Chapter 2584

Seeing Liu Mingzhi who was about to get up and help him, the film master waved his hand with difficulty, raised his wine glass again and drank the rest of the wine while resisting the discomfort in his body.

After finishing his glass of wine, the film master gasped heavily for several times, his withered fingers tightly grasped the top of the low table, the backs of his hands had turned white to the point of being bloodless.

"However... However, apart from these two points, there is the last straw that overwhelms the poor horse. Even if the old man is unwilling, he is powerless to resist."

Liu Mingzhi held the wine glass and looked at the actor for a moment, and after confirming that he was not seriously ill for the time being, he directly raised his head and poured the wine into his throat to show his sincerity.

How can I not drink the wine of half a bosom friend? Young Master Liu, who put down his glass, looked at the film master and poured wine from the altar.

"Please enlighten me."

"The lord is too modest, how can the old man He De dare to teach the lord.

The last straw that overwhelms the old man's "horse" horse is the years. "

"Years? Why?"

"Is this word difficult for you to understand, my lord?"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment with a look of astonishment in his eyes, as if he understood the deep meaning of the actor's words, he stretched out his hand to pick up the wine glass and gave the actor a signal to drink it down.

"This king is so vulgar that he should ask his senior for advice because of his simple words, he should punish himself with a cup.

What the predecessors said was, how ruthless the years are!

Looking at the world, time goes by, some people are like the rising sun, some people are like the sun, and some people are fading away. Such things are always so unsatisfactory! "

"Drinking with a bosom friend, is there any reason for self-punishment? The old man deserves a drink with him. The prince should do it first as a respect, and the old man should drink later, and then respect...cough...heck...a cup to the prince."

Liu Mingzhi hadn't spoken yet, and the actor raised his glass and drank the wine into his stomach. Seeing this situation, Young Master Liu pursed his lips a few times, sighed silently, and raised the wine jar with a complicated expression to fill it up again. wine glass.

With trembling arms, the movie master put the drink on the table where dust, drink, and blood were intertwined. He took a deep breath and straightened his slightly hunched body.

"My lord is right, time is the most ruthless.

If the old man is as old as the prince this year, how can he make such a choice?

Right now, the sons and grandsons of the phoenix have no talents that cannot be created. Although the old man is unwilling, there is nothing he can do. However, talented people come out from generation to generation.

However, the emperor is ruthless, the earth is merciless, the old man is no longer youthful, and he is already an octogenarian with gray hair.

For a dying man like this old man, if he wants to wait for the Li family's lineage to dive into the sea, he will be powerless. Such unwillingness is truly unwillingness! "

Hearing the actor's words full of sorrow, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but feel sour in his heart.

Faced with this old man who always wanted to overthrow his own country, help the old master, and restore the former dynasty, he could not produce a trace of anger, but was full of infinite admiration.

This is probably what I said after I died!
"Cough cough cough...cough cough cough...old man...this old man has another toast to the prince."

Liu Mingzhi's expression tightened, his eyes hesitated for a long time, he reached out and took out a porcelain bottle from his cuff and put it on the table.

"Senior, although this elixir of life and life does not really have the effect of bringing the dead back to life, it is also a holy medicine for healing. This king sincerely admires your character, so you can take this elixir.

Hurry up and heal now, before it's too late! "

The shadow master casually glanced at the porcelain vase on the table with his gloomy eyes, then looked away without any nostalgia, raised his glass to Young Master Liu and sent it under the tattered cloak.

"Cough cough... um... cough cough..."

With a glass of wine in his belly, the film master coughed a few times, shaking like chaff, and forced himself to stabilize his body.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the actor with hesitation for a moment, then raised the wine glass in front of him tremblingly.

While Young Master Liu was drinking, the shadow master slowly took out a bamboo tube from his cuff and gently pulled it towards the sky. Under the smoky blue sky, after a loud noise, a dazzling flower bloomed.

Liu Mingzhi's expression froze, he raised his head and glanced at the flowers under the blue sky, stared straight at the actor in a hurry, wanted to say something, and finally swallowed it back.

The film master, is he going to call all the Spy Shadow troops to help out?
Liu Xuan, who was standing behind the eldest brother, also saw the gorgeous flowers in the sky, and hastily reached out her hand to touch the bamboo tube in her arms. Her beautiful eyes stared at Young Master Liu's back, waiting for the signal from the eldest brother.

In a place where Young Master Liu's brother and sister could not see, dozens of spies who were fighting desperately with Young Master Liu's party subconsciously glanced at the gorgeous flowers in the sky.

The moment the fireworks disappeared into the sky, all the Spy Shadow soldiers smiled sadly, and under the opponent's fierce killing move, they suddenly put away their weapons and chose to give up resisting.

In an instant, the muffled sounds around the pines and bolins in the southeast direction of the main mausoleum came and went, endlessly.

At the same time, the movie master coughed a few more times with pained eyes, and the wine glass he was holding tightly slipped from his fingertips to the ground, and after rolling a few times on the ground, he lay in the dust and remained motionless.

