Chapter 2583
Liu Mingzhi also became dumbfounded after the tip of the Heavenly Sword pierced the shadow master's cloak, staring blankly at the opposite shadow master, his eyes full of bewilderment.

Although he couldn't see what was going on inside the cloak, Liu Mingzhi already knew clearly that the tip of the sword must have pierced into the shadow master's body based on years of experience.

At this moment, Liu Mingzhi's heart was in a state of confusion, as if his heart was shrouded in layers of fog, making it hard to see clearly.

He couldn't figure out why the film master would do this?He had easily blocked his Heavenly Sword attack with only two sword fingers just now, why did he let go all of a sudden?

Could it be that he is so conceited that after bearing his own sword, he can still suppress himself so that he has no power to fight back?

No, it can't be like this. If he really thought so, why did he fight back with all his strength before?

In just a short while, Liu Mingzhi thought about many possibilities, but he still didn't have any clue. He tried to use various reasons to convince himself that the actor wanted to do this, but in the end he rejected them all one by one.

Because the reasons he thought were not in line with the character of the actor, Liu Mingzhi, who couldn't find the answer, could only look at the actor opposite him with a disappointed look.

"Why...why? Why are you doing this? What do you want to do?"

The shadow master stared at First Young Master Liu quietly with eyes full of vigour, but there were some gloomy eyes, and sneered softly twice. The shadow master's right hand raised in mid-air slowly grasped the sword of Tianjian body.

"My lord, it's very tiring to hold the sword like this all the time, let's take a good rest."

After the Shadow Lord finished speaking, he twitched his arm vigorously, and the Heavenly Sword retreated from under the Shadow Lord's cloak with a soft bang.

Looking at the blood-drenched blade of the Heavenly Sword, Liu Mingzhi's arms trembled a few times, not only did he not feel the slightest sense of joy in his heart, but instead had mixed feelings.

The film master glanced at Liu Xuan who was struggling to stand up from the ground in the distance, then silently turned and walked towards the low table where he and Young Master Liu were drinking.

"Ahem... How are you, brother?"

Liu Mingzhi stared straight at the speckled blood on the ground and remained silent for a long time, then turned his head to look at his younger sister Liu Xuan and shook his head lightly.

"Xuan'er, I'm fine. How are you? Is the injury serious?"

"Brother, don't worry, Xuan'er is fine, she just suffered some minor internal injuries, and she can recover within a few days at most."

Although Liu Mingzhi's worried mind suddenly relaxed, he still carefully examined Liu Xuan's situation, and gently followed the shadow master's figure.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Seeing this, Liu Xuan hurriedly raised a pair of jade hands and waved them in the air a few times, suppressing the slightly tingling internal injury in her tendons with all her strength, and hurriedly followed.

The film master staggered slightly and sat down in front of the low table that was already covered with dust. He lifted the wine jar beside the table that was also covered with a thick layer of dust and placed it on the table with care.

Slightly raised his eyes and glanced at the younger brother and sister Liu who were following closely, the shadow master removed the sealing mud on the wine jar with a flick of his fingers.

"It seems that the lord is a wine lover just like the old man, you and I have fought more than a thousand tricks here, but none of them are willing to turn these old wines into fine powder.

The old man and the prince have always disagreed and do not conspire with each other.I found the same elegant taste today, really gratifying, really... cough... gratifying. "

The film master bowed slightly and found two dusty wine glasses on the ground, wiped them casually, put them on the table and filled the altar with wine.

"Wine is less than a thousand cups when you meet a bosom friend, and it's more than half a sentence if you don't speculate with each other. No matter how good this wine is, you have to find a bosom friend to drink it together in order to taste the wonderful taste of it.

Because of my status, the old man has never had a close friend in his life, and today I can only have a good drink with Wang Ye, an old friend who is barely half a close friend.

Although the prince doesn't know much about the old man, but the old man knows the prince quite clearly.

After all, the moment the prince entered the court, although you and I had no chance to meet each other, we were inextricably linked.

You and I can barely be regarded as a pair of "old friends" who have been friends for a long time.

Come...cough cough...As a half-confidant and good friend, this old man would like to offer another glass of fine wine that has been dusty for 50 years. "

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the wine with dust floating in his eyes indifferently, raised the glass without hesitation to signal to the film master, poured it into his bloodshot mouth and drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing that the actor on the opposite side also drank the wine, Liu Mingzhi took the initiative to lift the altar and fill up the wine glasses of the two of them.

"This king still has that question, why? Why did senior do this for you?
The senior obviously has the strength to easily crush the king, why did he play tricks on the king before?Could it be that the predecessors want to enjoy this?
In terms of the strength shown by the senior just now, not to mention the strength of the king alone, even if the king and the younger sister join forces to fight, it may not be the enemy of the senior.

The strength of the senior is rare in this king's life.

That being the case, senior, why bother you so much? "

The film master was silent for a moment, then raised his hand to raise his wine glass as a signal.

"The old man has another toast to the prince."

