Chapter 2578
The shadow master's eyes locked on the position of First Young Master Liu amidst the layers of smoke like lightning, and he quietly held the handle of the Yanling knife with both hands and stood it upright in front of him.

Regardless of whether the King of Side-by-Shoulders still has those powerful firearms in his hands, he has to try it to really find out.

As long as it is not the kind of added firearms, if you want to deal with the damage of those ordinary firearms, for yourself, at best, you will consume a little more true energy to condense your body and protect your body.

The Yanling Saber trembled endlessly in the shadow master's hands, and the invisible saber energy started from the shadow master's hands and covered the blade in an instant.

"My lord, compared to the past, you are really different now!

Just now you tossed the old man into such a mess, the old man should let the prince have a good taste of this kind of bereaved dog. "

The moment the shadow master's voice fell, two shadow masters suddenly appeared on the periphery of the place where the shadow master was standing and the smoke and dust several meters away.

It's just that the shadow master's original standing position gradually became blurred when the second figure gradually became clear, until it disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Wen Renzheng, who was standing on top of a treetop and watching the battle silently, looked down at the shadow master's figure, his expression changed drastically, and he couldn't help murmuring.

"The second form of the Infinite Sword Sutra, the purple energy comes from the east."

Young Master Liu, who was hiding in the smoke screen, was confusing the meaning of the words the film master just said, when all the hairs on his body burst into flames and his heartstrings trembled, out of the instinct of a martial arts practitioner, he condensed the protective energy without hesitation I'm about to fly back.

However, Young Master Liu's subconscious action of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages was a step slow after all, or it could be said that the shadow master's attack was too fast and violent, leaving no chance for Young Master Liu to escape the crisis.

While Liu Dashao's protective body was full of energy, a sliver of cold sword light that was several feet long used a kind of god-blocking and killing-god-like power to pass through layers of smoke and face Liu within the smoke screen. Young Master chopped down vertically.

A loud noise that was several times stronger than Young Master Liu's sneak attack on the Shadow Lord echoed in the pines and forests, lingered in the imperial mausoleum, and stirred in the heaven and earth.

It's like a bronze bell, Dalu, like a stone breaking the sky, and like a thunder coming to the world.

The deafening noise even made all the masters who were fighting with all their strength in the other parts of Songbailin look sideways. Wei Wei glanced at the source of the sound from the corner of his eye, secretly wondering what happened there matter.

Amid everyone's panic, Liu Mingzhi within the smoke screen held the Heavenly Sword in his hand and shot out of the smoke like a flying arrow, flying towards the pine forest in the south direction.

How did the old fox, the film master, know that I was hiding there?

The question that suddenly popped up in his mind was the only thought that Young Master Liu had after flying out of the smoke and dust. At the same time, the question was mixed with puzzlement, confusion, numbness, and pain.


The lingering sound of the roar and movement just now has not yet dissipated, and two more muffled sounds came from the pine forest one after another.

I saw Young Master Liu's body like a kite with a broken string smashing two pine trees five or six feet apart one after another, falling heavily on the ground and tossing a few times.

A moment after the involuntary body fell to the ground, Young Master Liu groaned in pain a few times, and the protective energy on his body disappeared quietly.

Without exception, the two bowl-sized pine trees were broken by the middle, and the well-trimmed crowns creaked and fell to the ground.

A few steps away from Liu Mingzhi, the canopy of the pine tree fell to the ground with two puffs, and two more puffs of smoke were raised.

First Young Master Liu coughed a few times with his eyes dimmed, only feeling the uncontrollable true energy flowing in his veins.

The smoke and dust from the crown of the tree gradually dissipated. Young Master Liu took a few deep breaths and sat up cross-legged. After making a few hand gestures, he inserted the Heavenly Sword into the ground, and then sank into his dantian, silently turning his heart to the sky. Luck sorted out the messy flow of true energy in his veins.

Liu Xuan, who had been trying her best to restore the true energy in her body from a distance, but was always watching the battle, saw the gesture made by her elder brother after the smoke and dust cleared, and hurriedly stopped the movement of true energy, stood up and quickly condensed the protective energy, and then went straight to Liu The position of the eldest and younger rushed to the past.

