My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2571 Is that realm

Chapter 2571 Is that realm

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the five bullets mixed with blood and dust next to the shadow master's boots, and immediately felt the soreness and pain in his chest lessened by about half.

Although the shadow master's knife almost made his whole body fall apart, but his current situation is not necessarily better than his own.

Five bullets hit the body, maybe the film master's life could not be killed, but the feeling was not so pleasant.

Where Young Master Liu and everyone else couldn't see, at the left shoulder blade under the shadow master's cloak and the ribs on the left side of the abdomen, a total of five bruised wounds were quietly soaking in blood.

The blood stained the shadow master's close-fitting shirt silently, causing five unknown plum blossoms of blood to bloom gradually on the light white inner clothing.

The shadow master exhaled slowly, and quickly tapped several wounds under the cloak with his fingers. The blood-stained wounds stopped bleeding instantly.

Slightly nodding his head and lowering his eyebrows, he glanced at the five bullets on both sides of his feet a few times, and a little surprise flashed in the eyes of the shadow master.

Staring at the projectiles stained with his own blood and dust, the shadow master raised his right foot wearing the tiger-patterned golden boot and gently rubbed a few times on one of the projectiles.

The blood-stained bullets mixed with dust gradually revealed Lushan's true face under the rubbing of the soles of the shadow master's feet. Looking at the shining tiny steel ball, the shadow master raised his eyes to look at Young Master Liu who had returned to his original place.

Carefully looking at the exquisite short gun in Young Master Liu's hand, the shadow master's sharp eyes shone with both complexity and surprise. It turned out that it was that inconspicuous thing that caused him such severe skin trauma.

Scenes of past events that happened in Xinzhou Fengyundu many years ago flashed through his mind, and the movie master gradually realized that the delicate hidden weapon in the hands of the shoulder-to-shoulder king should be related to artillery and those that only appeared in the hands of frontier soldiers. Several times of flintlock guns have the same effect.

Careless, this is the only thought of the movie master.

Thinking like this is not because the actor is unwilling to admit his shortcomings, but because he is really careless.

At the time of Fengyundu, the King of Side Shoulders couldn't hurt himself even with those iron pipes that were a little bit more powerful than artillery, let alone the exquisite hidden weapon in his hand that was ten times smaller than those black iron pipes. .

If he had known that the side-by-side king was carrying such a powerful hidden weapon, he would definitely not have removed the protective energy around him before attacking.

At that time, if I still had the body-protecting qi lingering around my body to defend my vitals, that exquisite hidden weapon would have caught me off guard for a short time, but it certainly wouldn't have caused me such a serious injury.

However, it seems a little too late to think about these causes and consequences now.

If I hadn't dodged in time just now, two of the five bullets would have been shot into my throat.

Although I avoided the deadly sneak attack of the hidden weapon in the hands of the side-by-side king in the flash, but the power of the knife that I attacked the side-by-side king was also reduced by about [-]%.

If there was no sneak attack from the hidden weapon, the Side-Shoulders King could still stand up as big as he is now after resisting his full-strength attack, and even he had to admire him for being a real hero.

The shadow master put away his eyes from looking at the short gun in Young Master Liu's hand, raised his head and stared at Young Master Liu intently, with complicated and angry lights in his eyes.

"My lord, I have to say, the old man really underestimated your life-saving means.

Do you think it's as simple as dodging the old man's fatal blow?Not only that, you have completely angered the old man. "

Liu Mingzhi didn't pay attention to the threatening words of the actor, but silently felt the warm effect in his veins after taking the healing elixir.

The soreness on the chest was relieved by more than half in a short period of time because of taking the elixir, which made Young Master Liu suddenly breathe a long sigh of relief.

First Young Master Liu exhaled lightly, glanced at the opposite shadow master who was also secretly healing his wounds with luck, and walked straight to Wen Renzheng holding the Heavenly Sword.

"Old man, thanks to you reminding me in time to avoid the shadow lord's attack, otherwise the boy's little life would have to be confessed here today.

