Chapter 2576
The film master directly ignored Young Master Liu's intentional cynicism, and he knew very well what Young Master Liu was thinking and thinking.

Now that he has comprehended Young Master Liu's thoughts, how could the movie master be fooled?

The film owner knew very well that as long as he kept wandering around Liu Xuan, the eldest lady of the Liu family, and treated her as his half-hostage, the King of Side Shoulders would be wary of throwing such powerful weapons at himself. up.

Those ordinary firearms that can shoot steel balls after the explosion are afraid of accidentally injuring his little sister and the king dare not shoot them, let alone those firearms with added fuel.

The eldest lady of the Liu family may not know what kind of things are mixed in those fueled firearms, but the King of Side Shoulders knows the effect of those things better than anyone else.

The more the side-by-side king knew what would happen if the loaded firearm exploded and was accidentally inhaled by his little sister, the less he dared to do anything recklessly.

Although the film owner is not particularly aware of the brother-sister relationship between First Young Master Liu and his younger sister Liu Xuan, he does know it.

Liu Xuan, the eldest daughter of the Liu family, has two elder brothers who are kings side by side, two brothers Liu Mingli, and a younger brother Liu Mingjie.

Miss Liu is closest to her elder brother Liu Mingzhi at home. It can be said that she grew up to be tired of her elder brother Liu Mingzhi since she was a child.

With such a deep brother-sister relationship, even if it will change after adulthood, no matter how bad it is, it will not be much worse.

From this point of view, it means that the side-by-side king still cares about his only little sister very much.

In this way, the Side-by-Shoulder King will not watch his little sister Liu Xuan do some indecent behavior in broad daylight after inhaling that kind of thing by mistake, right?
As an old man who is over fifty years old, he avoids those things like a tiger, not to mention the young lady of the Liu family who is in her prime.

Since the Side-by-Shoulder King loves his little sister so much, he naturally won't continue to project.

When Rui Zong Li Zheng was still alive in the past, he warned Wu Zong Li Baiyu more than once that his relatives were the only weakness of the side-by-side king.

As long as Wu Zong will not touch the relatives of the King of the Side Shoulders in the future, the King of the Side Shoulders will be devastated and go through fire and water.

Facts have proved that Ruizong's vision of seeing people is quite accurate.

Relatives are indeed the only weakness of the King of Side-by-Shoulders, and also the only taboo of the King of Side-Shoulders.

During the more than 20 years of acquaintance, it should be said that it was the 20 years during which the actor secretly knew Young Master Liu.

He rarely saw the side-by-side king blushing with others because of his own affairs, but as long as his own family's affairs were mixed in, the side-by-side king seemed to be a different person immediately.

The side-by-side king in that scene is no longer smart and wise, no longer thoughtful and calculating every step of the way, but becomes like a ferocious beast that no one can enter.

The film owner knew roughly in his heart that even though Wang Pingli cherished his life every day, he cared for his family more than he cared for himself.

The actor, who had some understanding of Liu Mingzhi's character, was betting that Young Master Liu would not dare to hurt his little sister.

The film master didn't believe that the side-by-side king dared to ignore whether his little sister would inhale those love potions to enhance the fun, and rashly throw those embarrassing firearms at him.

If I inhale those things, I will lose face because of it, and the Miss Liu family will not be much better than myself if I inhale those things.

The face of a young and beautiful young woman is more important than the face of this old man, right?

The actor who used to be a young man is quite clear about what will happen if the amount of those fun-enhancing drugs is too much.

Shoulder King should not want to witness his own sister doing those indecent behaviors in front of him, right?Unless he is really ruthless to the point of chilling, is it just that the side-by-side king is that kind of person?The movie master didn't believe it.

He might doubt himself, but he would never doubt Li Zheng's vision.

The film master had indeed figured out First Young Master Liu's mind, and he was also betting right.

After Young Master Liu saw the shadow master using his younger sister Liu Xuan as a shield, he really didn't dare to continue throwing the thunderbolt in his hand.

It would be fine if it was just a specially made Lei Zhenzi. With the strength of my little sister Liu Xuan, it would not be a problem to resist the bombardment of those steel balls with the strength of her body protection, but it would be hard to say for those Lei Zhenzi with added ingredients.

After all, even Liu Mingzhi himself is not sure whether those medicinal powders will penetrate the protective qi and be inhaled into the mouth and nose, so that people will become confused and beastly after being tricked.

Firstly, Young Master Liu didn't dare to try it, and secondly, he didn't use it at all.

Ever since he practiced the Yin-Yang Harmony Great Compassion Endowment and Yiqi Sutra, First Young Master Liu has become more and more confident in his own strength, and the fun things that he dabbled in before were directly discarded by him like a shoestring.

Young Master Liu, who was not sure in his heart, dared to act rashly, and still dealt cruel blows to the film master when he might accidentally injure his younger sister Liu Xuan.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, if the younger sister really accidentally inhales the enhanced Yin Yang He Huan San, and then does indecent acts of posing in broad daylight, it will be embarrassing.

Young Master Liu didn't know how long he would feel guilty because of this incident, but he would definitely not be able to pass the gate of death of the old man Liu Zhi'an.

If Young Master Liu dared to resist one or two things on other matters, Young Master Liu would naturally not dare to resist on this matter. At that time, he would have to resign himself to how the old man would deal with him.

Resign yourself to fate?

As soon as this idea came up, First Young Master Liu couldn't help but feel some toothache. If he really resigned himself to fate, his fate would be hard to say.


It is not impossible to die at the age of 40 years, eight months and 24 days.

Young Master Liu, who had always been wary, looked at the shadow master's cunning figure wandering around Liu Xuan, and wished he could scold the shadow master like a shrew scolding the street.

"Xuan'er, don't get entangled with this old fox, find a way to distance yourself from him, and try not to let him get close."

Liu Mingzhi also didn't want to remind his younger sister Liu Xuan so openly, but the old fox, the actor, had been entangled with Liu Xuan and chased after her, so Liu Mingzhi could only act like this.

Liu Xuan knew very well in her heart that she had become the shadow master's biggest handle to restrain her elder brother, and she had been trying her best to avoid the shadow master's following by using lightness kung fu.

However, although the shadow master's lightness kung fu is not perfect, but thanks to his deep internal strength, he can always stick firmly behind him within ten steps.

Seeing this situation, Young Master Liu, who was always at a loss, could only look at the evasive figures of Liu Xuan and the other two, gritted his teeth and confessed.

"Xuan'er, without hiding your strength, use your body-protecting qi to attack big brother."

Liu Xuan was stunned for a moment and then understood the elder brother's intentions. When her delicate body turned over to protect her body, the stellar energy immediately lingered around the vital parts of her body. .

Seeing Liu Xuan who was gradually approaching him, First Young Master Liu immediately raised the Lei Zhenzi in his hand to examine the erratic figures of the two.

You can't use those added thunderbolts, you can always use ordinary thunderbolts.

Anyway, it's all about consuming the movie master's true energy, and he has nothing to do, so he can only borrow the strength of his little sister to fight.

When the film master heard Young Master Liu's warning to his younger sister Liu Xuan, he immediately realized what Young Master Liu wanted to do.

He cursed helplessly in his heart, and immediately condensed his body-protecting energy to protect his vitals.

At the moment when the shadow master released his body-protecting qi, two bursts of fire suddenly exploded between Liu Xuan and the place between them, and densely packed steel balls shot towards the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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