My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2593 The Lord of the World

Chapter 2593 The Lord of the World
Liu Mingzhi looked at the queen's clear eyes, and sighed helplessly.

"The civil servants are not scary, and the military officials are not scary either. The scary thing is that civil servants and military generals get mixed up, and that's scary.

One side has power, and the other side has soldiers. If they look like they are making money in harmony, they may cause some troubles.

The reason for this kind of scene is that all the civil and military officials are waiting for one thing, that is, they are all waiting for the crown prince to be established for my husband.

Then they can arrange their children and grandchildren to enter the camp of the future successor, so as to extend the glory and wealth of their own family.

People are selfish, this is understandable for a husband, but not all kinds of people can be in the second class, right?

If a group of pustules are made to go up, it will not be a good thing for the new king, the court, the people, or the world.

The most important thing is that the blood in the court must be changed regularly, otherwise, one generation will continue, and sooner or later there will be a situation where there will be relatives and cronies in the court.

The husband is not afraid of this, but what the husband is afraid of is that the successor king will not be able to control it!

Therefore, there must be someone to muddy the water. I want to see how many people who can't stand loneliness will jump out after Cheng Zhi enters the East Palace.

A talented husband will naturally not be stingy with high-ranking officials and rich salary, but if he is an idiot who pretends to be a fool, he will never turn a blind eye to his old love.

It's about the stability of the country, so it's not child's play! "

"Then you can just act according to your own ideas. If it is true as you said, the water above the court really needs someone to muddy it."

"It's good if you can understand my husband's painstaking efforts, that is to say, you can understand my husband's decision to let Chengzhi and his young couple enter the East Palace?"

"Nonsense, I thought you were Li Chengzhi and he was the prince, and I can figure it out, but why can't I figure it out that they are just a young couple in the East Palace?

Could it be that in your eyes, my old lady is such a petty, unreasonable woman? "

"No, the husband is mainly afraid that you will find it difficult to accept the husband's decision because you love Yue'er too much.

Now that you can see it openly, you can feel at ease as a husband. "

"That's right, I still say the same thing, as long as you make a decision, even if I have some regrets in my heart, I will still trust you unconditionally.

Heartless. "


The empress looked affectionately at Young Master Liu's puzzled face, pursed her cherry lips and smiled lightly, like a lotus blooming shyly.

"Wanyan has never doubted your love for Yue'er, so Wanyan will not doubt your sincerity for Wanyan.

The two of us have come to this day, and we have experienced too many setbacks and tribulations, and we bluntly don't want to cause gaps with you because of these things.

On the matter of who the throne will be passed on to, let me tell you frankly, if you say that the throne has not passed to Yue'er, if you say that you have no regrets at all, you won't believe it yourself.

But regrets are regrets, but Wan Yan will never mess up the overall situation because of his own selfishness.

The world today is not the world of the past.

You, Liu Mingzhi, are no longer just the king of a country in Dalong, but the real king of the world.

After the unification of the world, Wanyan was really worried at the beginning, not only Wanyan was worried, but sister Yunyao, the little fairy, was also worried.

Worry about whether you will favor the people of Dalong, and treat the monarchs and people of the Kingdom of Jin and Turks as second-class subjects.

However, when the two of Wanyan saw with their own eyes that you were able to put the people of Jin Kingdom and Turkic people in the same position as the people of Dalong, and truly treated them equally, the last trace of worry in Wanyan's heart disappeared instantly.

Like Wanyan, the little goblin also has no worries.

You have no conscience, you have a high vision and a heart for the world, and you bluntly believe in you, you will definitely be a prosperous Mingjun who will carry on the past and open up the future.

Although the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks were subjugated and became the current Beifu and Xinfu, the people of the two countries will always exist. What has changed is that they met a good emperor who is more worthy of their love and support. .

Because this good emperor will lead them to prosperity, to live and work in peace and contentment, and to the peaceful life they yearn for even more.

Although Dalong is not in the true sense of peace and prosperity at the moment, compared to the three kingdoms separatist regime a few years ago, there were constant disputes between each other, and the situation of you attacking me is already a thousand times better.

The current life of the people can be said to be the life that the people of the Three Kingdoms dreamed of many years ago.

No disputes, no killings, no plundering, no fear, no separation of wives and children, no need to be displaced, this kind of day is what the people really want.

There is nothing better than this to unify the world.

Although not every common people lived a life of fine clothing and fine food, but the simple tea and light food can make all the common people eat and wear warmly, and eat a meal of meat every now and then, which is already rare in 500 years.

