Chapter 2588
When the willows were on the top of the moon, Liu Mingzhi and his party, who had returned from the imperial mausoleum, finally returned to the capital.

A group of people changed into the clean clothes they had already prepared on the tower, cleaned and tidied their appearance carefully, and rushed to the inner city swaggeringly.

Today's confrontation with Spy Shadow in the imperial mausoleum was obviously a triumphant victory, but everyone including Liu Mingzhi did not show the slightest joy of victory on their faces.

As the saying goes, knowing a hero and respecting a hero, although they stand on opposing positions because of their identities, they still feel a little sighed for the ending of the film master and his brothers.

In one life, the grass and trees fall in autumn, and being able to get acquainted with such heroes as the film master and his brothers, even if they are rivals, this life is not in vain.

The people in the two cities inside and outside the capital were not affected by the matter of the imperial mausoleum at all. After Liu Dashao and others entered the city, the various shops and houses on both sides of the streets in the city had already been illuminated, and groups of people shuttled back and forth in prosperity. On the prosperous street, it is very lively.

It directly shows a picture scroll of prosperity in which the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the people's livelihood and government are thriving.

Looking at the expressions of a few of them who were slightly surprised by the prosperity, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but feel a little proud in his heart.

The sincere and proud smiles on the faces of the people and the sincere laughter on the faces of the children are the best affirmation of today's court and today's world.

This is the people of Dalong under his rule, this is the Dalong Jiangshan community under his control, and this is the prosperous age of Dalong written by himself!
As the king of a country, Liu Mingzhian has no reason to be proud of seeing the people under his rule so happy and healthy!

Liu Mingzhi believed that as long as Wanyan Feixiong led the Dalong Academy of Sciences and could manufacture the things he wanted to see sooner, Dalong would rise to a higher level.

The lives of the people in Dalong will also be improved to a higher level.

As long as that day comes, I can pass on the power to my children without any worries!

After the group entered the inner city hand in hand, Young Master Liu led the crowd towards the Penglai restaurant run by sisters Xue Bizhu and Huang Lingyi outside the palace.

Although Liu Mingzhi was in a bad mood like everyone else, but Liu Mingzhi still didn't want to lose the way of hospitality, and the celebration banquet should be put on or off.

After all, these masters around him are either their relatives or their friends, and no matter how bad they are, they are also a group of masters who have a little old acquaintance with their relatives and friends.

They were able to rush to the imperial mausoleum to help him today, no matter what the reason was, he had to accept this love.

Of course, there are other reasons, that is, Liu Mingzhi felt that some of these innate masters could try to win him over.

Liu Ye's Second Elder of Heaven and Earth, Admiral's Four Great Vajras, the Great Master of the Wolf Guard, and the commander of the Cloud Warriors will be fine.

After all, these masters are either the old man's subordinates or Wanyan's subordinates, and the two sisters Yaoer and Xiaoxi are subordinates, there is actually no difference between their hands and their own.

There is really no need to win over.

Grandpa Bai Hulai, the old man who has heard about human affairs, fourth uncle Bai Chongliang, and thirteenth aunt Bai Ling'er can also be excluded.

The other three elders don't need to think about it, they don't seem like the kind of people who can be restrained, even if they don't know how to restrain them, they probably won't agree.

After all, the idle clouds and wild cranes, the chic and comfortable life is more in line with the temperament of the three of them.

As for my thirteenth aunt, Bai Ling'er, she lived in her own home or in the city most of the time in these years, so there was no need to win her over.

Once I come to her place usefully, I only need one sentence, it will be true!

Liu Sandao, Song Zhong, Baishan from the Great Compassion Zen Forest, Master Liaofan, and Old Zen Master Huifa from Huguo Temple are the only ones left.

The six of them have different identities and backgrounds, but I don't know who is willing to use it for me.

Although the hope is a little slim, Liu Mingzhi still intends to give it a try. After all, if he can be driven by another master in the innate realm, it will be much easier to handle many things.

A group of people rushed to the front of the restaurant, except Young Master Liu, the rest of the people looked at the imposing Penglai Restaurant in front of them and instantly understood what Liu Mingzhi meant.

