Chapter 2592
The queen said the word "hello" softly, and Liu Mingzhi felt very uncomfortable when he heard it, and silently put down his teacup and looked at the queen.

Quietly looking at the empress's beautiful and delicate face, and the soft smile and sweet demeanor, Liu Mingzhi's heart can be said to be full of mixed feelings.

He didn't know if the queen was forcing a smile, or if she really looked at this matter with a normal heart.

What kind of thoughts are in the queen's heart, if I say that I don't know, it is false.

In the past, it was still a third of the world, and he bluntly said that he was still the current emperor of the Jin Kingdom.Since she took the throne as a teenager, she has been working hard, and the purpose of her hard work is not to hope that she can dominate the world by herself?

In the past ten years or so, she exhausted herself and carried out all kinds of schemes and calculations, just to get what she wanted?

However, things are impermanent in the world, good fortune tricks people, father, emperor, Yaoer and the other three emperors have been "intriguing" for so many years, but the world finally fell into the hands of himself, a person who did not take the initiative to ask for the world.

The three of them, who have worked so hard to plan for many years, hoped to unify the world, were in vain. God really played a big joke on them.

Quietly recalling his experience in the first half of his life, Liu Mingzhi himself felt like a dream, always feeling unreal.

Is this the so-called husband does not fight, so no one in the world can compete with him?
Not only did the world fall into his own hands, but he also got his wish and spent the rest of his life happily with two beauties, Wanyan and Yunyao, until they grow old together.

The world is ruled by her own man, so the queen naturally has no complaints in her heart, and Liu Mingzhi still has confidence in this point.

But what about the future?What about after a hundred years?
Wanyan said that when she tried so hard to dominate the world, it was not only for herself, but also for the country of the Jin Kingdom and the descendants of the Wanyan family.

The future generations will not talk about it for the time being, just for the moment, and bluntly said that she worked so hard to rule the world, naturally it was for her own daughter.

This should be Wanyan's most realistic idea at the time.

Knowing each other and being together for so many years, how can I not know how much Wanyan likes Yue'er!

Therefore, the more I understand how much Wanyan loves Yue'er, and how much I expect from her, the more difficult I am.

After all, not only Yue'er, the girl under my knees, is a child of my own flesh and blood, but many other children are also my own flesh and blood.

No matter who Dudu prefers, his own father is dereliction of duty.

With more children, it is no longer a problem for the Liu family to spread its branches and leaves, but it is also worrying to have more children!
Seeing Liu Mingzhi staring at her in a daze, the empress couldn't help but feel sour when she saw Liu Mingzhi staring at her in a daze, silent and sluggish. She was smart and had already vaguely guessed the melancholy mood in Liu Mingzhi's heart.

It seems that the unconscionable person made a lot of determination when he told himself this decision just now, and he is the most difficult thing to think about!
Thinking of this, the queen couldn't help but feel sweeter again.

The unconscionable and embarrassingly told himself this decision, which shows that he cares about his mood and thoughts very much, and a feeling of being cared for quietly surged into his heart.

For a while, the queen herself didn't know whether she should regret or be happy.

Sad and happy?It seems a little inappropriate to describe it this way, after all, I just regretted it at best, and didn't feel sad.

Gently put down the teacup in her hand, the empress slightly leaned her willow waist and sat astride Young Master Liu's legs, Luo Shang half-opened and raised a pair of slender fat jade arms to rest on her sweetheart's shoulders naturally .

"I've been in a daze for so long without talking, what are you thinking?"

Liu Mingzhi immediately came back to his senses, his arms wrapped around the empress's weak and boneless waist as usual, and he smiled casually.

"I didn't think about anything, I just wondered if you would be angry.

To be honest, even though you said bluntly with a smile just now, my husband is still a little worried.

Because my husband really doesn't know whether your reaction is pretending to laugh, or if you really figured out these things. I was always worried that it would be the former.

After all, I know very well in my heart how much you expect from Yue'er, and the more I understand this, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Although the girl Yue'er is more suitable to inherit the throne at the moment, it does not mean that Cheng Zhi, Cheng Qian and the other brothers are directly unsuitable to inherit the throne.

