My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2570 The world has changed

Chapter 2570 The world has changed
Liu Mingzhi stood with his sword horizontally, his posture of both offense and defense had just been put into place, and the powerful aura emanating from the shadow master was still rising steadily.

After blinking their eyes a few times, everyone could vaguely feel a mighty power pouring towards them and the others like Mount Tai.

The shadow master standing there standing still seemed to be no longer a person, but a towering and unattainable mountain.

Except for Wen Renzheng, everyone present, including First Young Master Liu, swallowed their saliva silently, and there was a look of surprise and uneasiness in the eyes of the standing shadow master holding a knife in the distance.

Even the eyes of the Four Great Dharma Kings of Wind, Thunder, Rain and Lightning behind the Shadow Master and others under their cloaks were almost the same as those of Young Master Liu. Obviously, the aura exuded by the Shadow Master also shocked them.

Although Wen Renzheng didn't show the same uneasy expression as Young Master Liu and the others, a look of puzzled astonishment flashed in his old but gleaming eyes.

Staring coldly at the film master who seemed to be descended from heaven and man, Wen Renzheng's mouth trembled a few times, as if he wanted to ask the film master something, but finally swallowed it forcefully.

"My lord, the old man hasn't really exerted his full strength for many years. Today is a rare feast in the world for a hundred years. You can also learn from the old man's immeasurable sword scriptures."

The moment the film master's voice fell, Wen Renzheng, who was standing in the distance and staring quietly at the film master, suddenly looked at First Young Master Liu with a startled expression.

"Boy, run away."

Wen Renzheng's panicked words were still echoing in the air, but the figure of the shadow master standing motionless in the distance suddenly disappeared, and he saw a dazzling knife light in the midair accompanied by two loud bangs, thunderous and overwhelming. He slashed towards First Young Master Liu.

It seems that there is only one dazzing and dazzling knife light left in the whole pine forest, and everything seems to be calm in the knife light.

This time, there was no loud bang that came out when the two fought against each other before. There was only a clear and pleasant crisp sound, mixed with two muffled hums that were not very clear, which woke up the dumbfounded crowd.

Everyone looked at Young Master Liu's pupils where he was standing just now, and their pupils constricted for a moment. Their gazes followed First Young Master Liu, who flew upside down in mid-air like a kite with a broken string, and turned around with a stiff expression. neck.

With the muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, First Young Master Liu's body hit the ground heavily, and after a burst of dust was stirred up, it rolled on the ground a few times like a wheel.

After his whole body was covered with dust, First Young Master Liu lay on the ground without moving, his life or death unknown. Seeing that his body was covered in pale white dust, he seemed to have become a native.

However, the shadow master, who was dozens of steps away, saw Young Master Liu's miserable appearance, but did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him. He stood on the ground and stared at Young Master Liu, as if he was quite a gentleman.

In this seemingly silent pine forest, Liu Xuan who was standing a dozen steps away from Young Master Liu's original position was the first to react.

Liu Xuan's watery eyes stared at Young Master Liu, who was crouching in the mound of dirt, and screamed a few times, and her delicate body jumped towards Young Master Liu.

"Big Brother! Big Brother! Big Brother!"

Liu Xuan yelled Big Brother three times in a row in a sharp voice, but Liu Mingzhi was still lying motionless in the dust like a corpse.

Liu Xuan's graceful and delicate body suddenly softened, and she knelt down beside First Young Master Liu, and stretched out her arms to help her dusty elder brother onto her slender legs.

"Big brother? Big brother? Don't scare Xuan'er? How are you? Don't scare Xuan'er.

Don't scare Xuan'er! "

Liu Xuan's voice was choked with sobs, and she kept calling out to First Young Master Liu with a look of sheer weeping, mist formed in her watery eyes, as if she was about to shed tears at any moment.

"Cough...cough's okay...don't...don't cry."

When Liu Xuan heard Young Master Liu's out of breath stammering words below her, the mist in her beautiful eyes finally flowed down her jade cheeks.


