My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2581 3 Flower Gathering

Chapter 2581
Liu Xuan looked up at Young Master Liu, who was completely suppressing the shadow master and attacking fiercely in mid-air, her eyes filled with astonishment, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

As if she didn't quite believe what she saw with her eyes, Liu Xuan hurriedly shook her head a few times, rubbed her slender fingers on her eyes a few times and looked up into the air again.

This time, Liu Xuan was finally sure that the scene she had just seen was all right, and her elder brother was really suppressing the film owner in all directions to attack.

Seeing the shadow master's non-stop blocking and dodging movements under the fierce sword attack of Tianjian, Liu Xuan had a strong question in her heart, why did this happen?
Since the strength of the elder brother is so strong that the film master has no time to counterattack, why did he do those useless things before?Wouldn't it be enough to directly defeat the movie master and win a big victory?
Liu Xuan, who was confused, really couldn't understand the mysterious behavior of her elder brother, so she could only look at the two people who were fighting with all their strength in mid-air.

Compared to Liu Xuan's full of doubts, Wen Renzheng, who was fighting for Young Master Liu on the treetops in the distance, stared at the two fighting in the air, raised the wine gourd in his hand, and lightly pecked at it.

Wen Renzheng's old but shining eyes looked at the two people who were fighting, and there was a lot of brilliance in his eyes, revealing some indescribable expressions.

He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Unaware of the different thoughts of the younger sister and the old man, Young Master Liu, who was soaring in the air, unleashed the eighth sword song and attacked the shadow master who was a little tired.

The sword glow collided in the air, and the sound comparable to the sound of thunder roared in the air. The strong wind that seemed to overwhelm the river directly sent the two of them flying towards the ground.

Both Young Master Liu and the film master retreated a few feet away to stabilize their figures.

The shadow master knelt on one knee, leaned on the ground with the handle of the knife in his backhand, and looked at Young Master Liu who was ten feet away and was crumbling on the ground with a sky sword.

"Inner breath... Inner breath is fierce, dragon-like and tiger-like, endless and endless, the Sutra of Yiqi? Is it the Sutra of Supplementing Qi?

The prince has cultivated the supreme inner strength method "Sutra of Yiqi" that is not handed down to the world?
No, more than that, definitely more than that.

Only the Yiqi Jing can't make people's true energy reach such a turbulent and majestic level. There should be a complementary inner strength method to be used together with the Yiqi Jing.

Although the old man doesn't know what kind of mental method it is, you must have cultivated another Taoist mental method that complements Qi Yi Jing.

Absolutely, absolutely.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for your true qi to be so strong. After performing more than 100 sword moves with lingering true qi in succession, you are only a little exhausted. "

Young Master Liu trembled like chaff as he listened to the shadow master's trembling words, gasped for breath a few times and grinned at the shadow master, neither admitting that he had practiced the Daoist Qi Yijing, nor denying it.

At this point, it is useless to talk too much, and the real thing is to seize the time to restore the true energy consumed in one's body.

As for what the film owner thinks, that is his own business.

When Young Master Liu tried his best to recover his true energy, the shadow master stood up steadily, and waved the Yanling Saber backhand as if he hadn't lost much.

Young Master Liu trembled when he saw this situation. Could it be that the hundreds of fierce moves in succession didn't have any great impact on the shadow master?
The shadow master raised his hand and slapped his ragged cloak a few times, and the dust and smoke fell towards the ground like snow.

The film master caressed the knife with his slightly withered fingers for a moment, and then glanced meaningfully at Wen Renzheng who was standing on the treetop dozens of steps away for Young Master Liu.

"My lord."

The shadow master yelled loudly, "My lord," which made Young Master Liu tense, not knowing what the shadow master meant by his words.

The film master seemed to see Liu Mingzhi's pupils shrunk suddenly, and walked towards First Young Master Liu step by step while holding the Yanling Saber.

"Since the lord has already cultivated the supreme mind of Taoism, then the old man can't continue to hide his clumsiness. The lord will take the old man's immeasurable sword script."

The figure of the film master walking towards First Young Master Liu gradually became somewhat blurred, giving people a feeling that he was clearly there, but he couldn't see clearly.

As the shadow master's blurred figure gradually approached Young Master Liu's position, the shadow master suddenly raised the Yanling knife in both hands above his head, and his figure seemed to change from blur to nothingness.

It seems that the wind has stopped, and the surrounding air has also fallen into a state of silence.

A person and a handful just stagnated in the mid-air, gradually becoming elusive and elusive.

It seems that it is a knife, and it seems that it is a person, or it has become one with the knife.

Liu Mingzhi, who was dozens of steps away, trembled violently. He couldn't tell whether what he saw was the shadow master or the flickering Yanling knife, or they had already merged together. .

It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that it is only a short moment of effort. The Yanling Saber stagnant in mid-air exudes a domineering power that makes no one have any thoughts of resistance, and suddenly flies towards Young Master Liu.

Without any thinking or weighing, Liu Mingzhi condensed a thick body-protecting energy almost entirely by subconscious actions, and protected the Heavenly Sword in front of his body.

Liu Mingzhi was sure that he was not dazzled, let alone dreaming, he really clearly saw that Yanling Saber attacking him.

The speed of the saber movement was not fast, but I felt an unavoidable feeling of powerlessness welling up in my heart.

There was no deafening noise, and there was no loud sound of the bronze bell Dalu, only a muffled sound echoed in the ears of several people.

Liu Mingzhi, who was surrounded by the body-protecting qi all over his body, suddenly disappeared with a muffled puff, as if the body-protecting qi had never existed.

Young Master Liu's expression froze, and his whole body was like a kite with a broken string, flying gracefully towards more than ten feet away.

With a few muffled bangs, Young Master Liu rolled a few times on the ground and a carp straightened up and stood up straight.

Holding the hilt of the Heavenly Sword tightly with his right hand, he plunged it into the ground. First Young Master Liu slightly lowered his head to look at the broken and messy clothes on his chest. thumbs up.

"Infinity and measure, this king has seen it, senior, good... good sword skills, junior, wear... wear... puff... blah... puff..."

Liu Mingzhi didn't finish his sentence, two mouthfuls of bright red blood spewed out from his mouth one after another, and the blood stains splashed plum blossoms in the dust.

When the last mouthful of blood spewed out, Young Master Liu's left leg suddenly bent, and his knee fell heavily towards the ground.

While coughing lightly, Young Master Liu's standing posture has changed to a posture of kneeling on one knee while leaning on the Heavenly Sword.

"Big brother-"

Liu Xuan, who was in the distance, saw Eldest Young Master Liu's situation, and ran towards her elder brother with flaws.

Compared to Liu Xuanfang's trembling and flawed situation, Wen Renzheng's expression was much calmer.

At the same time Liu Xuan was running towards First Young Master Liu, Wen Renzheng's figure standing on the top of the tree suddenly appeared a few steps away from the shadow master.

Looking at the resolute figure presiding over the Yanling Saber, Wen Renzheng's old eyes revealed an indescribably complex look.

"Three flowers gather at the top, and five qi are at the top. So Brother Li has reached that level?"

The film master glanced at the brother and sister Liu Mingzhi, sighed faintly, and looked to the southwest of the imperial mausoleum.

"Relying on the generosity of the gods, I helped the old man enter a realm that no one in the rivers and lakes has ever reached in more than a hundred years, and made the old man's vision even higher.

It doesn't seem right to say that, brother Wenren has already tried to get to the top of the three flowers before the old man, what a feeling it is. "

"So you... you also practiced that scripture?"

(End of this chapter)

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