So, in my original intention, I still hope..."

The queen looked at her sweetheart's complicated and heavy expression, and directly raised her hand to cover Young Master Liu's lips.

"Okay, okay, I know what you want to say, I already know the general meaning in my heart, so you don't need to nag again.

Since you chose to establish Chengzhi as the prince, you must have your own ideas. Don't you understand your character bluntly?I always like to think twice before acting.

Since you have told Wanyan about your decision, it must have been carefully considered. You have just said it yourself, and after careful consideration, you want to tell me one thing.

Since you have chosen to make Chengzhi the crown prince, it means that Yue'er does not have this blessing. She bluntly believes in your choice and decision, and bluntly believes in you unconditionally.

Now that you have made up your mind to make Chengzhi the prince, let's do it. Have you set a date yet?There seems to be no auspicious day this year, right? "

Young Master Liu stared blankly at the empress who was pointing at her cherry lips and talking to herself, then silently let go of the right hand that was holding the empress' willow waist and scratched her head.

"My husband... When did my husband tell you that he wants to be the crown prince?"


This time it was the queen's turn to be dazed, and she saw her cherry lips fluttering and staring at First Young Master Liu in a daze, with a deep sense of confusion gleaming in her bright and light eyes.

"No... Didn't you say that you want Cheng Zhi and Jing Yao to move to live in the East Palace? I can guarantee that I heard correctly, that's what you said."

Young Master Liu nodded without hesitation: "That's right, my husband did say that. I said that I would let the young couple move to the East Palace, but I didn't say that I would make Chengzhi the crown prince!"

The queen involuntarily straightened her slightly sloping willow waist, and stretched out her hand to try Young Master Liu's forehead with weird eyes.

"It's not hot! Are you sick of your mind, you have no conscience?
The East Palace was originally where the prince lived, and you let the young couple move to live in the East Palace. Is this any different from Li Chengzhi being the prince? "

"Of course there is. Their young couple staying in the East Palace is just staying in the East Palace. This is not in conflict with whether they want to be the prince or not, right?

He and girl Jingyao can live in the East Palace, it's just that they live in the East Palace, it has nothing to do with whether he is the crown prince or not.

If the canonization ceremony is not held for a day for the husband, any one of their brothers and sisters will never have any relationship with the crown prince.

Chengzhi's entry into the East Palace only shows that he has a higher chance of being established as the crown prince and crown prince, but it does not mean that he is the crown prince, that's all.

As for whether he can justify his name, as a husband, he dare not make a judgment for you, it depends on his own ability. "

The empress looked at First Young Master Liu dumbfounded, and her tender body limply fell on Young Young Master Liu's chest. She really didn't know how to express her current mood.

Co-author, you hesitated to speak for a long time just now, is this what you want to tell my old lady?

After calming down her mind, the queen straightened up and gave First Young Master Liu a resentful look.

"I'm really going to be mad at you, even though I know that Yue'er still has the possibility of succeeding you, I really can't be happy at all.

Can you speak more straightforwardly in the future?My old lady has been moved for so long in vain. "

"Isn't this direct enough for my husband? I let Cheng Zhi and his young couple enter the East Palace, which means that my husband has decided to let him succeed.

Although there is no final word yet, as long as there are no major twists and turns in the middle, it is already a sure thing for this kid to inherit the throne. "

The queen's face was startled, and she nodded thoughtfully.

"That's true, but why did you do it?"

"Of course it's for knocking mountains and shaking tigers. The current situation in the court makes my husband feel a little worried!"

The Empress frowned slightly, her beautiful eyes looked at First Young Master Liu in amazement: "And... What's wrong again?"

"It's too harmonious, and it's also too quiet. It makes me a little uneasy as a husband!"

"You have no conscience, my old lady can see that your brain is really sick.

Isn't there harmony in the court?Don't you have to make your mind a mess every day to make"

The queen gradually stopped talking while speaking, and smiled wryly a few times with a clear look.

"Wanyan almost forgot, you are no longer a minister but a monarch."

(End of this chapter)

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