My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2579 Life and death are bearish

Chapter 2579 Life and death are bearish
From the actor's words, Liu Xuan heard the real meaning of respect, the kind of respect that treats equals, not those polite flattering words that he watched her say when he was drinking with her elder brother earlier.

For a while Liu Xuan didn't know how to express her feelings, strength is really a very important thing.

It may not measure everything in the world, but it can measure a person's attitude.

Although she was still worried about her elder brother's current situation, Liu Xuan got up and gave a graceful blessing to the film master who was more than ten meters away.

"Seniors are absurdly praised, but juniors are ashamed."

The actor quietly looked at Liu Xuan who bowed to him for a moment, the admiration in the sharp eyes under the cloak was self-evident.

Compared to the unscrupulous king, the courteous Liu Xuan, the eldest lady of the Liu family, completely lived up to her reputation as a lady. For such a junior, the film owner asked himself that even if he was an opponent at this time, he really couldn't pick him out. The slightest problem comes.

The eldest brother's disposition is hard to describe in words, but the younger sister's disposition is well-educated and reasonable enough to live up to her status as a lady. I really don't know how Liu Weng and Liu Zhi'an taught a pair of sons and daughters to have such different personalities.

After looking at Liu Xuan thoughtfully for a while, the film master nodded with a rare peaceful gaze.

"Leader Liu is exempt from the gift, I am just an old bone who is dying and is about to enter the coffin, I can't deserve such a great gift from Leader Liu.

Now that I can get Master Liu to say "Senior", this old man is already enough, and I really dare not ask for anything else.

To be able to see a backward heroine like Liu Mengzhu today, this old man is not in vain.

Leader Liu already had this strength when he was still young, and in the future, he would be able to suppress Dalong. Jianghu Wulin will not have bloody storms again for decades, and there will be no more chaotic wars.

There are successors in the rivers and lakes, and there are also successors in the imperial court! "

After Liu Xuan got up, she heard some incongruous words from the film master. She was confused about the deep meaning of the film master's words, and then the shadow master's words sounded again.

"However, even though League Leader Liu's true strength is also an innate master of good fortune, it still cannot be changed.

For people in the Jianghu martial arts world, innate masters are indeed able to coerce all directions, and they are extremely masters with few opponents, but they are nothing more than mediocre with this old man. "

Liu Xuan'e frowned slightly, and was thinking about how to answer the actor's words of contempt for her, when Young Master Liu, who was sitting cross-legged quietly behind her, suddenly stood up from the ground.

First Young Master Liu breathed out slowly, raised the Heavenly Sword with steady steps, and greeted the Shadow Master facing each other.

When Liu Xuan heard the footsteps behind her, she subconsciously glanced out of the corner of her eye, and immediately smiled when she saw her elder brother who was in good health.

"Brother, are you alright?"

Liu Mingzhi tilted his head slightly to his younger sister Liu Xuan and silently nodded, his eyes were cold and calm, and he stared intently at the actor who was more than ten meters away.

"Senior, this king admits that I was too naive to use firearms like Lei Zhenzi to consume your true energy earlier, and you have also used your own strength to prove to this junior how absurd and ridiculous my own thoughts are.

Now that the matter has come to this point, this king will no longer engage in those vain and indiscriminate acts. We can only know who is stronger and weaker between you and me before in a real contest.

Now there is no other way but to see the real chapter under my hand. "

After listening to Young Master Liu's words, the actor's eyes were slightly startled, and he looked carefully at Liu Mingzhi who seemed to have changed for a while, and a gleam of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Is it because the old man just drank too much?Or is everything that happened today just a dream?

Is the person who said that a few breaths ago really the side-by-side king?Is it the side-by-side Wang Liu Mingzhi that I am familiar with?

Which one is strong and which one is weak, only the underlings can see the real chapter. Is this really what the unscrupulous side-by-side king can say?

For Liu Mingzhi's sudden change, a big question mark appeared in the actor's heart, as if he didn't quite believe that everything in front of him was real.

Although the shadow master didn't answer, Liu Mingzhi had already guessed what he was thinking from the shadow master's bewildered and stunned eyes.

Liu Mingzhi didn't want to say anything more about this, he raised his hand to his younger sister Liu Xuan as a gesture, and the figure with the Heavenly Sword in his hand approached the shadow master arrogantly.

In an instant, the shadow master's astonished eyes disappeared, and looking at Liu Mingzhi who was walking towards him at a leisurely pace, the shadow master's eyes gradually revealed a dignified look.

From Liu Mingzhi, he felt the arrogance and arrogance of a martial arts practitioner. This was the first time he really felt the unruly aura of a martial arts practitioner from the side-by-side king.

To put it nicely, it means to be fearless and to move forward bravely. To put it bluntly, it means to look down on life and death, and do it if you don't accept it.

He has been in charge of the Spy Shadow and has been in the court and wild for decades, and the film owner has experienced enough to write a stunning personal biography.

However, the film master is a little confused today. He has rarely valued a person so carefully in decades, but today the film master has to admit that he is going to make an exception from the side-by-side king.

Seeing Liu Mingzhi who was gradually walking towards him with momentum like a rainbow, the actor couldn't help asking himself, did he really understand the King of Side-by-Shoulders?
Is he really just the vile, shameless and unscrupulous thing he saw?

Just relying on these things that happened today, can I really understand the King of Side-by-Shoulders through contact in a short period of time?

Mu Ran, the shadow master's heart froze suddenly, looking at Young Master Liu's straight body like a spear, he couldn't help but clenched the handle of the knife tightly.

Today he only saw Liu Mingzhi's seemingly despicable, shameless and omnipotent behavior, but he instinctively ignored the real background of the King of Side-by-Shoulders.

The shoulder-to-shoulder king can come to this day because of martial arts. This martial arts is not just martial arts martial arts, but the original meaning of the word martial arts.

That contains all the Wu related to Wu in the world. Although Wu is just a word, it can also represent a person's virtue.

When he was young, he led the army and established himself with martial arts; when he was young, he fought in all directions and established a foundation with martial arts; when he was middle-aged, he dominated the world and established a country with martial arts.

It can be said that he spent all of his life as a soldier, and everything has an inseparable relationship with the word Wu.

How could a current emperor who established himself with martial arts, established his foundation with martial arts, and established his country with martial arts be the kind of shameless person who on the surface can only use indiscriminate means?

If this is the case, the King of Side-Shoulders may not even be able to pass the level of the soldiers under his command when he first established himself as a martial artist.

Even if he couldn't pass the hurdle of standing in martial arts when he was a teenager, how can he have the extraordinary achievement of ruling a hundred thousand mountains and rivers in the world and commanding millions of heroes today?
Also, how could a person who was trusted by Emperor Ruizong and Emperor Wuzong to be treated as an important minister, who was strongly supported by millions of soldiers and loved by all people in the world could be just a despicable and shameless person?

After thinking about it carefully, it turned out that the unscrupulous nature of the side-by-side king was so insignificant in front of his true nature.

Shamelessness is a dark side that exists in anyone, but it doesn't mean that this person will be a despicable and shameless person just by revealing his own dark side.

"Senior, this king is going to do something, don't say that this king didn't remind me."

The shadow master stared at First Young Master Liu who was holding the sword, took a deep breath and nodded in agreement, quietly turned the Yanling knife in his hand, and a clear light flashed in his eyes.

This is the first time he has sincerely started to pay attention to the opponent of the side-by-side king.

(End of this chapter)

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