Chapter 2574

The shadow master felt the two cold lights coming from the left side, his heart trembled slightly, and he immediately flew to dodge, his whole body was immediately filled with protective energy and leaped forward.

The body-protecting qi he condensed with true qi can certainly withstand the steel ball after the explosion of Lei Zhenzi, but it also consumes a lot of true qi in his body.

Moreover, the movie master is really not sure whether his body protection qi can withstand the explosion of those firearms within a close range.

"My dear, are you still here for the wicked thing?"

Hearing the roar of the explosion coming from the position where he was standing just now, the shadow master couldn't bear to swear.

Even when dodging again, the shadow master glanced at his position from the corner of his eye, and saw that there had been two shallow pits about two feet away.

There was a faint gunpowder smoke rising above the shallow pit, and the surrounding pit surrounded by the smoke was filled with shining steel balls, and some steel balls lost their strength and scattered in the dust around the shallow pit.

Young Master Liu, who failed to succeed with one blow, was not discouraged. He knew better than anyone else that it was nothing but wishful thinking to put the shadow master to death just by relying on these thunderbolts in his hand.

These things are naturally a big hit against ordinary people, but against an innate master who is not only excellent in lightness kungfu but also has strong energy to protect the body, it is nothing more than a trivial trick.

His purpose was to use this to consume the real energy in the shadow master, and he didn't expect to seriously injure the shadow master by relying on these things.

Even if I can easily avoid the damage of these firearms, let alone the old fox who has been famous for many years and has a profound skill.

If these Lei Zhenzi were able to seriously injure the shadow master, Young Master Liu would have to doubt how unbearable his own strength was.

After all, I was almost beaten into a dog by the film master just now.

Young Master Liu performed lightness kung fu to move around and dodge, while searching for the shadow master's trace with piercing eyes. After finding the shadow master's figure, Young Master Liu threw two thunderbolts out.

"Old fox, don't you boast that you have profound skills and strong true energy?
You are so capable, don't hide if you have the ability! "

Looking at the shadow master who was flipping around and dodging again and again, Young Master Liu had just thrown the thunderbolt, and then began to use the aggressive method to disturb the mood of the shadow master.

I hope that my behavior can slow down the action and speed of the shadow master's dodge, and achieve my goal more quickly.

As for whether this kind of behavior is shameless in the eyes of others, First Young Master Liu doesn't care about it at all.

If he wanted face, the famous title of "don't criticize Master Liu" would not have spread in the capital back then.

From Young Master Liu's point of view, as long as he can live, none of these things are important, okay?

After all, life is more important than the so-called face and reputation.

Before the shadow master had time to breathe a sigh of relief after landing, he noticed the two cold rays coming from behind him again and turned over to avoid it again.

As for Young Master Liu's flickering figure and sarcastic words, the actor chose to listen but not to see.

Damn it, the side-by-side king has used such indiscriminate and unscrupulous behaviors, old man, I have lost a little bit of my senior demeanor, shouldn't that be too much?

No matter how you look at it, it’s not too much to think about, right?

Who stipulates that the seniors can only wait for the rising stars to take the initiative to attack and get beaten, and there is no such reason in the world.

His mother, the old man was also confused. Does the title of "rising star" have anything to do with the shameless side-by-side king?

While cursing silently in his heart, the shadow master still jumped from time to time to avoid the sneak attack of Lei Zhenzi in Young Master Liu's hand.

It's just that following waves of sneak attacks by Lei Zhenzi, the movie master gradually came to his senses. Compared with Young Master Liu's sneak attack, which only needed to use lightness kung fu, he used lightness kung fu to evade, and was protected by the stellar energy. It consumes too much energy.

The side-shoulder king seems to be deliberately using these firearms that are comparable to the power of Lei Zhenzi to consume his true energy. If he succeeds, what's the deal?

If he was facing an ordinary opponent, the actor who consumed such a small amount of true energy would naturally not care too much about it, but facing an unscrupulous person like Young Master Liu, to be honest, the actor who consumed such a little bit of true energy would feel that he would I don't know what to do.

