My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2580 Regardless of winning or losing

Chapter 2580 Regardless of winning or losing
"Xuan'er, the strength of Senior Shadow Master is extraordinary. If I feel invincible later on as a brother, you can lend a helping hand at any time. You don't need to ask my brother for instructions before taking action."

Liu Mingzhi abruptly confessed these words to his younger sister Liu Xuan, and at the moment Liu Xuan was instinctively stunned, Young Master Liu attacked the Shadow Master with the Heavenly Sword like a flying arrow.

Liu Xuan was taken aback by the big brother's words, and a look of appreciation flashed in the actor's sharp eyes.

The moment Young Master Liu made his move, not only did the Shadow Master not put up a defensive attitude, he even went straight to meet Young Master Liu without condensing his protective energy.

The actor's move was not because of his arrogance or arrogance, but because Young Master Liu, who attacked at a high speed, also did not use the body-protecting qi.

Out of respect for the opponent, the movie master will naturally not condense the stellar energy to protect the body.

In an instant, the swords collided, and the ear-piercing movement of the sword and sword echoed in the ears of several people.

In mid-air, there were afterimages of the two people you attacked me, and even Liu Xuan, who was standing on the ground, could only observe some erratic afterimages, as well as the flames of swords and swords clashing.

The two Yuqi volleyed and fought in the air really started a battle between warriors.

Young Master Liu, who was cut back several feet by the shadow master's Yanling knife, didn't care about his numb arm, took a sword flower and swung the sword again to stab the shadow master's heart.

Looking at Young Master Liu, who is getting more and more courageous in the battle, the shadow master's sharp eyes also showed a strong fighting spirit. Looking at Young Master Liu flying towards him with a sword, he leaped into the air and smashed Huashan with all his strength. He slashed at First Young Master Liu, who was already under him.

Young Master Liu, who seemed to have expected that the Shadow Master would dodge his blow, didn't panic when facing the Yanling Saber that the Shadow Master slashed straight at the top of his head. Dragging the blade of the Heavenly Sword, he flew up again.

When there was a roar and crisp sound, the cold and shimmering blade of the Yanling Saber accurately slashed on the cold and cold blade of the Heavenly Sword, and layers of strong winds visible to the naked eye quickly spread towards the surroundings.

Under the destructive power of the Yanling Saber, Liu Dashao and the shadow master both fell about three feet to the ground at the same time under the surviving momentum of the sword, and they were barely two feet away from the ground. He stopped his figure.

Looking coldly at the shadow master holding a knife above his head and looking down at him with cold eyes, Liu Mingzhi twisted his hands violently with blue veins, and the blade of the Heavenly Sword, which was firmly suppressed by the Yanling Saber, rubbed against it directly, creating a clear spark.

Young Master Liu took back the left hand that was dragging the sword body without any warning, and directly grasped the hilt of the sword. The strength of the sword body's resistance suddenly loosened. Yu Li flew down towards the ground.

Liu Mingzhi seemed to have known that this situation would happen to the shadow master. The moment the shadow master fell, he turned sideways and volleyed a few times, and appeared behind the shadow master. Between the shadow master's legs.

Because the strength of the shadow master suddenly disappeared when Liu Dashao turned sideways, he secretly said something bad, and realized that the sword glow was cutting between his legs. The shadow master hurriedly retracted his legs in fear, and turned the Yanling saber with his backhand. Swing behind to block.

The moment the Yanling knife was swung to the back of the shadow master, a half-moon sky sword was drawn and slashed fiercely on the blade of the shadow master.

When the loud clanging sound was clear and pleasant to the ear, the burst of wind made ripples and swept away in all directions, and the shadow master who had endured the sharp sword even smashed to the ground with a knife.

There was a muffled bang, and there was another burst of smoke and dust flying over the already ravine-ridden land. Young Master Liu stared at the smoke and dust splashing out several layers of circles and falling gracefully towards the ground.

After landing, Young Master Liu gasped heavily, and his hands trembled uncontrollably. Even so, Young Master Liu still did not relax his vigilance, holding back his sore arms and raised the Heavenly Sword again in the smoke and dust. Look for the figure of the shadow master.

"Cough cough... cough cough..."

Immediately, the voice of the shadow master's muffled cough came out in the smoke, Young Master Liu put on an offensive with a serious expression and began to confirm the shadow master's position.

What Liu Mingzhi didn't expect was that the shadow master took the initiative to walk out of the blinding smoke and dust with the Yanling knife.

