My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2586 Qiu Zhongyi, forever fragrant

Chapter 2586 Loyalty and loyalty forever

The moment Liu Mingzhi's hands fell to the ground weakly, Liu Mingzhi's heart trembled violently, and a sense of loss suddenly lingered in his heart.

The shadow master is not only the most powerful figure among the "remnants" of the Li family in the previous dynasty, but also the leader of the famous spies.

It was one of the most unstable factors that threatened the stability of the new dynasty, and it just passed away with such a sad ending.

Time flies, and more than five years have passed in the blink of an eye. Since the day when the spy shadow seemed to disappear from the world in the past, I have never stopped looking for the spies in the past five years.

In the past five years, although he and the actor had never met, they had secretly contested many times.

In these years, I have both respected and hated the film master, and what I admire is naturally because of the film master's unwavering and loyal disposition.

As for the hatred, the hatred was naturally because of the incident of Tao Yingxiang's disappearance. Although it had been many years since Tao Ying's incident, Liu Mingzhi still couldn't let go of it for a long time.

Throughout the half of my life, I seldom have deep regrets about anything.

And the matter of Tao Ying is the second unforgettable regret in my half life. The first is naturally the incident about Ruyi girl who died because of me when I was still in Jinling 20 years ago.

Although it has been many years since these two incidents, Liu Mingzhi has never forgotten them in his heart.

Liu Mingzhi knew very well in his heart that the matter about Tao Ying had nothing to do with the film owner. Even if there was no spy shadow intervening, Tao Ying would still take the opportunity to assassinate him.

After all, Tao Ying contacted her with the purpose of avenging Li Yunlong from the very beginning, and Spy Shadow's intervention only changed some small processes.

But even so, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but implicate Spy Shadow in part because of the regret left to him by Tao Ying's suicide.

Perhaps, without Spy Shadow's intervention, the growing relationship between herself and Tao Ying would have made her gradually forget about Li Yunlong's affairs, and she would not have done the stupid thing of dying for her later.

Unfortunately, there will never be ifs in this world.

Because of this, Liu Mingzhi felt a little resentful towards the film owner. Although it was biased, it was still human.

However, death is like a lamp being extinguished, and all the past events, grievances and hatreds are all gone at the moment of the actor's life, and they have all been annihilated in the long river of history.

After five years of wrestling, as of today, the matter about Spy Shadow has finally come to an end.

However, the Spy Shadow, a force that posed a huge threat to him, was destroyed right under his nose, why couldn't he feel a little bit of happiness in his heart?

Not to mention feeling happy, Liu Mingzhi felt that his heart was extremely blocked and panicked from the bottom of his heart.

I can't tell what kind of feeling it is, like an invisible thorn choked in my heart, making me at a loss what to do.

Liu Mingzhi had to admit that at this moment, he didn't even have the slightest bit of hatred towards the Shadow Master and his opponents who had always wanted to overthrow him.

Seeing them come to such a bleak end, I couldn't bear it in my heart.

It's just that no matter how panicked my heart is, what can I do?After all, the established facts cannot be changed.

Perhaps for the movie master and the others, being able to die loyally for the country is their best destination!
While Liu Mingzhi was staring at the corpses of the film master and the others, Bai Ling'er, Young Master Liu's thirteenth aunt, had already untied Liu Xuan's acupuncture points.

Liu Xuan, whose acupoints were pinned and unable to move, the moment her acupoints were released, she ran towards the shadow master's corpse without any ladylike manners.

Hugging the shadow master's corpse in her arms, Liu Xuan's graceful and delicate body couldn't help trembling slightly. Although she couldn't see the shadow master's face under the cloak, Liu Xuan couldn't feel the slightest emotion from the shadow master's body. It's alive.

The shadow master passed away, really passed away, although Liu Xuan really didn't want to accept this result, but it still couldn't change the fact that the shadow master had already returned home.


Grandpa Liu Xuan cried out with sincerity and tears, just like her elder brother Liu Mingzhi, she couldn't feel the slightest resentment towards the senior in her arms who had fought desperately with her and her elder brother just now.

Although Liu Xuan didn't know why the actor wanted to pass on his profound skills to herself before he died, but she could feel the sincerity of the actor before his death.

Perhaps, grandpa really wanted to have a granddaughter.

Liu Xuan hugged the actress's pretty face, Lihua, and sobbed alone for a long time, when suddenly there was the sound of orderly heavy footsteps in the royal tomb.