You are so right, the old fox's knife skills are too domineering.

If I hadn't heard your warning just now, I would have instinctively used the short gun to defend that ultimate move, and it would have been hard to predict what would happen after that blow.

Fortunately, boy, I still have some cards to save my life. Although I was severely injured, it didn't affect my strength too much. On the contrary, the old fox of the film master, the current situation may not be very good. "

Wen Renzheng listened to Young Master Liu's exclamation of the rest of his life after the catastrophe, glanced at the short gun in Young Young Master Liu's hand, and then looked Young Young Master Liu's body up and down.

Seeing the tattered cloth strips on Young Master Liu's chest and the looming soft silkworm armor inside the inner lining, Wen Renzheng's cloudy eyes revealed a hint of bewilderment.

Wen Renzheng frowned slightly and shook his head, carefully looked at Young Master Liu's situation, and then turned his head to stare at the film master dozens of steps away for a moment.

Gently stroking the gray beard on his chin, Wen Renzheng pondered for a long time while shaking his waist slightly.

"not necessarily."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"I don't dare to be sure, let alone tell you nonsense, anyway, the strength of the film master is definitely not that simple, you must be more cautious.

The old man is standing next to you to fight for you. Once you feel that you can't bear it anymore, call the old man to help you out. Don't try to be brave. "

Wen Renzheng's tone contained a little uncertainty, as if he was doubting something, but he didn't dare to make a judgment and hesitate.

Liu Mingzhi still wanted to ask a little bit more, but unfortunately the actor didn't give him enough time.

"My lord, the old man really wants to know how much life-saving information you have in your hands, and then take the old man's sword."

Before the shadow master's words fell, it seemed that the lights of thousands of swords, which were more dazzling than the sunlight in the pine forest, swept towards Young Master Liu.

"Sunset over the long river? Get out of here."

Wen Renzheng's old face changed into a cry, and he pushed Young Master Liu out with a palm, while he jumped and stopped in mid-air.

The moment Liu and Young Master moved away from their original position, a shocking roar exploded in the blade light, dust and smoke shot up into the sky, and rubble made of broken floor tiles splashed in all directions.

A dozen or so tough and standing cypress trees were twisted into sawdust flying all over the sky in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye.

Sawdust fluttered and danced in the smoke and dust, and broken branches fluttered and swayed in the strong wind, just like the snow goose feathers flying all over the sky in the cold winter months.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and a gully about ten feet long, two feet wide, and half a foot deep gradually appeared in everyone's eyes.

Before the smoke and dust dissipated, a gust of wind surged all over his body, and a figure holding the Yanling Saber lingering around the Sen Leng Dao Gang came out from under the smoke screen at a leisurely pace.

"My lord, it seems that your life-saving background is not very good!"

When everyone heard the shadow master's voice, they hurriedly turned their gazes to follow the source of the sound, and a group of people under Young Master Liu leaped away, divided into left and right sides and guarded Young Master Liu.

First Young Master Liu squatted on the ground wiping the dust from the corners of his mouth, watching the movie master walking out from the smoke screen, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Was this old fox really shot just now?Why does his strength seem to be much stronger than the first knife?

What the hell are these perverts?

Wen Renzheng stared at the shadow master wearing a black cloak, with a sense of disbelief flashing in his old eyes, but mixed with a little suspicion.

The emotions in his eyes were so complicated that it was hard to describe in words.

That realm?Is it that realm?
First Young Master Liu didn't know what Wen Renzheng was thinking at this moment, staring at the Shadow Master who was gradually approaching him with the Yanling Saber, the palm under his sleeve groped around his waist vaguely, and took out another short The gun was hidden in the cuff.

His heart was beating wildly to estimate the distance, and when the shadow master was about 25 steps away from him, Young Master Liu took the Heavenly Sword and turned into a cold light to attack the shadow master.

"Let's go together, fight each other."

After Liu Mingzhi made a move, dozens of masters on his left and right also jumped out, aiming directly at the dozens of spy shadow masters behind the shadow master.

(End of this chapter)

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