor's demeanor and retain your dignity as an emperor?

Sneak attack at every turn, and black tricks at the slightest disagreement. Is this what the king of a country should do?
Even if it's one thing on the surface and another thing behind the other, you should at least pretend for a while, leaving a little space for others to flatter you, okay?

Even if you are not a gentleman, can't you pretend to be a gentleman?

After all, so many of your subordinates, relatives and friends are still watching Lei from the sidelines, how would they feel if you did such an unfashionable act and let them see it in their eyes?

The thought in his heart disappeared in a flash, and the shadow master felt the solid sword intent on Young Master Liu's body, and instinctively drew a waning moon with the Yanling knife in his hand, and moved towards the shadow covering his whole body without retreating First Young Master Liu, who shot out from the sword light, went up to meet him.

Amidst the dazzling sword light, the Yanling Saber overflowing with aura in the shadow master's hand was tightly pointed on the cold and awe-inspiring tip of the Heavenly Sword.

Where the swords and swords intersected, the strong wind mixed with piercing hissing echoed between the heaven and the earth.

Young Master Liu, who flew towards him like a comet, stopped suddenly, and was forced to stop in mid-air by the Yanling Saber counterattacked by the Shadow Master.

The two felt the astonishing strength of the opponent's weapon, and for a while, neither of them could do anything to each other, and they turned their palms on each other's vital points and slapped them horizontally.

Feeling the opponent's extremely domineering palm wind, Young Master Liu and the two of them trembled, and they knew that it was not wise to resist the opponent's palm forcefully, and the tacit change left a crippled path. Shadow's palms moved towards each other's palms to meet them.

The two palms clasped together, and the unstoppable true aura swept in all directions. The hundreds of masters who were watching the battle felt the power contained in the true aura, and all of them flew towards the distance with solemn faces to dodge.

The two fought in the air and refused to give in to each other, once again a trace of surprise flashed in the sharp eyes of the film master. In this short moment of fighting, he has already noticed that Liu's skill seems to be completely different from that of just now. different variations.

The True Qi of the King of Side Shoulders seems to be more solidified and stronger than before the half stick incense kung fu.

What exactly is going on?What kind of inner strength and mentality did he practice as the shoulder-to-shoulder king?Why is his zhenqi like a turbulent wave stronger than one wave, giving people a feeling that the zhenqi in his body is flowing continuously.

Faintly aware of this change, the Yanling saber in the hands of the shadow master hastily retracted, and slashed towards the blade of the Heavenly Sword in Young Master Liu's hand in a flash.

Young Master Liu sensed the shadow master's intention and subconsciously withdrew his sword to counterattack. However, the moment Liu Dashao retracted his sword and counterattacked towards the shadow master's vulnerable position, the wild goose feather knife in the shadow master's hand was already heavy. With all his strength, Wan Jun slashed against the shimmering blade of the Heavenly Sword.

The ear-piercing roar of the Jin Ge clashing and the turbulent piercing fierce wind changed the expressions of the surrounding masters. Immediately, they luckily protected their bodies with stellar energy, and with a cautious expression, they leaped a few feet behind and stopped again.

Except for Wen Renzheng who stood still and stood still like an old dog, the rest of the innate masters and dozens of masters stared in surprise at the young master Liu who was shrouded in the light of swords and swords.

They found that the remaining prestige in the fight between young master Liu and the shadow master seemed to be beyond their previous cognition, and the burst of true energy made them feel a little bit of threat to masters of the same realm.

What kind of limit is this?
If Cai hadn't used the body-protecting qi to defend the whole body, although these zhenqi qi criss-crossing in the mid-air would not kill him and others, they would definitely make him and others lose face.

What kind of realm have they reached?This is the thought of [-]% of the masters present.

The moment the Yanling Saber slashed at Tianjianjian, Young Master Liu's right arm holding the Heavenly Sword trembled violently. The intense pain at the tiger's mouth in his palm made Young Master Liu grit his teeth involuntarily.

