My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2591 It's a pity after all

Chapter 2591 It's a pity after all

When Liu Mingzhi and the others reached the street outside the main gate of Liu Mansion, Liu Song broke away from the team and trotted back to report.

In the garden of the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion, Liu Zhi'an, who was busy in front of an altar, heard Liu Song's call, and subconsciously turned around to look.

After listening to Liu Song's report, Liu Zhi'an hesitated for a moment, then gently put down the things in his hand and trot towards the bedroom.

"The old man will change into a formal suit first, and you will inform the madam and the young madam."

"Yes, Komatsu province."

When Young Master Liu and his entourage reached the gate of the mansion, Liu Zhi'an, his wife and Qi Yun and the beauties had already rushed outside the gate and waited for a while.

If only Young Master Liu and Liu Xuan came back, Liu Zhi'an and his wife would naturally not have to go out of the house to greet them, but there were Wen Renzheng and Bai Hulai among the group.

One is his wife's own father, his own father-in-law, and the other is the former Shan Chang and his current in-laws, how dare Liu Zhi'an not go out to greet him.

"My son-in-law, Liu Zhi'an, met my father-in-law, my fourth brother, and my thirteenth sister."

"Student Liu Zhi'an, I met the old mountain leader."

"Binger sees Father."

"Liu's Bai Bing met the old mountain chief."

"Sisters who are concubines have seen grandfather, fourth uncle, and thirteenth aunt."

"Sisters who are concubines have met Wenren Lao Shanzhang."

"Student Zi Le pays homage to his mentor."

"Granddaughter Yun Shu pays respects to grandpa."

"Sisters who are concubines see their husbands."

"All right, all these customary etiquettes will be exempted."

"Get up, get up, you don't need to be so polite."

Wen Renzheng and Bai Hulai didn't care about politeness anymore, and Liu Mingzhi didn't care even more, he waved his hands casually and walked towards the door.

"Okay, old man, mother, it's getting late, let's stop standing outside the door and greet each other, we've been tired for a long time, let's talk at home.

Grandpa, old man, please go first. "

"Together, we agreed not to talk about these common etiquette."

The whole family listened to Bai Linger's narration of what happened in the imperial mausoleum, with expressions of amazement and nervousness, and rushed to the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion.

Among the crowd, only the third princess, Li Yan, showed a trace of indescribable sadness on her delicate face besides the tension. After all, those corpses left outside the mausoleum of the father were all loyal to the father Li Zheng and the Li family. Loyal minister and righteous man!
However, there is Li Shi on one side, and her husband on the other, and her identity as the third princess of the former dynasty is caught in the middle, what a dilemma.

I was delighted that my husband could return safely, but I was also deeply saddened by the ending of the movie master and the others.

Because Liu Mingzhi was concerned about the matter that the third princess asked him in the study earlier, he had been silently watching the changes in the beauty's face after entering the door.

Seeing the complicated and unspeakably sad expression on the delicate face of the third princess, I couldn't help but feel sore in my heart, after all, I have failed the expectations of a beautiful woman!

However, it's not that I don't want to let the film master and the others go, and then come back to see Yan'er happy, it's that the film master and the others have made up their minds.

I gave them many opportunities, but they...

I had no choice but to wait for everyone to go back to rest, and then go to the third princess to comfort her.

Um?what is that?
Incense case?altar?Sacrifice?what's going on?Today is not a year or a festival, why put these things in the garden in a good manner?
Young Master Liu paused, and pointed to the sacrificial objects in the garden with a confused expression.

"Old man, mother, what are you all doing in the garden with table offerings?"

As soon as Young Master Liu said that, the rest of the people also noticed the sacrificial objects in the garden, and after hearing what Young Master Liu said, they subconsciously looked at Liu Zhi'an and his wife.

Mrs. Liu looked in the direction of her son's finger, and she was also stunned for a moment in her mature and soft eyes, obviously she just knew about these things.

Meimou glanced at Liu Zhi'an in confusion, Madam Liu shook her head slightly at her son.

"Mother doesn't know, ask your father."

"Old man?"

Liu Zhi'an felt the eyes of everyone seeking knowledge, rubbed his nose resentfully with his old face, and took the initiative to walk towards the altar table in the garden. Everyone didn't understand, so he had to follow.

Young Master Liu couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the things on the altar: "Hey, I'm going, the offerings, joss sticks, and paper money are all ready? No, what's going on here?
Who is leaving in our family?Can't, isn't everything that should be there here?No one is missing. "

Liu Zhi'an looked up at the white moon in the sky and sighed silently, then turned to look at Young Master Liu and waved his hands nonchalantly.

"I prepared it for you... I prepared it for you. Who would have thought that you would come back alive with such a fate!"


First Young Master Liu swears, and the corner of his mouth twitches as he looks at Liu Zhi'an with a sullen expression.

Everyone was also terrified by Liu Zhi'an's words, wandering back and forth between the father and the father with strange expressions, and really didn't know what to say.

These fathers are absolutely dead!

