Chapter 2590

Liu Mingzhi and his group drank the last glass of wine, except for a few people who stayed behind, the rest of the masters went their separate ways one after another.

It can be said that it comes fast and goes fast.

In less than half a cup of tea, there are only Liu Dashao, Liu Xuan, Wen Renzheng, Bai Hulai, Bai Chongliang, Bai Ling'er, and Liu Song in the Tianzihao private room on the fifth floor of Penglai Restaurant.


"Master, what are your orders?"

"Go downstairs and tell Bizhu first, and when the restaurant closes, don't forget to ask her to tell the second brother to clean up the food on the wine table.

What to do with the leftovers, but don't waste those dishes that haven't touched your chopsticks.

They are all good delicacies, it would be a pity to waste them. "

"Yes, the little one goes down first."

Wen Renzheng patted the bearded beard on his chin and nodded with satisfaction after listening to Young Master Liu's account of Liu Song's words.

Even if this kid became the emperor, he did not lose his heart, and he did not live up to his original expectations of him!
Dalong has such a benevolent king, so there is no reason why he should not prosper.

Liu Mingzhi tidied up his clothes, and looked at the elders in front of him with a faint smile.

"Grandpa, old man, fourth uncle, thirteenth aunt, it's getting late, let's go back home to rest first.

Grandpa, Fourth Uncle, even if the two of you want to go back to Donghai, you have to stay in the capital for a few days and let the children and others do their best to be filial.

Especially the old man, you old man, Shenlong walked away for several years without seeing the head and tail, and he didn't say that he came back to see us, kid.

All these years, not only the boy, I have been thinking about you, old man, but Yun Shu and Yun Yao, the two sisters, have also been thinking about you every now and then!
It's fine if you don't come back to visit on weekdays, but you didn't even mention the birth of your great-grandson Zhengming, and you didn't come back to visit.

After going back to the mansion later, Shu'er sees you, old man, and I don't know how to complain about you?Boy, look at your well-groomed beard, I'm afraid you will suffer! "

"Hi! You boy, I have some things... that's all, let's go back and talk about it first. I will also take a good look at my great grandson."

"Okay, listen to your old man, let's go home first."

Seeing that everyone agreed with him, Liu Mingzhi immediately led the crowd downstairs.


"Hey, here we go."

"Clean up with Lingyi, let's go home together, and just hand over the business to the shop assistants."

Xue Bizhu scanned the few guests on the first floor because it was getting late, and nodded to Young Master Liu with a light smile.

"Okay, my husband, please wait a moment, the concubine will go to sister Lingyi after explaining to the man."

After about a cup of tea, Huang Lingyi, who smelled of oily smoke on her tender body, came out of the backyard with an embarrassed expression on her face.

"Husband, the smell of oily smoke on my body is too strong, I will take a shower and change clothes immediately after we go back."

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to comb Huang Lingyizhen's messy temples after being wet with sweat: "What's there to be embarrassed about? I don't mind my husband.

For a good woman like you who can live in the living room and the kitchen, others can't ask for it! "

Seeing her husband complimenting herself so intimately in front of the public, Huang Lingyi smiled innocently a few times with a pretty blushing face.

"Hey, let's go back first, don't make the elders and younger sisters wait too long."

Wen Renzheng and the others looked at Huang Lingyi's bold and unfeminine character, and they all showed warm smiles. With such a woman as a wife, the house must be full of laughter on weekdays.

A group of people chatted and laughed about some interesting things, and rushed to Liu's mansion under the respectful escort of the second brother of the restaurant.

"By the way, old man, grandpa, the previous behavior of Senior Shadow Master before his death in the imperial mausoleum seems to have inspired Xuan'er, so it shouldn't do any harm to her body, right?"

Wen Renzheng and the two frowned slightly, and subconsciously turned their heads to look at Liu Xuan, who was obediently following First Young Master Liu, and stared for a moment.

Bai Hulai withdrew his gaze and meditated for a long time, then looked at Wen Renzheng beside him, with a hint of complexity and surprise intertwined in his eyes.

"Let's talk about this matter, brother Wenren. His current martial arts attainments are beyond the comparability of this old man. With him here, I wouldn't dare to fight against others."

Wen Renzheng froze, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Brother Bai, you really think too highly of me, I just got a chance."

"Opportunity is also one of the essential skills of a martial arts practitioner, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes, what old brother Bai said is what he said."

"Girl, stretch out your right hand, the old man will feel your pulse first."

"Okay, Grandpa Wenren."

When Liu Xuan heard Wen Renzheng's request, she stretched out her wrist in front of Wen Renzheng without hesitation.

Wen Renzheng stroked his beard lightly, exhaled silently, and rested his fingers on the pulse gate of Liu Xuanhao's wrist.

For a moment, the footsteps of the crowd stopped instinctively, and they all looked at Wen Renzheng and Liu Xuan curiously, with a look of curiosity on their faces.

Even the sisters Xue Bizhu and Huang Lingyi, who had no knowledge of martial arts at all, subconsciously held their breath and waited for the answer. It was true that they did not understand martial arts, but it did not mean that they were not curious about it.