Although Liu Mingzhi desperately wanted to get an answer, seeing this situation, he could only continue to have a drink with the actor.

"Ahem... the general situation is set, and it's hopeless!"


"Ah! Three days ago, on the day of the wedding of His Royal Highness the Second Prince and His Royal Highness Princess Yunchang, the old man already understood in his heart that the world has already been settled, and even if the old man's strength can be used by fortune, he cannot turn the world around.

That day, when the old man performed lightness kung fu and appeared on the palace wall, not only the imperial guards in the capital flocked to shout for escort, but even some of the elders who held important powers under the former Li Dynasty ruled scrambling to move towards him. The prince rushed forward, shouting words of escort.

Seeing this situation, the old man above the city tower felt a chill in his heart. This is the loyal minister and general who boasted to Ruizong, Wuzong and Chengzong in the past!
It turns out that in these not too long and not too short years, the prince has already won the hearts of all the people in the world.

Whether it is the common people of the world, the soldiers in the army, or the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, they have all become the same party as the prince.

However, if it was just that, the old man would not be so disheartened. Other reasons are the root of the old man's real disheartened heart. "

"I would like to hear the details. To this day, I don't know if the senior is willing to explain a thing or two for this king?"

The film master filled the wine again, picked up the glass and watched carefully for a moment with cloudy eyes. Liu Mingzhi didn't know if he was thinking about something, or suppressing his injuries.

Therefore, I can only raise my glass and wait quietly.

The shadow master, who had been silent for a long time, trembled his arms, put the wine under the cloak and drank it down in one gulp.

"There is no one in the Li family!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his body, stared at the wine glass in his hand with a hesitant expression for a moment, and drank it down like the actor.

The shadow master put down his wine glass, and stared in the direction of the main mausoleum of the emperor's mausoleum for a long time with increasingly dim eyes.

"After Emperor Ruizong's great success, the heavens took pity on him, and Emperor Wuzong ascended the throne and ruled the world, so the world is in a state of prosperity.

However, God did not bless Li's lineage, so that when Wu Zong was at its peak in the Spring and Autumn Period, he died young when the rebel army broke the city.

His Royal Highness Li Bohong's ambitions in the past have gradually faded after entering the cabinet, and he finally became a minister under the prince's rule.

His Royal Highness Li Yunlong, King of Shu, died young just like his elder brother Wuzong Li Baiyu.

King Jing Li Yunping was ordered by his lord to lead a group of underachievers to compile the Great Dragon Ceremony, and the pride of the Li family has long since disappeared from his body.

After Yun Wang Li Qing lost his power in the rebellion, he was imprisoned in the clan's mansion and then he resigned himself to depravity.

King Ji...

king of yue...


The eleventh king is Xiaoming Wang.

Ruizong's first emperor was a great talent, a generation of heroes, but the dragon son and phoenix daughter under his knees have no talents to make.

sad!What a pity!

Besides, Wu Zong's children have died in name, but in fact, Cheng Zong Li Ye, who lived in seclusion in the East China Sea and returned to the mountains and forests, was even more absent.

The old man tried his best to avoid the hidden stake set by the prince and appeared in front of him, and persuaded him with a three-inch tongue for several months, but he was still willing to degenerate, unwilling to take back the country with the help of the old man and others, but I would like to live in seclusion between mountains and rivers.

When the old man heard the news for the first time, his heart was as cold as ice, and he knew that Emperor Yongping no longer had the ambition to take back the country.

The second son of Wu Zong, Zhao Wang Li Tao, has been reduced to a falcon under the prince's command over the years. The old man intends to support him in restoring the ancestor's foundation, but he bluntly rejects him and volunteers to serve the prince's subordinates as a dog.

Although the old man's sincere heart is torn apart, there is nothing he can do.

Princess Yunchang was already the prince's daughter-in-law three days ago.

Li Zhiyao, the princess of Chunyue, was too young to do anything, and it was also an embarrassing task.

All the Li family members in the clan's mansion are even more afraid of the power of the prince. After the old man showed up to show his sincerity, all the Li family members even said that they only wished to live on and spend the rest of their lives in sensuality.

The old man and all the brothers under his command searched all over the world, and there was no one in the Li family who had the courage and knowledge to be willing...cough cough...willingly come forward to restore the ancestral community. "

The film master poured the wine again and drank it down in one gulp.

"Li's unscrupulous jade, what can I do. Li's unscrupulous jade, what can I do!
I can't let the old man follow the example of the prince to support himself and proclaim himself emperor, right?

Although the old man was given the surname Li in the past, he is not of the blood of Emperor Gao of the Great Ancestor after all.

Although the old man and other brothers are dedicated to restoring the country, how dare they live up to the high expectations of the previous emperors and commit such a rebellious... cough cough... a big treasonous act?
It's a pity that the emperor is not blessed, the old man and the others are full of enthusiasm, after all, they are self-indulgent, no one understands... Poof... Heh..."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the wine mixed with blood that the actor spewed on the low table, and hurriedly dropped the wine glass and straightened up.

"Senior, you... are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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