With a knife in his hand, the film master kept beating on his lower back with the other, keeping away from the range of the billowing smoke and dust behind him.

"In the army... huh... the fighting technique in the army, my lord, you actually integrated the fighting technique that the generals desperately use into the nine-style sword song.

The old man admires it, the old man admires it sincerely, whether the prince believes it or not, these are the words from the heart of the old man. "

The actor's words are extremely sincere, without the slightest hint of cynicism or overt praise or undertones.

Although the location of the sword attack was his lower third, it wasn't because the King Side Shoulder deliberately wanted to humiliate him. That kind of behavior was purely due to the instinct of a martial arts practitioner in the situation just now.

The film master can still see this, so the film master doesn't think there is anything inappropriate about Young Master Liu's moves, let alone anything inappropriate.

Recalling Young Master Liu's fierce sword slashing between his legs just now, even the Shadow Master, who has long been accustomed to seeing life and death, couldn't help shaking his legs a few times, and his eyes shone with fright.

If the sword of the side-by-side king is real, wouldn't he want to... If that happens, the result will be even more unacceptable to him than killing himself.

Just ask the world, who wants to be an incomplete man?
The film master didn't want to, it should be said that no man would have this idea, even those in the palace were not willing to be an incomplete man.

It's just that ninety-nine out of ten people have no choice but to be in such a situation.

Liu Mingzhi ignored the shadow master's words of admiration that he didn't know if it was true or not, his body bowed like a bow, and after gaining momentum, he flew towards the shadow master again.

Now he just wants to really fight with the film master, no matter whether he wins or loses, he only depends on the result.

The shadow master saw Young Master Liu's brave posture, his eyes flashed with a look of eagerness to try, and he went to meet Young Master Liu again just like before.

From the fighting on the ground to the fighting in the air, the two seem to have ignored the existence of foreign objects, only the other side is left in their eyes, and only the selfless fighting is left.

"Senior, take this king's move and the ninth sword song is amazing."

"Okay, the old man will wait and see, the prince will also accept the old man's move."

The two don't seem to be fighting opponents, but like two old friends who haven't seen each other for many years, fighting each other, and at the same time they have the leisure to remind each other of the moves they want to perform.

The sword light of the comet attacking the moon and the sword light of the earth-shattering sword shot towards the middle position with unstoppable power from the north and south directions.

The two dazzling cold lights intersected a little bit, first emitting a radiant brilliance in the mid-air, and then a burst of earth-shattering explosions rose from the sky and oscillated towards the four directions.

Amidst the dazzling brilliance, layer after layer of qi swelled, and strong winds scattered in all directions. Two figures were mixed in the fifth strong wind, and they came from mid-air It flew out of the brilliance.

After the two radiant silhouettes flew upside down and floated in mid-air for a few breaths, the raging qi surged all over their bodies and flew towards each other again.

The afterimages of the two people come and go in mid-air, no distinction is made between them.

Compared with the domineering but somewhat elegant sword technique of the shadow master, Young Master Liu's sword moves are chic and straightforward mixed with fierce power, and the light and ruthless sword moves are better than the other moves, with a completely reckless attitude Attack all the vital parts of the shadow master's body.

Under the attack of Liu Mingzhi's condensed sword qi, the shadow master had some tendency to be difficult to parry.

Young Master Liu became more and more courageous as he fought, while the shadow master became more frightened as he fought.

With hundreds of moves in a row, the sword moves of the shoulder-to-shoulder king are filled with majestic and strong true energy. How deep is his true energy, and it can support so much true energy consumption.

Young Master Liu doesn't know the terrified mood of the film master now. Yin-Yang Harmony Great Compassion Fu and Yi Qi Meridian are alternately running in the eight extraordinary meridians, and a steady stream of true energy is pouring out wave after wave. To Ren Du's second pulse.

The vigorous zhenqi in the veins gave Young Master Liu a feeling of unhappiness, which made him use all his moves desperately to attack and kill the shadow master.

Another wave of true energy was ready to be released, Liu Mingzhi held the Heavenly Sword and spun in the air like a windmill, and the Heavenly Sword condensed with sword energy cut horizontally towards the Shadow Lord.

The blade slashed again and again on the blade in front of the shadow master, the clanging sound was endless, and the sparks of the sword's collision were dazzling.

Liu Mingzhi seemed to be on a rampage tirelessly, attacking and killing the actor again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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