After a while, Wen Renzheng put away his fingers for feeling the pulse, and silently examined Liu Xuan's exquisite and delicate body with bright eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

"Girl, did you have a few dark diseases in your tendons and veins before?"

Liu Xuan's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up when she heard the words, and she nodded her head generously.

"Yes, yes, the little girl suffered some internal injuries due to the impact on the innate realm before, and there are indeed several hidden diseases in the muscles and veins in the body that have not yet healed.

When I came back this time, I thought that I would find Grandpa Sai to treat the little girl after the big brother's affairs were over, but I didn't expect you, Grandpa Wenren, to see it.

Grandpa Wenren, since you have spotted the hidden disease in the girl's veins, do you know how to treat it? "

After Liu Xuan finished speaking, her beautiful eyes looked at Wen Renzheng expectantly. Although these hidden diseases in the muscles and veins did not torture her too much, but for a martial arts practitioner, if these hidden diseases cannot be cured, they will eventually would be a hidden danger.

"There is no need for diagnosis and treatment anymore."

Liu Xuanfang's heart trembled, her cherry lips trembled as she watched Wen Renzheng swallow a few times.

"Ah? Is there... no cure? I... I... I'm still so young!

I haven't been married yet, and I don't want to die yet, Grandpa Wenren, are you sure you're really not cured? "

Young Master Liu's face also tightened suddenly, and he looked at Wen Renzheng's twitching eyes in a panic.

"Old man, don't scare people! Isn't it just a little hidden disease caused by a tendon injury? How could it be hopeless?
You are not proficient in Qihuang art, can we stop scaring people with nonsense? "

"Xuan'er, don't be afraid, as it is said that there is a specialization in Taoism, and the old man is not a professional doctor, there is a high possibility that he has misdiagnosed.

As soon as we get home, we'll find Mr. Sai to take your pulse again. You'll be fine. Don't worry, don't worry. "

Wen Renzheng's eyes twitched as he looked at the startled Liu elder brother and sister, and couldn't help but speak.

"Bastard, shut up for the old man."

"I don't want to comfort my little sister..."

"When did this old man say that there is no need for treatment? The old man just said that there is no need for treatment. Look at the surprised and suspicious looks of you two brothers and sisters.

What are you doing?What are you doing?If you go on, you will become a quack doctor. "

Seeing Wen Renzheng's sulky look, the rest of the people suddenly felt a little nervous.

Yes!What the old man said just now seems to mean that there is no need for diagnosis and treatment, not that there is no cure.

First Young Master Liu's face froze, he looked at Wen Renzheng, who was in a bad mood, in embarrassment, and took a peek at Liu Xuan, who was also pretty and embarrassed beside him.

It was Xuan'er, that stinky girl who led me astray with surprise.

Wen Renzheng glanced at it, and his expressions were no longer nervous. Instead, everyone couldn't help laughing and said directly to Liu Xuan.

"Girl, you are lucky now, try it on Zhou Tian, ​​and see if there is any accumulation of Qi in the veins."

"Okay, girl, let's try."

Liu Xuan held up her lotus root arms and used her true energy casually in front of everyone, after a while Liu Xuan's beautiful eyes looked at Wen Renzheng in amazement.

"Grandpa Wenren, the hidden disease in Xuan'er's veins is gone, what's going on?"

"It's true that the shadow master's last knife in the imperial mausoleum hurt you, but haven't you noticed that the color of the blood you spit out is a bit unusual?"

Liu Xuan's pretty face froze for a moment, and she recalled the scene at that time in her mind.

"Could it be that Grandpa Shadow Master...he..."

"Hey! You girl is a very lucky person, today's trip can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Now your true qi in the eight extraordinary meridians is incomparably strong, with the momentum of a dragon and a tiger leaping like a boundless ocean.

As long as you can make good use of these zhenqi, although it cannot be said that you can improve your skills to a higher level, it is only a matter of time.

You're just getting close now.

However, how many people in the rivers and lakes have been stumped by this imperceptible kick!As for where you can go in the future, it all depends on your own opportunities and blessings. "

Liu Xuan wasn't overwhelmed by Wen Renzheng's words, she was still immersed in the actor's affairs and was very sad.

Liu Mingzhi saw that the younger sister's mood was not high, so he hurriedly opened his mouth to smooth things over, and winked at Sister Xue Bizhu by the way.

"We'll talk about it when we go back, we'll talk about it when we go back, what's the matter standing on the street."

"Bizhu, Lingyi."

The two sisters nodded silently, and took the initiative to move closer to Liu Xuan's side, discussing some interesting topics with them in a low voice while they were on their way.

Liu Xuan knew what the two sister-in-laws were thinking, so she suppressed the heavy feeling in her heart and laughed lightly to echo those topics.

"Old man, what does it mean to go up to a higher level? Is there really a realm of three flowers gathering on the top and five energies rising above the innate?"

Wen Renzheng glanced at First Young Master Liu angrily, then turned around and approached Bai Hulai.

"Why are you asking this? Anyway, you have no hope in this life, so it's better not to know."

First Young Master Liu looked embarrassed, scratched his head depressedly and didn't ask any more questions, and went to Fourth Uncle, Thirteenth Aunt and the brothers and sisters to discuss the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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