Although they were in a slightly bad mood, some of them did not dare to refute Young Master Liu's intentions.

After all, Liu Mingzhi is today's son, even if he can't forge a deep karma, he certainly can't have a bad relationship with him.

Today's imperial court can be said to be in full swing, and Liu Mingzhi, as the current emperor, has the posture of looking down on the world. As people in the world, it is really not wise for him and others to fight against the current emperor.

After all, not everyone present has a deep friendship with the emperor. Naturally, some people don't care much, but they don't have the courage.

I and others are above the Jianghu martial arts and are called land gods and innate masters, sometimes I have to follow the general trend!
When the emperor was angry, he laid down millions of corpses, but it was not as simple as talking about it.

Liu Mingzhi didn't have the heart to guess what some people were thinking, he just raised his eyes and glanced at the scene of the first floor of the restaurant where the guests were gathered and the excitement was in full swing, he cleared his throat and punched everyone.

"Today's matter, I would like to thank all the elders, seniors, and brothers for coming to help me. Now that the matter has finally come to an end, I can rest assured.

In order to thank you all for your help, my young master ordered Jiannei to prepare a table of wine and banquet upstairs as a thank you. I would like to thank you all for your kindness, and I will sit upstairs for a while and drink a few glasses of thin wine.

You are welcome, please. "

Because of the customers coming and going in and out of the restaurant, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to change his self-proclaimed name a little.

"I don't dare to wait, Mr. Liu please first."

"Please, please."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi and others entered the restaurant, they were surprised by the booming business in the restaurant. The business of the restaurant is not so good!

Liu Song, who had been waiting by the counter after rushing back to report the letter, saw a group of people headed by his young master hurried over.

Xue Bizhu, who was checking the accounts while frequently looking at the door, also saw the figure of First Young Master Liu, and the slightly frowned brows suddenly relaxed, and immediately walked out of the counter with a smile on his face.

Although I already knew from Liu Song that my husband was safe and sound on this trip, Xue Bizhu really let go of her hanging heart only after seeing her husband with her own eyes.

"Master, Mrs. Bizhu has already sent someone to prepare the Tianzihao private room on the fifth floor, and Mrs. Lingyi has also gone to the back kitchen to cook the dishes herself. It is estimated that the wine and dishes will be ready for the table in less than half a stick of incense."

"It's done well, have you sent someone to inform the old man and my mother to kiss their second elder and her young wife?"

"Young master, don't worry, I will send someone back to the house to notify you as soon as I enter the city. According to the time calculation, it is estimated that the master and wife and the young ladies should have received the news half an hour ago."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"It's all small business."

"Husband, you are finally back."

Hearing Xue Bizhu's surprised voice behind him, Liu Song stepped aside with a wink.

Looking at Xue Bizhu's slightly red eyes, Liu Mingzhi knew that this silly woman must have cried because of his worries before, but he couldn't comfort her too intimately with the presence of outsiders.

"Bizhu, your husband is fine, so don't worry.

It's inconvenient to talk here, so let's go upstairs to the private room first, and I'll introduce you to some distinguished guests you haven't seen before. "

"Yes, my concubine will guide you."

Young Master Liu signaled to everyone with a smile, and accompanied Xue Bizhu to lead everyone to the private room upstairs.

After everyone took their seats in order, Liu Mingzhi pulled Xue Bizhu's bright wrist and pointed to everyone.

"Bizhu, you've all met Grandpa, Old Man, Fourth Uncle, Thirteenth Aunt, and Younger Sister, so I won't talk about your husband.

This is Senior Feng, this is Senior Uncle, this is Master Hui Gang... this is Brother Liu Sandao Liu... this is..."

"Everyone, this is Xue Bizhu, one of my young master's wretches."

Xue Bizhu moved her head from time to time beside Liu Mingzhi, and when Young Master Liu finished speaking, she saluted everyone with a dignified manner.

"Concubine Xue Bizhu from the Liu family has met all elders, seniors, elder brothers and uncles, please be polite."

"Girl, excuse me."

"Don't dare, I will see Mrs. Xue, who is a thousand years old."

(End of this chapter)

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