Chapter 2594

Not long after the sky brightened the next day, First Young Master Liu left the Queen's boudoir 'refreshed' and rushed to the garden in the front yard after washing.

It was the end of August, and although it was already past the season of autumn, the scenery in Liufu Garden was still quite pleasing to the eye.

While admiring the beautiful scenery in the garden, Young Master Liu's eyes wandered among several gazebos in the garden.

Finally, Young Master Liu saw Wen Renzheng and Wenren Yunshu's grandparents in the gazebo at the southeast corner of the garden, and Liu Zhengming who was holding his mother Wenren Yunshu's two fingers in his little hand and shaking them three times.

Liu Mingzhi looked down at his clothes, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he put his hands on his cheeks and rubbed them vigorously for a while, so as to make his face look more rosy and shiny, and he looked full of energy.

Then he beat his trembling thigh a few more times, forcibly straightened his body and walked towards the gazebo in the southeast corner.

Last night, with the extremely flattering cooperation of the empress, Young Master Liu's internal injuries in the imperial mausoleum benefited from the harmony of yin and yang and the Great Compassion Fu. Less is quite gratifying.

However, although the internal injury has recovered in all likelihood, the external injury is also much more serious.

The most notable points such as lumbar muscle strain, such as weakness of limbs... etc. These are the most obvious symptoms.

The charming appearance of the empress last night, who cannibalize people and never spit out bones, appeared in front of her eyes, and Young Master Liu shuddered uncontrollably.

This girl's ability to kill people is so terrifying!

After a dozen or so steps away from the gazebo of Wen Renzheng and his grandson, Young Master Liu cleared his throat and greeted them in advance.

"Old man, Yun Shu, good morning, you two got up very early!"

Hearing Young Master Liu's voice greeting him a dozen steps away, Wen Renzheng and Wenren Yunshu's father and grandson immediately stopped talking softly.

Wenren Yunshu wiped the corners of Meimou's eyes with his fingers indiscriminately, then turned around with a smile and looked at First Young Master Liu who was walking straight towards the gazebo.

Wenren Yunshu pursed his red lips and let out a sigh of relief, took his son Liu Zhengming's little hand with his jade hand, and bowed to Young Master Liu in a dignified manner.

"The concubine sees her husband."

"Tomorrow, don't hurry up and greet your father."

Liu Zhengming, who was going to be three years old soon, looked up at his father, Young Master Liu, with a childlike grin on his round face.


"Hey, dear son, let Daddy hug you."

First Young Master Liu rubbed his hands, squatted down and hugged Liu Zhengming in his arms.

Picking up his son, Young Master Liu stood up cheerfully and looked at Wenren Yunshu: "Shu'er, don't stand still, there are no outsiders in our own house, so don't care about so many formalities."

The moment Liu Mingzhi was about to turn around, he saw the beauty's reddish beautiful eyes fixed, then he continued to smile nonchalantly, walked to the stone bench opposite Wen Renzheng and sat down.

Wenren Yun Shu nodded slightly, and sat down on the stone bench on one side in an elegant manner, and poured a cup of warm tea for her husband with a pot.

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to hold down his son's chubby little hand that was touching the stubble on his chin, and looked at the old man Wen Renzheng who looked at him with a helpless expression on the opposite side with a smile.

"Old man, you got up very early, did you sleep well last night?"

Wen Renzheng put down the teacup in his hand and shook his head helplessly.

"It's not that the old man and Shu'er woke up early, but that you woke up too late, and you're not blind, so you don't know what time it is by looking at the sky?
The old man just saw your footsteps were flimsy when you walked, as if you were walking on the clouds, so you knew that you must not have slept well, and last night must have been absurd, right?

It's not that the old man said you, but you yourself said how old are you this year?Do you really think that you are still the same as young men in their teens and 20s?

Food is also sex, and the old man naturally has no objection to the love between men and women, but this old man hopes that you must remember these four words.

If you continue to indulge like this, sooner or later one day you will return home early due to excess energy loss.

I don’t care if you like to hear it or not, but I hope you can think about it carefully. I don’t want Shu’er, Zile, Yun and other girls to become widows at the age of 40. . "

In the past, Wen Renzheng would not have spoken so bluntly because of the presence of his granddaughter Wenren Yunshu.

However, at that time, my granddaughter was still a big girl with yellow flowers who had not left the court, and now this girl is already the mother of a child who is about to be three years old, so there is no need to be too taboo about the love between men and women.