"Ex...Senior? You?"

The shadow master pressed his arm on the table as if boneless, supported his body tremblingly and slowly stood up, turned his head slightly to glance at Wen Renzheng with a heavy expression not far away, and walked towards the main mausoleum with difficulty. The direction walked slowly.

After the shadow master got up, what caught Young Master Liu's eyes was a pool of bright red blood that was just where the shadow master was kneeling, and it was clear where the blood stain came from.

Liu Mingzhi swallowed his saliva, threw away the wine glass in his hand, got up and chased after the actor.

"Senior, this... junior help you."

The shadow master broke free from Young Master Liu's hands holding his arm, and the slightly leaky lips under the cloak raised a sour smile with difficulty, and turned his head to look in the direction of the master's mausoleum, his eyes became extremely resolute.

Taking a deep breath, the Shadow Master dragged the Yanling Saber in his hand and staggered towards the direction of the main mausoleum.

Half a day ago, it was only a short distance away, and the shadow master walked for about a stick of incense in a daze before he staggered to the outside of the Broken Dragon Stone in the main mausoleum.

Sitting weakly outside the entrance of the main mausoleum, the shadow master supported his body with his hands and bowed softly to the entrance of the mausoleum several times.

"Wang... wangye."

Liu Mingzhi who was following hurriedly greeted him, squatting beside the film master with complicated eyes.

"Senior, what do you want to say? But it doesn't matter."

"My lord, after entering the capital city and the capital a few months ago, the spy shadow brothers who have known their whereabouts for the lord, they are all people with families and families, so it is easy for the lord to know their whereabouts, it is the old man Command them to do it intentionally.

A month ago, the old man had already ordered them to disband on the spot, and they were no longer spy brothers. At the same time, the old man made them swear a heavy oath to the sky that they would never be enemies with the prince for life.

I also hope that the prince will look at... um... for Ruizong's face and the old man's thin face, and don't make things difficult for them anymore.

Although they are spies, they are just obeying orders. They are often helpless in many things. The old man begs the prince to be more generous, so don't make things difficult for them.

In addition, the rest of the brothers also disbanded on the spot in Hanzhou and went back to the mountains. Today, they came to the imperial mausoleum to attend the appointment...cough cough...the only ones who attended the appointment were the old man and the 62 living and dead brothers under his command.

The whereabouts of those brothers are all recorded in those books, as long as they don't stir up trouble and cause chaos in the world, the old man also begs you, my lord, to spare their lives.

My lord, I beg you. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the shadow master who was about to bow to him when he turned around, and hurriedly squatted down to help him up. Looking at the shadow master whose dejected eyes were full of anticipation, Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a long time and nodded heavily.

" I promise, in the name of the Son of Heaven, I promise senior, as long as the old spies don't make trouble anymore, I will never touch a single hair of them.

I can also promise my seniors that as long as the former spies are willing to work for me, I am willing to ask you heroes to help me out of the mountain.

If this statement is false, I will be killed by five thunders, and I will not be able to rest in peace after a hundred years. "

"Ahem...Old man...Thank you, my lord, for a thousand years."

Liu Mingzhi was about to speak words of comfort, but a weak voice interrupted his mind.

"Big... big brother!"

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"






Liu Mingzhi and the shadow master both turned around and looked behind them. They saw dozens of spies walking independently, some supporting each other, and some being carried towards the entrance of the main mausoleum by several spy spies. The direction is coming slowly.

And they were either seriously injured and forced to hold their breath, or they had already died for a long time and were carried by their brothers with no life left.

With a wide eye, how can it be a miserable one!
Behind them are dozens of masters belonging to Young Master Liu's side. At this moment, they are looking complicated, and they are walking behind them silently with sad eyes.

After dozens of spies stopped in front of the shadow master, they saluted the shadow master one after another.

"We see the Lord."

The Shadow Master looked at the Four Great Dharma Kings of Wind, Thunder, Rain and Lightning, the Eleven Shadow Guardians, the leaders of various ministries, and a group of brothers who had already lost their vitality. With painful eyes, he turned around and bowed down to them.

"Brothers, Li Kan is sorry for you.

If there is... Heck... If there is an afterlife, Li Kan is willing to be a cow and a horse to repay the deep friendship of the brothers. "

"We don't dare, it's a blessing for a man to give his body to the country, how dare we accept the great gift from the Lord.

We can be loyal to the country, die well, die without regrets, and have no regrets. "

"Brothers, come quickly to pay respects to Emperor Ruizong."

After listening to the shadow master's words, the spy shadows who were still alive lifted their dead brothers outside Li Zheng's mausoleum, and knelt down on the ground.

"The ministers and others see His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live long live long live."

"The ministers and others see His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live long live long live."

"The ministers and others see His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live long live long live."

"Brother, younger brother has already paid homage to the late emperor. In this life and in this life, our brothers will accompany us in life and death, and we will go on the road together today. The road to Huangquan is not too lonely.

Today's brotherhood is over, we will be brothers in the next life, Li Xuan is loyal to the country, let's go first. "

(End of this chapter)

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