"Old man, you can do it, you really can do it! I haven't even prepared this for you yet, my young master! You should arrange it for me first."

"Isn't this old man just to be prepared? Anyway, these things are not worth a lot of money. If you don't need them, you don't need them. Why don't you just throw them away?"

"This... This... Is this something that is worth money or not?"

Liu Zhi'an ignored Young Master Liu's tangled look about to scold her, picked up a handful of high incense and lit it on the flickering candle, bowed to the night sky three times, and inserted it with a light sigh. In the incense burner.

"What are you doing? Old man, what do you want to do? Didn't you just say that you can just throw it away? Why did you return it to use?

No, what do you mean?Master Ben, I am standing here alive and kicking, what do you mean by doing this?
Want to send me away or what? "

The rest of the people also looked at Liu Zhi'an with strange expressions, and they were also stunned by Liu Zhi'an's operation.

"What are you making such a fuss about, just be an old man and I'll send you off in advance!

After I am a hundred years old, if you want me to offer incense to you, I will not be able to send you off, and you will not be happy if I send you off in advance.

Don't say you cherish this opportunity, at least don't be impatient! "

"I'll go to your university... cough cough... um..."

First Young Master Liu stopped the following words in time, coughed a few times, and stared at Liu Zhi'an for a while.

It wasn't until Liu Zhi'an got a little hairy from looking at it that Young Master Liu suddenly turned around and picked up a handful of high incense and lit it with a candle, bowed three times to the night sky just like Liu Zhi'an did before, and silently inserted it into the incense burner.

"Old man, my young master, I will reciprocate with you, and we both owe nothing to anyone."

Everyone was stunned again by Young Master Liu's operation. They swallowed their saliva involuntarily as they watched the two incense sticks rising from the incense burner.

These fathers and fathers are simply like a girl who can't kill the sunflower, absolutely.

"My mother in grass, Liu Mingzhi, you bastard, I'll kill you bastard."

"Hey, hey, can't you afford it? Can't you afford it?"

"Playing with your uncle, you stop for me."

"You put down the broom and stop, Master Ben."

"You stop old man and I will put down the broom."

"You put down the broom and stop, Master Ben."

"I won't let you go, you stop."

The crowd finally recovered from the clamor of the father and son, and hurriedly chased after them to try to persuade them to fight.

How decent would it be if they let the two of them continue to quarrel.

A moment later, Young Master Liu, who had Liu Zhi'an's feet on his ass, walked towards the main hall with a resentful expression on his face, looking at Mrs. Liu and the others with resentful eyes.

If they hadn't deliberately pulled off the sidelines just now, how could they have been kicked by the old man for no reason.

Panting, Liu Zhi'an also walked to the main hall under the persuasion of the crowd, looked at the displeased Young Master Liu and directly snorted a few times.

The moment the father and father stepped into the hall door, they both looked back at the altar in the courtyard with curling smoke, and there was a complex look in their eyes.

When they retracted their gazes, the father and son's eyes inevitably touched something, and they stared at each other in a daze for a while, neither of the father and son said anything, and walked towards their own positions consciously.

At the climax of the moon, all the people who knew what had happened in the imperial tomb left one after another to rest.

After taking a bath in Qi Ya's boudoir, First Young Master Liu changed into a loose robe, went out and stood in the corridor outside the beauty's boudoir, quietly gazing at the bright moon in the sky, his face hesitating for about half an hour.

Liu Mingzhi's upright body suddenly loosened, and he sighed faintly and walked towards the courtyard.

"Sister Ya, go to Wanyan's place for your husband, you should rest first."

"Hey, I see, husband, don't forget to go to bed early."

A moment later, the empress's plump and graceful jade body was covered with flimsy clothes that made her skin faintly visible. She greeted Young Master Liu into the boudoir with a smile like a flower, and poured a cup of herbal tea in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"It's already so late? Why haven't you slept yet, you heartless?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the herbal tea and sipped it, looking at the queen standing in front of him who was pouring tea for herself with some hesitation.

"Wanyan, I... I... I..."

"What's wrong? Just say no to what you want to say?

Why are you so hesitant?I wasn't so hesitant when I was serving you, was I? "

In the past, if Young Master Liu had heard the empress's flirtatious words in such a charming voice, he would have rushed forward, but this time he sat on the chair obediently and looked at the empress worriedly.

"Whispering, there is something that my husband has thought about for a long time, and I want to tell you.

For my husband...for my husband's let Cheng Zhi and Jing Yao move to live in the East Palace. "

The Queen's movement of pouring tea came to an abrupt end, and the delicate body that was looming under the obscene clothes trembled slightly imperceptibly.

The empress bit her cherry lips lightly with her bright teeth and gently put down the teapot in her hand. A hint of disappointment flashed in her amber eyes, but there was no trace of dissatisfaction.

The queen didn't want to deny her inner thoughts, although she had already seen it, she was already mentally prepared.

But when I heard my husband say these words, my heart finally——

After all, there are still some regrets.

After taking a sip of the tea, the Empress looked at First Young Master Liu with a sweet smile.


(End of this chapter)

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