Although you Liu Mingzhi is not yet the emperor of the ages, you are not much better than the emperor of the ages.

It is true that Jin Guo was destroyed in Wanyan's hands, but Wanyan's heart is as hot as the scorching sun in the sky.

Because Wanyan's man has done everything Wanyan wanted to do for Wanyan, even though Wanyan's royal family is dead, they have given back to the people of the Kingdom of Jin a bright future.

For this alone, there are only two words to tell you Liu Mingzhi politely.

Worth it.

The man that I, Wanyan Wanyan, entrusted to me for the rest of my life is enough to make me Wanyan Wanyan feel happy for the rest of my life.

The world today is the real world, and the people of today are the people of the world.

And you, Liu Mingzhi, live up to your reputation as the Lord of the World.

It is my Wanyan Wanyan's blessing to be able to stay with you Liu Mingzhi for the rest of my life. "

Liu Mingzhi stared dumbfounded at the empress who spoke generously, and couldn't help feeling a little hot in his ears, himself... Is he really as good as this silly woman said?
Although I have indeed made some small achievements in serving the country and the people, it is not as exaggerated as I put it bluntly.

Lord of the world?Maybe.

But the world that I want to leave to my children is definitely not the current world, but how to hand it over to them needs to be weighed again and again!

"Wan... tactfully."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Don't say things like this in the future, how can my husband be as good as you say? If it gets out, others will probably think that my husband is the kind of emperor who is very happy.

Originally, raising troops to rebel for your husband, seeking power and usurping the throne is not a good name. If your words are spread again, the infamy in the history books may really be impossible for your husband to escape. "

The empress looked at Young Master Liu's resentful expression angrily, and directly tugged at Young Master Liu's earlobe a few times.

"What are you afraid of? What my mother said are all facts, and she didn't flatter you with exaggerated words. What are you guilty of?
The people have steelyards in their hearts, and those censors are not blind.

The world is what it is, and the censors are all upright and upright. They will not deliberately boast of you in the history books, and at the same time they will not deliberately discredit you.

I know this, it's mainly for my husband... Forget it, you just listen to what your husband says.

It's nothing for the two of us to talk in private, just stop talking nonsense outside. "

"I know! I know! You're a Wanyan man, you've already spoken, does Wanyan dare to go out and talk nonsense?"

"Hi! Being a husband has no other meaning, so don't let your imagination run wild.

It's getting late, and my husband hasn't gone to Yan'er and Yaoer's two sisters.

Rest in peace first, and go to the two of them for a while for your husband.

Come on, stand up first, my husband's legs are almost numb from your sitting. "

After Young Master Liu finished speaking, he supported the Queen's willow waist slightly with both hands, intending to make her stand up.

Unexpectedly, instead of getting up, the queen did not get up, but a pair of slender and round jade legs were tightly wrapped around Young Master Liu's waist like a beautiful snake.

Looking at the empress's soft and bright eyes staring at him, Young Master Liu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Wan... Wanyan? What do you mean?"

The Empress smiled coquettishly, and picked Young Master Liu's chin with her slender fingers and exhaled a breath of fragrance.

"Didn't my old lady tell you just now? My old lady has figured it out!

My old lady has figured it out now, do you think you can still go? "

"No, I still have to go to Yan'er and Yao'er, I haven't told them about this yet!"

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. You said it yourself just now. It's getting late. It's so late now. Do you think sister Yan'er and the little goblin will fall asleep?"

"Gudu... I was injured in the Imperial Mausoleum today. I suffered a serious internal injury. I need to recuperate for my husband!"

"That would be even better. Yin and Yang and the Great Compassion Fu are the inseparable methods of healing. My mother can perfectly cooperate with you, so why do you have to work hard on your own?"

"No, I've been tired all day, at least you let my husband..."

"Shut up for the old lady, the old lady has already fallen asleep, and you came here in the middle of the night to disturb people's dreams, you have to give the old lady an explanation, right?

Don't let my old lady sleep, don't let my old lady sleep!How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Come here obediently, you can save yourself a little hard work.

Otherwise, the more you struggle, the more excited I will be. "

The empress grabbed Young Master Liu by the collar with all her strength, and pulled the bitter-faced Young Master Liu towards the mandarin duck couch behind the screen like a horse.

After about half a stick of incense, the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion is already full of spring scenery and cannot be closed.

(End of this chapter)

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