At this moment, he really understood the meaning of the old man's words just now, the shadow master's sword technique is simply too fierce.

If I hadn't taken precautions in advance because of the old man's warning, I am afraid that the position of my right arm and shoulder blade would be fractured and dislocated just by this one knife.

Young Master Liu endured the domineering blow of the Shadow Master's Yanling Saber, and immediately swung the Heavenly Sword in his hand like a spirit snake, circling the blade of the Yanling Saber and stabbing at the Shadow Master's veins.

The shadow master didn't expect Young Master Liu to fight back so quickly, feeling the astonishing might of the Heavenly Sword, the hilt of the Yanling Saber in the shadow master's hand took the initiative out of his hand, tumbling in the air with a dazzling cold light.

The shadow master swung his right wrist a few times at a position about three fingers away from the point of the sharp sword at the pulse gate of his own wrist, at an angle that seemed unbelievable to Young Master Liu, and he floated around the body of the Heavenly Sword and held it with his backhand The hilt of the Yanling Dao went straight to the blade and slashed vertically.

Sparks splattered from the blade to the blade, and the Heavenly Sword, which pierced the Shadow Master's pulse gate, was pressed towards the ground by the Shadow Master's slash.

The figures of the two also followed the momentum of the sword, and fell heavily to the dusty ground.

The sarcasm in the shadow master's eyes hadn't been revealed yet, and Young Master Liu, who was falling towards the ground, hastily performed Wind and Snow Treading and volleyed for several weeks, and forcibly pulled away the Heavenly Sword that was tightly restrained by the shadow master's Yanling Saber. Under the blade of the Yanling Saber.

The ear-piercing hissing sound and the sparks from the friction of the sword appeared in the ears and eyes of the two of them together. At the same time as the Heavenly Sword drew out the Yanling knife, Young Master Liu's volleying movement suddenly stopped, and his hands Holding the hilt of the Heavenly Sword, he stabbed the shadow master's forehead with a light and elegant but powerful sword move.

The sword move is the sixth form of the nine-style sword song, Shanheyun.

Seeing the sword qi with the power to split mountains and rocks lingering on the blade of the Heavenly Sword, the shadow master showed a retreating gesture for the first time.

The Yanling Saber in his hand drew a full moon in the afterimage, and thousands of sword lights protected the shadow master like a shield.

A loud noise that was louder than when a cannon shell exploded sputtered and burst out in the shadow of sword light and sword, and the sword energy condensed from the true energy formed a strong wind and lifted the two of them straight away.

The smoke that filled the air dissipated and faded in the turbulent wind.

The afterimages of the two flashing and fighting in the air were clearly displayed in the eyes of everyone when they were thrown away from each other.

Under the eyes of everyone, the two of them flew towards the ground like leaves falling in the wind and duckweed without roots.

Evenly matched?How could it be evenly matched?Could it be that the side-by-side king has been preserving his strength before?
The figures of the two flew towards the ground almost in no particular order. The shadow master only retreated a step and a half to control the figure. On the other hand, Young Master Liu took seven or eight steps back before gradually coming to a steady stop. down.

The moment the actor got down on the ground, his sharp eyes looked directly at Wen Renzheng, who was standing in the original position as steady as Mount Tai. After staring at Wen Renzheng in silence for a long time, the actor's gaze gradually shifted to Liu who was still calming down. Young and old.

After lightly flicking the smoke and dust on the cloak a few times, the shadow host stood upright in front of him with the Yanling Saber in his hand as if holding a sword.

"My lord, it seems that you are very good at learning from each other's strengths?
Since your realm has improved so rapidly under the guidance of brother Wenren, then the old man is no longer polite, so he has no choice but to really come and learn about the brilliant moves of the descendant of the Heavenly Sword.

The prince had just made so many moves without making a sound, and he also came to receive a few moves from the old man's Boundless Saber. "

Young Master Liu sensed the sudden soaring aura of the shadow master, and immediately held a sword horizontally in front of him, setting up a posture of both offense and defense.

(End of this chapter)

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