Everyone who was feeling depressed, and who were also feeling a little bit for the film master and the others suddenly tensed up, and hurriedly raised all kinds of weapons to protect First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the crowd who were facing an enemy for a week, and waved his hands as if he had already understood it.

"You don't need to be nervous, it should be the forbidden army that I mobilized to come."

"Liu Song, go see Wuyi King Song Qing immediately and pass on my oral order. Without my order, all soldiers and horses will stop advancing and stay where they are. Except for Wuyi King Song Qing, no one is allowed to approach the main mausoleum.

Violators will be subject to local military law. "

"Yes, the little leader."

Everyone's tense minds suddenly relaxed when they heard the words, and they put away their weapons one after another and were no longer so cautious.

Just as Young Master Liu said, the visitors who heard heavy footsteps after entering the imperial mausoleum were the [-] elite soldiers and horses of the Forbidden Army under the command of Song and Qing.

A moment after the crowd dispersed, figures of five thousand forbidden troops appeared on the wide roads in the four directions of the main mausoleum, southeast, northwest, respectively.

Compared with the appearance of the imperial army wearing full armor and standard military equipment before, in addition to the previous standard military equipment, almost every soldier who appeared in the imperial tomb held a flintlock that had been improved several times. Guns, and hundreds of soldiers carried twenty 28-ball serial guns that had undergone several improvements.

At this time, the standard war knives worn on the waists of the [-] Imperial Army officers and soldiers had become emergency use, and the flintlock guns in their hands were regarded as the main combat weapons.

Under the leadership of the Song and Qing Dynasties and the generals of the Forbidden Army, the [-] Forbidden Army is in full swing, slowly approaching the main mausoleum in full battle.

Just as the soldiers of the imperial army were slowly approaching the main mausoleum with tense hearts, Liu Song held up Young Master Liu's token and rushed towards Song Qing's position.

"Your Majesty ordered that all soldiers and horses stop advancing and stay where they are."

"Your Majesty ordered that all soldiers and horses stop advancing and stay where they are."

"Your Majesty ordered that all soldiers and horses stop advancing and stay where they are."

Song Qing was directing the soldiers and horses to encircle the imperial mausoleum, when he heard Liu Song's familiar high voice, he hurriedly raised the command flag in his hand and waved it down heavily.

"Soldiers, order all the soldiers and horses to stop advancing immediately and stay where they are, waiting for orders."


After several messengers flew away, Song Qing inserted the command flag into his waist and greeted Liu Song actively.

"What's going on with Brother Liu Song? Where's Your Majesty? Why is it so quiet in the imperial tomb? Did something unplanned happen?"

Liu Song handed the token in Song Qing's hand, turned around and pointed towards the entrance of the main mausoleum.

"Master Song, my young master is outside Emperor Ruizong's mausoleum! Young master, his war with Spy Shadow is over, so let me hurry up and send you an order to order the army to stop the encirclement."

"What... what? The end... is it over?"

"Yes, the battle was over before Banzhuxiang Kungfu."

Song Qing glanced in the direction of the main mausoleum in astonishment, the war is over so soon?Is spy shadow spy so easy to deal with?

what is happening?
If Song Qing hadn't known Liu Song's identity and how loyal he was to his third younger brother Liu Mingzhi, he almost thought it was Liu Song who was giving false orders.

"Master Song, my young master just said that no one is allowed to approach the main mausoleum except you. Please explain to the soldiers under your command that we go directly to my young master."

"Okay, Brother Liu Song, wait a minute, I'll come as soon as I go."

"Hmm! No problem."

After about a cup of tea, Song Qing and Liu Song, who had explained to the officers and men of the imperial army under their command, rushed out of the entrance of the main mausoleum hand in hand.

"The ministers and guards are all in command of Song and Qing, see my emperor, long live long live."


"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"King Wuyi."

"The minister is here."

Liu Mingzhi pointed at the corpses of the shadow master and the others and turned around for a circle.

"You will immediately send someone to the government office of the Ministry of Industry, and order the Minister of the Ministry of Industry to gather all the skilled craftsmen in the capital to make 63 steles.

There are eight big characters in the letter "Loyalty for Thousands of Years, and Fame through the Ages". As long as the specifications do not exceed the standard, the 63 steles will be manufactured according to the largest specifications.

As for other biography and inscriptions, I will have someone send them to the Ministry of Industry and Government Office after I return to the city. "

"The minister takes orders."

(End of this chapter)

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