Chapter 2587 Urgently
Seeing Song Qing turning around and about to leave to deliver the order, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly reached out his hand to stop him.

"Wait a minute."

Song Qing was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly stopped and looked at First Young Master Liu with a questioning look: "Your Majesty, what else can I order?"

"This matter is not something that can be handled by a government office of the Ministry of Industry. Don't forget to order the government office of the Ministry of Households to cooperate fully with this matter.

Tell your officers and men to tell them the officials of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households that I will give them half a month. If they can't handle this matter in half a month, I will only ask them.

By the way, an order was sent to the soldiers of the Forbidden Army who came to the imperial mausoleum to encircle and suppress the rebellious party to return to the city immediately, so as not to disturb the spirit of Emperor Ruizong.

Anyone who violates the order will be subject to military law. "

"My minister obeys."

"After the army returned to the city, half of the flintlock guns and 28-ball chain guns in the hands of the [-] imperial soldiers were used for training in turns.

The remaining half of the flintlock guns and 28-ball blunderbuss must be put back into boxes within three days, dispatched [-] elite soldiers and horses to be transported to the Northland as quickly as possible, and handed over to Zhou Baoyu and Ye Baotong.

The two of them were ordered to distribute these firearms to all the main generals stationed in the northern land, and then the generals distributed the soldiers and horses under their command.

Tell them both that I am talking about all the main generals stationed on the border. If the two of them dare to play with me about the distinction between former Jin soldiers and former Turkic soldiers, I will not spare them two.

Cutting their titles directly and taking away the tiger charms in their hands are the lightest punishments.

Now that the world has been unified for many years, all the people in the world are subjects of my Great Dragon, and they should not be distinguished from each other. If anyone dares to play some factions below me, Han, Jin, or Tu, I will never forgive them lightly.

Of course, these words are not only to warn Zhou Baoyu and Ye Baotong, but also Yeluhu, Yelumo, Chamuhan, Shibina and others.

Tell them all that I really don't want to see things like Xiao Qiang happen. "

"Yes, I obey."

"That's all, let's pass the order first."

"As ordered, the minister will leave."

After Song Qing left, Liu Mingzhi looked at Qinglong and the others again.

"Order Er and other subordinates to immediately withdraw from the imperial tomb and return to their respective places."

"We obey, and we retire."

In a short while, the masters under Young Master Liu's command also left the mausoleum one after another, and the crowd around the main mausoleum once again decreased a little.

After many leaders left one after another, Liu Mingzhi scanned the small crowd for a week, and finally found Lao Zhou's figure in the outermost corner.

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and waved to the remaining people around him, got up and walked towards Lao Zhou who was standing on the edge, staring at the motionless corpses of the shadow master and his brothers.

Liu Mingzhi gently stopped beside Lao Zhou, looked him up and down, saw the slightly worn and messy clothes on his body, and the dust whisk that was much mutilated compared to his bosom half a day ago, Liu Mingzhi lightly Sighed lightly.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Liu Mingzhi doesn't want to get to the bottom of whose side old Zhou Fang is on.

If he was on my side, I would be extremely grateful, and if he was on the side of the film master, I would have no complaints. After all, Lao Zhou's true loyal person has always been his father, Emperor Li. politics.

My personal friendship with him is a personal friendship, and it does not conflict with the fact that he is the loyal domestic slave of his father, Emperor Li Zheng.

No matter which side he was on just now, since the matter of Spy Shadow has ended with the death of the film master and the others, Liu Mingzhi is willing to choose the result of being confused.

"Old Zhou."

Old Zhou's stooped body couldn't help trembling when he heard Young Master Liu's words, he turned around and bowed slightly to Young Master Liu.

"The old slave has seen the son-in-law."

"You're being so polite again. Didn't we agree earlier not to be so extravagant?"

"Yes, yes, the old servant knows his mistake."

"Old Zhou!"

"My son-in-law, tell me, this old servant is listening!"

"It's nothing particularly important, I just want to tell you about the pines and cypresses to the southeast of the main mausoleum.

The fighting situation not long ago was too fierce, and many pines and cypresses had been destroyed by the strong wind.

Some are broken down the middle, and some have been completely twisted into pieces. There must be no incomplete trees left in the royal tomb of the father to decorate the scenery.