Liu Xuan saw First Young Master Liu's position, and the film master also saw First Young Master Liu's position clearly.

Seeing Young Master Liu's cross-legged luck, the complicated look in the shadow master's eyes flashed away, and he attacked again with the Yanling knife in his hand.

After leaping to a position about twenty steps away from Young Master Liu, the Yanling Saber in the Shadow Master's hand suddenly raised above his head and slashed down forcefully.

"Shoulder with the king, and then take over the old man with a sword."

Another burst of condensed saber energy seemed to cut through the sky, and it slashed at Liu Mingzhi, who was sitting cross-legged and unable to move, with overwhelming power.

"Finger to Tiangang."

There was a slightly panicked scolding voice in the shadow master's words, and a slender and sharp light like a long rainbow piercing the sun emitted a dazzling light, and blocked the saber energy that was cutting towards Young Master Liu.

The two cold rays of light collided with each other in an instant at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye, and shot out a dazzling ray of light and a raging wind in the midair ten steps away from Young Master Liu.

"The sunset over the long river."

"Flick to the stars."

Liu Xuan and the shadow master, who were volleying in the air, each pointed their fingers together, and a saber air quickly attacked each other.

This time, the two cold lights did not collide with each other like last time, but they passed by within a short distance as they expected, and each slashed towards the other's protective qi.

The unavoidable two can only go all out to condense the body-protecting energy, so as to resist each other's fatal attack.

With two bangs and bangs, a raging wind of Gang Qi was blown up in front of the two of them again. Under the strong aftermath of the true energy, the two had no choice but to avoid it behind them.

Three gusts of wind suddenly roared in mid-air, blowing sand and rocks on the ground within a radius of several feet, and blowing the surrounding pines and cypresses to sway non-stop.

Only Young Master Liu, as if he had taken root in the ground, let the strong wind sweeping the dust hit his face and body, and sat cross-legged in the same place steadily to adjust his breath.

Under the raging wind, the shadow master flew back more than ten feet away and landed on the ground, while Liu Xuan used her strength to land twenty steps away from First Young Master Liu's left.

The moment Liu Xuan landed, she had no time to think about anything else, and hurriedly jumped to the side of First Young Master Liu and stopped the beautiful figure.

Fang Xin trembled and carefully looked at the elder brother who was not unusual in any other respects except that he had become a native, Liu Xuan's Fang Xin almost raised her throat and completely fell back.

The moment the heartstrings of worrying about her elder brother's safety relaxed, Liu Xuan realized that the true energy in her body was surging in her tendons.

Aware of this situation, Liu Xuan hurriedly calmed down the turbulent Qi in her body, but then quietly let out a deep breath.

Slightly glanced at the shadow master more than ten meters away, Liu Xuan squatted sideways in front of her elder brother, pretending to talk to Young Master Liu, with her back half turned to the shadow master, and secretly took out a pill from Liu's waist I stuffed it in my mouth and swallowed it.

Now Liu Xuan finally understood why the eldest brother who had never signaled her to come forward to help, after suffering a heavy blow from the film master, so impatiently gestured several times to imply that she would help.

The strength of the film master is simply too perverted. Just a few moves of the duel made him feel his blood surging. What would happen to him if he fought with his elder brother for several rounds?

Will it be the same as big brother now?Knowing that the opponent is right in front of him, he has no choice but to start adjusting his breath immediately.

"Sure enough, the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead, and a new generation replaces the old ones!
The leader of the martial arts league, which is famous all over the world, is not the rumored half-step innate master, but a real innate master.

My eyesight is dull, my eyesight is dull, the old man has been walking around the world for dozens of years, but he has also lost his eyesight once!

It seems that the old man is really old and dizzy, and he didn't realize that you, Miss Liu, are also a master of the innate realm.

The side-by-side king really shocked the old man too much.

It turned out that Miss Liu was regarded as a rising star because you are the noble status of the leader of the Martial League, but now it is different.

You Martial League leader Liu Xuan, Miss Liu is now a veritable rising star, old man Li Kan is polite.

The old man was rude before, but he still looked at Haihan, the leader of Liu League. "

(End of this chapter)

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