After listening to the old man's words of instruction, First Young Master Liu smiled bitterly.

"The boy understands, the boy understands, and the boy will definitely pay attention to it in the future."

Wenren Yunshu sat aside and looked at her husband who 'did not dare' to speak stubbornly after being reprimanded by his grandfather as before, covered her red lips with her jade hand and laughed a few times.

There are only a few people in the world who can control their bad husbands.

"Grandpa, give me a hug."

Liu Zhengming, who wanted to touch his father's beard several times but was rejected, wrinkled his small face and waved his little hand to the opposite Wen Renzheng, struggling non-stop to get Wen Renzheng to hug him.

Wen Renzheng, who had a serious face just now, heard Liu Zhengming's words, hurriedly put down the teacup in his hand, stood up cheerfully, and hugged Liu Zhengming into his arms.

"Good boy, give me a hug from my grandpa."

As soon as Liu Zhengming got into Wen Renzheng's arms, his chubby little hands eagerly reached out to the beautiful beard on Wen Renzheng's chin.

"Beard, beard."

Wen Renzheng's old face smiled brightly like a blooming chrysanthemum, and he leaned down and put his chin in front of Liu Zhengming's little hand.

"Ok, here comes the beard, here comes the beard."

"Yo Yo Yo, brat, just be gentle, and if you pull your grandpa's beard again, it will fall off."

Young Master Liu saw his son Liu Zhengming grabbing Wen Renzheng's beard indiscriminately, so he hurriedly stood up and flicked the back of his son's hand.

Liu Zhengming suffered from pain in the back of his hand, and instinctively let go of the little hand that was holding onto Wen Renzheng's beard. First Young Master Liu picked him up and handed him to Wenren Yunshu's arms.

"Shu'er, this stinky brat is too mean-spirited, he needs to be disciplined properly in the future."

"Hey, I know, I will teach him not to grab things randomly in the future."

After Liu Zhengming was hugged by his mother Wenren Yunshu, he felt the pain on the back of his hand belatedly. After touching the back of his hand a few times with his fingers, he suddenly grinned and burst into tears.

Because of the angle, Wenren Yunshu didn't see the scene where her husband flicked the back of his son's hand with his fingers. When he saw the son in his arms crying for no reason, his pretty face suddenly became embarrassed, and hurriedly began to softly comfort the son in his arms. .

"Don't cry tomorrow, don't cry tomorrow, tell your mother what you want, don't cry, don't cry."

Wenren Yunshu didn't see Young Master Liu's behavior, which doesn't mean that Wen Renzheng didn't see it either. Wen Renzheng immediately became unhappy when he saw his grandson crying with his hands on his hands, and gave Young Master Liu a hard look. .

"This old man is happy. This old man likes to be pulled by his great-grandson to play. You are full, right? Who told you to meddle in your own business?"


Young Master Liu's face froze, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at the old man who had already got up and started teasing his son Liu Zhengming. He really didn't know what to say, this young master is helping the old man, okay?
If your beard is pulled off, it will be someone else who will be ugly at that time, right?
No matter how close you are in the next generation, it's not like this, right?

Looking at his son who was still sobbing with a wrinkled face, Liu Mingzhi stood up slowly.

"Shu'er, I'm afraid this stinky brat is hungry, right? You go get him some porridge or soft pastries to cushion his stomach, and chat with the old man for a while."

Yun Shu, who didn't know why, hurriedly nodded: "Okay, grandpa, you talk to your husband first, and Shu'er goes to find something to eat for Ming'er, and Shu'er will come to accompany you when he is coaxed." .”

Wen Renzheng glanced at First Young Master Liu lightly, then nodded to his granddaughter with a light smile.

"That's fine, but it's clear that the kid isn't necessarily hungry, so don't forget to help him check if there's anything wrong with him.

He might have been bitten by some wicked animal! "

"Grandpa, you can joke, let's not talk about it, Shu'er will go get some food for Ming'er before coming here, let my husband chat with you first."

Watching the good granddaughter Wenren Yunshu pick up her son and go away, Wen Renzheng glared angrily at First Young Master Liu, went to the stone bench and sat down.

"Tell me, what do you want to talk about with the old man by deliberately dismissing Shu'er?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the bottomed out teacup in front of Wen Renzheng, and poured a new cup of tea for him with the pot.

"Old man, Shu'er's eyes are a little red, I think she must have cried just now.

Now she is my wife and I am her husband, I should understand why my wife is sad, right?
Shouldn't you talk to the kid? "

(End of this chapter)

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