After all, the King of Side-by-Shoulders is an unscrupulous guy who cannot be treated with common sense, not to mention how many such terrifying firearms he still has on him to consume his true energy.

Just judging from the omnipotent nature of the side-by-side king, who knows what other things in his hands that can hurt him have not been used?
Realizing that Young Master Liu was consuming his true energy on purpose, the film master gradually relaxed the number of times he used to protect his body.

As Lei Zhenzi bombarded him more and more times behind him, the shadow master gradually found something from it. The farther the explosion distance of those firearms, the less damage he would cause to himself.

Although the dense steel balls shot out after the firearms exploded are powerful, they are not like the sword qi condensed from the true qi, which remains undiminished after being fired for a distance of tens of feet.

In other words, although the power of these firearms is huge, the range of damage is limited.

In other words, as long as he is a little far away from the center of the explosion, he doesn't need to consume a lot of true energy to condense the protective energy to protect the vital parts of his body.

The shadow master faintly realized the advantages and disadvantages of firearms, but this possibility has yet to be verified.

The film master is an old fox who is mature and sophisticated, and also a ruthless person.After guessing the thoughts in his heart, the actor immediately took action.

Feeling deeply that Young Master Liu attacked again behind him, the shadow master leaped a distance and hastily used the stellar energy to protect his body. However, compared with the previous few times when the body shield was visible to the naked eye, the shadow master's body shield this time Much thinner, only a faint layer of film.

After the explosion of Lei Zhenzi, the dense steel balls shot out were still difficult to penetrate except for the frivolous protective energy. Such a result was shown in front of the eyes of the film owner, which immediately made the film owner happy.

He knew that he had made the right bet, just as he had guessed in his heart just now, although the firearms in the hands of the side-by-side king were powerful, their damage range was also limited.

As long as you control the approximate range, you can easily avoid the threat of those firearms.

After realizing something in his heart, the shadow master glanced at Young Master Liu's remnants turning around and showed a sense of relief in his eyes.

You still don't admit that you are a poor donkey, but the old man wants to see how many firearms you can carry on your body.

After finding Lei Zhenzi's weakness, the film master was less nervous and more relaxed when avoiding the sneak attack of Liu Dashao Lei Zhenzi.

After another three or four thunderbolts were thrown, Young Master Liu also murmured in his heart.

He also sensed that something was wrong with the film master's situation, and he seemed a little more calm than the flustered look before.

Young Master Liu, who also reacted, immediately reduced the number of times Lei Zhenzi was used, and there were not many Lei Zhenzi on his body. Since the shadow master had already noticed that he was deliberately consuming his true energy, he could only restrain himself.

Otherwise, once the thunderbolt carried on his body is exhausted, he will be the one who feels uncomfortable.

After being entangled with Banzhuxiang again, Liu Mingzhi gritted his teeth and cursed the old fox. Compared with the previous movement of touching Lei Zhenzi from behind, Young Master Liu took out two iron irons with completely different colors from his arms with strange eyes. The ball is caught between two fingers.

Exercising lightness kung fu, he ran around the shadow master from left to right. After carefully feeling the wind direction around him, Young Master Liu seized the right moment, grabbed an iron ball with his left and right hands, and threw it towards the shadow master.

Compared with the original free and easy swing, Young Master Liu also looked nervous after throwing the two iron balls. He watched the trajectory of the iron balls and held his breath in a hurry and calmly.

This time, the film master didn't notice the intuition that made him palpitate like before, and he was slightly puzzled.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of two cold lights coming from two directions, and subconsciously stepped aside.

There were two bangs, and the smoke and dust after the explosion of Lei Zhenzi drifted slowly towards the place where the shadow master was standing along the breeze.

After getting down on the ground, the shadow master instinctively turned his neck to search for the erratic afterimage of Young Master Liu. When the smoke and dust blew in front of him, he waved his hands casually a few times as before.

Ok?What smells so fragrant?It seems a bit like the smell of yin and yang acacia used to add to the fun... huh?Fuck it, beast!
Before the film master finished muttering a word, his expression changed and he held his breath, the corners of his mouth twitched and flew away in the direction of the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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