The people present were all sharp-eyed and sharp-eyed masters. Hearing Young Master Liu's weak words, all the people on Young Master Liu's side breathed a long sigh of relief, and their beating hearts gradually eased.

Liu Xuan straightened Young Master Liu's body lightly and carefully, and lowered her eyes to examine Young Master Liu.

After seeing First Young Master Liu's condition, Liu Xuan's heart suddenly sank when she mentioned it in her throat.

Big Brother is fine, that's great.

The back of Young Master Liu rested his head on the legs of his younger sister Liu Xuan, panting heavily, and groped towards his chest with his right arm trembling.

Liu Xuan didn't understand the meaning of elder brother's move, so she could only follow Young Master Liu's palm and glance over his chest.

Seeing elder brother's robe that was even more torn than a beggar's attire on his chest, Liu Xuan finally saw the gleaming silkworm soft armor on Young Master Liu's body under the messy strips of cloth.

With a gentle stroking on his chest, Young Master Liu's somewhat disordered breathing gradually calmed down.

"Xuan'er, big brother's chest is numb to the point of unconsciousness, and it hurts from numbness, as if the upper body is gone, I'm not gutted now, am I?

Tell the elder brother the truth, don't hide it from me, is there anything wrong with my body? "

Liu Xuan watched Eldest Young Master Liu's movements, and then heard his somewhat heavy words, and finally realized what the elder brother's actions meant just now.

Looking at the anxious eyes of the eldest brother, Liu Xuan raised her hand to wipe off the tears on Yu's cheeks, crying and laughing, and shook her head at Young Master Liu hurriedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

Except that the clothes on your body are torn into rags, big brother, there is nothing else. If you don’t believe me, you can find out by looking down yourself. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the pretty face of the little girl who was crying and laughing, coughed a few times, took a deep breath and slightly lowered his head to look at his chest.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual on his chest except for the broken fabric and the gleaming soft armor of silkworms, the back of Young Master Liu's head fell heavily on his younger sister Liu Xuan's legs and he grinned loudly.

"Hehehe... Sure enough... Sure enough, auspicious people have their own celestial features, big brother, I am really lucky!

My young master, I am really lucky! "

"Brother, don't laugh, you scared Xuan'er to death just now, besides the pain and numbness in your chest, is there any other discomfort for you?
If there is something uncomfortable, you must not hide it from Xuan'er, tell Xuan'er immediately! "

"No, there's nothing wrong with Big Brother, and it doesn't feel like a big problem.

Xuan'er, I have a porcelain bottle in my bosom, which contains the healing elixir that your sister-in-law gave me the day before yesterday, you take it out for my elder brother and feed it to me. "

"Alright, alright, Xuan'er will take it out for you right away."

Liu Xuan poured out a pill from the porcelain bottle and stuffed it into the elder brother's mouth. She took off the water bag around her waist and asked Young Master Liu to drink the water and swallow the pill into his stomach.

A moment later, Young Master Liu stood up from the ground with Liu Xuan's support, walked towards the original position with a faint smile on his mouth.

However, the corners of Young Master Liu's mouth twitched from time to time, making his smile look no longer as unpredictable as before.

Stopping at the original position, First Young Master Liu squatted slightly and picked up the Heavenly Sword and a dust-stained exquisite short gun into his hands.

Young Master Liu supported his body with the Heavenly Sword leaning on the ground, lightly weighed the short gun in his hand a few times, and grinned a few times at the shadow master standing there motionless.

"Cough cough...Senior, the world has changed. Without the protection of true qi and astral qi, it doesn't feel good to be hit twice by the firecracker, right?"

Everyone was still wondering why the shadow master didn't take advantage of the victory to chase after Liu Mingzhi flew away with one move, but stood there motionless, and instinctively looked at the shadow master after hearing Young Master Liu's words, with deep puzzlement hidden in his eyes meaning.

The movie master felt everyone's puzzled eyes, and he still stood there motionless.

A moment later, the shadow master's narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and five blood-stained bullets quietly slipped out from under the cloak and fell into the dust.

(End of this chapter)

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