Chapter 2573
The film owner has a pretty good understanding of Liu Dashao's unscrupulous nature after this short half-day together, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Shameless mother opened the door for Shameless - it is not an exaggeration to say that Shameless has reached home.

As a majestic seven-foot man, it can be said that there is no lower limit to the character requirements of the king of shoulders.

If it can be summed up in one sentence, there is no most shameless, only more shameless, no most despicable, only more despicable.

Therefore, the film master seems to be walking towards Young Master Liu slowly, but in fact, he has been watching and listening to Young Master Liu's every move, guarding against what this unscrupulous guy will do. moth.

Facts have proved that the actor's understanding and evaluation of young master Liu is still very pertinent, and he will not let the actor be disappointed in him.

Observing Young Master Liu's sudden change of behavior that was not quite right, the actor secretly sighed inwardly, as expected, the King of Side-by-Shoulders really did not disappoint him, this guy is going to be a moth again.

Could it be that the King of Side-by-Shoulders plans to repeat the old trick again?How much does this look down on this old man who has been famous for many years?

Ok?No, this time seems to be different from the previous two times.

The film master's thoughts changed sharply, his eyes stared at the two cold lights that shot towards him like lightning, and he raised the Yanling knife in his hand calmly and was about to chop towards the two cold lights.

However, when the two cold lights were about six feet away from the shadow master, the shadow master suddenly felt his heart throbbing violently, just like when he was in Fengyundu in Xinzhou, the side-by-side king used the clarinet The same palpitations I felt when dealing with myself.

The film master, who has been walking on the edge of life and death for decades, has great faith in his intuition, and it is this intuition that has saved him from crises time and time again, avoiding the fate of being decapitated.

The movie master never doubts his intuition as a martial artist. If he doesn't even believe in himself, what else can he believe in?
Seeing that his Yanling Saber was about to slash on the two cold lights, the shadow master flipped his arm suddenly and swung the Yanling Saber in a slightly staggered direction.

A sharp and condensed waning moon knife qi cut straight at the two cold lights.

When the shadow master cut out the saber qi for an instant, he turned over and flew away, and the protective qi directly lingered all over his body to protect the vital parts of his body.

The sword qi slashed above the two cold lights, followed by the burst of flames in the midair, followed by two loud bangs, the air was filled with gunpowder and the waves scattered, densely packed steel balls covered in all directions at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye .

"Ouch, what the hell!"

Young Master Liu stared at the dense steel balls in the air like a torch, and couldn't help cursing, and hurriedly used the protective energy to condense his whole body, and a lazy donkey rolled towards the ravine beside him.

The moment Young Master Liu turned over and hid in the moderately deep gully, dense steel balls like raindrops shot into the ground, and bursts of smoke and dust splashed from the tree trunks, grasses, stones, and clods raised up.

The shadow master who flew back in mid-air looked at the dozens of steel balls hitting the protective qi, and involuntarily sweated a little on his forehead hidden under the cloak, and moaned tremblingly at the corner of his mouth .


Floating down on the ravine-ridden land a few feet away, the shadow master dissipated the protective energy from his body with lingering fear, and hurriedly lowered his head to look at himself.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual on his body other than the dust left over from the original fight, the shadow master let out a long breath, and firmly grasped the handle of the Yanling knife in his hand.

After confirming that he was not injured, the movie master quickly scanned the surrounding scenes with a burning gaze.

Staring at the projectiles inlaid in stones, floor tiles, and tree trunks, even though the shadow master is used to seeing life and death, he felt a sense of rejoicing in his heart after the catastrophe.

If it wasn't for my intuition that made me feel the crisis, and I dodged in time, and waited for those two things that were like thunderbolts in the army to explode in front of my face, what kind of consequences would there be? Dare to think deeply.

Especially when I still didn't use the stellar energy to protect myself at that time, with the density of those steel balls, I would definitely become a hornet's nest. .

His body has turned into a hornet's nest. The Shadow Lord doesn't know if he will die with his innate strength, but he is unwilling to try.

Such a death situation is too miserable, and the movie master is not willing to try it, let alone accept it.

Is the innate master very powerful?Natural masters are of course very powerful.

In addition to being invincible at the same level, there are few opponents in the world. It is not a waste of fame to be called a master of land gods.

However, no matter how powerful the innate masters are, they are not immortal. They are also made of flesh and blood, can be injured, and will suffer from birth, old age, sickness and death.

The reason why innate masters can run rampant in the world is not only their invincible skills and moves, but also their tough and domineering body protection.

Without body protection and strong energy to defend the vital points, their bodies are only stronger than ordinary people, but this does not change the fact that they are still flesh and blood.

In the face of firearms, a big killer that goes against common sense, and without the protection of the body, innate masters also have to stay away.

Young Master Liu naturally didn't know that the movie master was in a bit of a mess, so he crawled out of the ravine with his head poking his head, scanned the surroundings affected by the bullets from Lei Zhenzi, and then let out a long breath.

After the explosion of these special thunderbolts, the killing range has a radius of about seven or eight feet. Originally, I had estimated the approximate distance and was sure that I would not accidentally injure myself, so I suddenly launched a sneak attack on the shadow master.

However, the old fox, the shadow master, didn't play cards according to the rules. He didn't wait for the two Lei Zhenzi to get close to them and blasted them with saber energy, almost letting himself accidentally injure himself.

After patting the dust off his clothes a few times, First Young Master Liu silently stood up from the ravine and looked directly at the film master who was more than ten feet away.

Seeing that the film master was safe and sound, First Young Master Liu suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

I used almost seven or eight of my hole cards, but except for the first sneak attack with firecrackers, the other sneak attacks did not cause the slightest bit of damage to the old fox, the shadow master.

It's just that it didn't hurt the old fox, the shadow master, but he was so disgraced that he hardly looked human.

It seems that the old fox who is the trump card of the sneak attack is very difficult to succeed after he has been vigilant, and he seems to be no match for the old fox if he is tough.

Could it be that the old man had to help from the very beginning?Then he seems too useless, right?
No, absolutely can't admit cowardly like this.

In addition to suffering a lot of skin trauma, the internal injuries I have suffered are almost negligible. I have to try again with the old fox, the shadow master, so that I can see what is the difference between myself and the real master. What a difference.

When I really can't resist, I call Xuan'er and the old man to help one of them, so that I don't feel too shameful, and it can also weaken part of the shadow master's energy.

It's just that this old fox's skill is not as deep as usual, and he must first consume a wave of his true energy with the help of foreign objects.

The only way to forcibly pull his strength to the same level as his own, so that he would not be powerless to fight back against him.

The old man also said that lightness kung fu is not the shadow master's strong point, so he will use lightness kung fu together with Lei Zhenzi to consume a wave of shadow master's true energy and physical strength first.

To maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses, you must maximize your strengths and avoid weaknesses to have the possibility of winning.

After figuring out the key, Young Master Liu slipped two specially-made thunderbolts from his hands, and the figure standing by the gully performed the stepping on the wind and snow, leaving afterimages left and right.

While the shadow master was searching for Young Master Liu's figure with fierce eyes, two cold lights shot towards the shadow master from the smoke screen on the side of the shadow master.

(End of this chapter)

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