After all, pines and cypresses are evergreen, pines and cypresses are evergreen, so what if some incomplete pines and cypresses are left behind.

So I hope you can tell those mausoleum guards, let them count how many pines and cypresses have been damaged after I leave, and then draw up a list and send it to my house.

Not only those pines and cypresses, but also the stone bricks on the surrounding roads, the floor and other damages, they also carefully sorted out and drew up a list and sent it to my house.

After my approval was red, I immediately sent an order to the Ministry of Industry, and the officials of the Ministry of Households immediately sent people to repair everything that was damaged there.

Don't worry Lao Zhou, I can't promise you that it will be restored to its original state, but there is no problem with the repairs. I don't know the generals and generals of the Mausoleum Guard Army very well, so Lao Zhou will take care of you. "

Lao Zhou stroked the incomplete Fuchen in his hand and nodded silently.

"The old slave knows, does the son-in-law have any other orders?"

"There are still some unfeeling requests, I hope you can agree, Lao Zhou."

"My son-in-law said it's all right, as long as it's within the capabilities of the old slave, the old slave will definitely agree to it."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Lao Zhou. In fact, it's not a big deal. It's just about the corpses of Senior Shadow Master and his brothers."

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at the more than 60 corpses outside the entrance of the main mausoleum, and sighed softly.

"Senior Shadow Master and the others died loyally for the emperor, I really can't bear to separate them from master and servant, and plan to bury them all around the emperor's mausoleum.

It's just that it will take some time to carve out the Qianqiu Loyalty Monument to commemorate their lives, so I want to hand over their corpses to you and the soldiers of the Tomb Guard Army to take care of them temporarily.

After the stele of Qianqiu's loyalty and righteousness is delivered to the imperial tomb, they will be buried in the ground together.

Don't worry, as soon as I go back, I will order people to bring enough ice cubes from the ice cellar in the palace to preserve their corpses, and there will be no trouble for you.

I don't know what you think about Lao Zhou? "

"Hey... Just do as the son-in-law said. If there is nothing else, the old slave will go back first."

"Okay, you go back first, I will come to see you when I have time."

"Thank you son-in-law, the old servant will retire first."

Liu Mingzhi watched Lao Zhou's lonely, crooked figure walk into the entrance of the main mausoleum, sighed with bitterness in his heart, and went straight to his little sister Liu Xuan who was still holding the shadow master's corpse and weeping secretly.

Seeing the red and swollen eye sockets of the younger sister, Liu Mingzhi squatted down with a complicated expression.

"Xuan'er, big brother has already arranged the funeral for Senior Shadow Master and the others, it's getting late, let's go back first.

The old man and mother are probably already hopeless at home now, and if we don't go back to report that they are safe, I don't know what they should think about.

On the day when the senior shadow master and the others are buried in peace, the brother will tell you and ask you to come to the imperial mausoleum to see him off for the last time.

Go back first, let the family feel at ease before talking about other things. "

Liu Xuan hesitated for a moment, hummed lightly, and carefully placed the actor's body on the ground.

"Brother, don't forget to tell me the day they die."

"Don't worry, big brother promises you that you won't forget."

"Well! Then let's go back first."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Xuan who got up and stood, looked at the shadow master's body wrapped in the cloak, resisted the urge to take off his mysterious cloak to get a glimpse of his appearance and stood up.

The dead are the greatest, so let's respect them.

"Brother, let's go."

"it is good."

Liu Mingzhi frequently looked back at the corpse lying on the ground in front of the main mausoleum, with mixed emotions in his heart.

I don't know if after a hundred years, among the secret agents of the relevant and related departments, there will be people who are as loyal to their children and grandchildren as the movie master and his brothers.

If there really is, I will die in peace.

"Brother, why did you seem to shed some tears just now?"

"Is there? Maybe the wind and sand are too big!
Hurry up and go home first, your parents and your sisters-in-law are probably already waiting anxiously. "



Everything has become a thing of the past, and life is alive, so we have to look forward.

Years are like knives, youth is passing away, and this young master is also getting old, no matter whether he admits it or not, this young master is really old.

What the actor said before he died was correct, and it also sounded a wake-up call for me. I have to start preparing for some things.

It seems that the matter of setting up the crown prince has reached the point of no delay.

But who should be appointed as the prince?
Chengzhi?To dry?Or Yue'er, a stinky girl?

(End of this chapter)

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