Chapter 2577 bluff
Due to the bombardment of the dense steel balls, the condensed protective energy of Liu Xuan and the shadow master suddenly appeared ripples visible to the naked eye.

Although the ripples on the stellar qi are not as pleasing to the eye as the ripples when the breeze blows over the water waves, they are all caused by external forces, but they have the same effect.

First Young Master Liu confirmed that the ordinary Lei Zhenzi would not accidentally injure Liu Xuan after it exploded, so he used lightness kung fu to walk around the two of them and threw all the Lei Zhenzi on his body at them.

The rumbling sound like thunder falling on the ground rose and fell among the pines and forests in a radius of tens of feet, and bursts of pungent gunpowder smoke went straight to the sky in the aftermath of the explosion.

Dodging again and again in the gunpowder, the film master found that his idea of ​​using Miss Liu's family as a shield was completely hopeless, and hurriedly dodged and flew back in the opposite direction of Liu Xuan.

When I didn't use Miss Liu's family as a shield just now, I only needed to rely on lightness kung fu to avoid the sneak attack of the side-by-side king's firearms, and the zhenqi in my body was consumed quite a lot.

However, when he took Miss Liu's family as a half-hostage, and the side-by-side king completely unreasonable to use his strength to fight, he was much more passive than when he was avoiding alone.

Facing those firearms that exploded close to him, he had to consume more zhenqi to condense and condense the body-protecting qi to defend against the attack.

As a result, his true qi was consumed a little more than before, which made the movie master very helpless.

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice, so you should be talking about yourself, right?
Seeing the actor Fei leaping away from the surrounding of his younger sister Liu Xuan, Young Master Liu couldn't help but feel a sense of regret.

After finally finding a chance to beat the shadow master hard, the old fox avoided it again.

However, although Young Master Liu felt a little regretful, he didn't stop throwing Lei Zhenzi in his hand.

When the two thunderbolts in his hands, which had already been ready to go, were thrown at the back of the shadow master, Young Master Liu habitually groped towards the back.

Fingers wandered for a moment in the cloth pouch specially sewn by Qi Ya, Young Master Liu's expression froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched and flew down towards the little girl who stopped a dozen steps away and was panting gently.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo... big brother, why are you stopping? Why don't you take the opportunity to continue bombing the old fox of the shadow master with the thunderbolt."

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Xuan's puzzled expression, and took out his left hand from the cloth bag with embarrassment, and waved it to Liu Xuan a few times.

" more, I only brought thirty in total, and they've been used up."

"Huh? It's been used up after only a while? How could it be so fast?"

"Brother doesn't want to, but that thing can only carry so much, if there is more, I will be in danger, brother, I have worked hard to save just now, but it is still not enough!
Now I can only go head-to-head with the shadow master, Xuan'er, you should find a safe place to recover the zhenqi you just consumed, brother, I will fight with the shadow master first.

If I really can't hold on later, big brother will naturally pass you the secret code we agreed on earlier, and you can come and help me as soon as you receive the secret code. "

Liu Xuan's beautiful eyes took a quick glance at the figure who had also stopped more than ten feet away, carefully sized up her brother and sister's actor, and nodded in agreement with a pretty face hesitantly.

"This... well, you must be careful, I don't know how much the Shadow Master's strength has dropped just now, so don't be careless!"

"Don't worry, big brother, I will never be careless when it comes to matters related to my life. I don't believe that the shadow master has not been affected at all by the bombardment of dozens of thunderbolts one after another.

You go to restore your true energy first, and the eldest brother will immediately take advantage of the victory to pursue the wave. The longer we delay here, the more chances the Shadow Master will have to restore his true energy.

Without further ado, let's not talk nonsense, I'll go there first. "

Liu Xuan nodded lightly and stopped dawdling with Young Master Liu, and leaped towards the pine tree on the left which was barely a pure land.

Out of the corner of Liu Mingzhi's eyes, he saw the little girl who had sat down cross-legged and regained her vitality, holding the heavenly sword in her right hand, and groping around her waist with her left hand, quickly approaching the shadow master.

The shadow master, who was secretly recovering his true energy, noticed the figure of Young Master Liu attacking again, immediately stopped his luck, raised the Yanling knife, and put on a posture of both offense and defense.

"Old fox, look at the hidden weapon."

Young Master Liu, who clearly had no Lei Zhenzi, still yelled in a bravado, hoping that this would disturb the mood of the actor.

It can't be said that there are really no more. In fact, Young Master Liu still has two added thunderbolts in his arms.

It's just that Young Master Liu doesn't intend to continue to use it anymore. After all, the person he's dealing with is a mature old fox like the shadow master. He has already been fooled once, and he will definitely not be tricked again.

That being the case, there is no difference between using it and not using it. Forcibly using it is really a bit of a waste of money.

Hearing Young Master Liu's abrupt warning, the shadow master subconsciously condensed his protective energy and flew to dodge. However, the shadow master, who hadn't sensed any danger, was stunned for a moment.

Young Master Liu, who was hoping to see this, saw that the shadow master was really fooled, and he secretly rejoiced in his heart. The Heavenly Sword in his hand suddenly swung out, and a beam of true energy raging with the Crescent Moon sword light directly slashed in front of the shadow master.

It was already too late when the shadow master came to his senses and wanted to turn around in the air to avoid the sword light, and the fierce half-moon-shaped sword light slashed heavily on the shadow master's protective aura.

An ear-shattering loud noise echoed in the forest, and after being hit by the frightening sword energy, the Shadow Master, who was flying in the air, quickly fell from the midair to the dusty ground like a leaf falling in the wind.

Young Master Liu has always been used to doing things like beating dogs in the water. With sharp eyes, he found the figure of the shadow master in the smoke and dust.

The moment Young Master Liu held the Heavenly Sword and his whole body was surging with true energy, the Heavenly Sword in his hand swung it more than a dozen times, leaving afterimages, and more than a dozen sword energy exuding cold light landed on the shadow master. The position was chopped down.

After landing on the ground, the shadow master slid back about a foot with a gloomy expression. Before he had time to look for Young Master Liu's figure and prepare to fight back, he sensed the sense of crisis coming again.

He didn't have time to care about the other shadow masters, who tiptoed gracefully and flipped a few times in mid-air, flying away from his original position with a surge of true energy.

In the blink of an eye when the shadow master flew back from his original position, more than a dozen fierce sword qi fell on the yellow ground one after another, and more than a dozen ravines about two feet long appeared in the eyes of several people, and then they were shot into the sky. The thick smoke and dust that rose up obscured the true face of Lushan Mountain.

After the shadow master landed, he didn't care about his current appearance, so he immediately searched for Young Master Liu in the smoke and dust in front of him.

While searching for Young Master Liu's figure, the shadow master was also thinking calmly. It was a sword attack just now. Could it be that the side-by-side king no longer has those powerful firearms in his hands?

Just how likely is this possibility?

If it was someone else, the old man would still be able to guess one or two things, but because of the side-by-side king's disposition that never plays cards according to common sense, the old man is really a little uneasy!

The sharp eyes under the shadow master's cloak suddenly shrank, staring at a spot in the smoke and dust, holding his breath.

Got you.

(End of this chapter)

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