Chapter 2595 Old things ([-])

Wen Renzheng looked at Young Master Liu's eyes seeking knowledge, and slowly drank down a cup of tea.

After a long time, Wen Renzheng put the teacup on the stone table abruptly, looked up at Young Master Liu who was facing him with a shocked expression, and sighed heavily.

"Why are you crying? It's not all because of the things you messed up in the first place, you bastard."

"Huh? It's related to me... related to me?"

"What do you think? Old man, I haven't met Shu'er again for several years, so it won't be so easy to see her. I will reprimand and cry her when we meet, right?"

Young Master Liu scratched his head and hurriedly nodded in agreement a few times.

"That's true, that's true. But ever since Shu'er and I confirmed the status of husband and wife, kid, I swear to God, I've never treated Shu'er badly.

It can be said that over the years, as long as it is something that Shu Er is unwilling to do, I, as a husband, have never forced her to do anything, let alone wronged her in the slightest.

In recent days, because of the busy government affairs, although the boy has slightly neglected the wives and concubines at home, he has never done anything to make them sad?

Say something bad in front of you, old man, even if the kid has raised a foreign house, he hasn't hidden the slightest bit from their sisters and others.

The boy can feel his conscience and say, not to mention the recent days, just add all the days together, the boy has never been harsh or harsh to Shu'er.

If you don't believe me, old man, we can confront Shu'er in court when Shu'er comes back. If Shu'er can tell the truth about me, I'll let the old man handle it. "

"What the old man is talking about is not the trivial things of these parents, but an old thing."

"Old things? Old things? When the boy was still in Jinling, Jiangnan, Shu'er was really angry because of his cheap talk, but it's been so many years.

Now Shu'er and the boy and I already have the status of husband and wife. Not only are we deeply in love with each other, but we also have a son under our knees, not to mention how affectionate we are. This shows that Shu'er doesn't care much about those past events.

Because of those old things, how could she cry... old... old things? "

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, his words gradually became lighter, as if he had thought of something, he gently turned the ring on his thumb, Young Master Liu looked at Wen Renzheng with a somewhat uneasy expression.

"Old man, is the old story you want to talk about related to Uncle... father-in-law and the others?"

Wen Renzheng silently rolled his eyes, secretly thinking that this kid finally realized what he meant by what he said.

"Finally, you haven't gotten too confused, kid, but you understand what the old man said."

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a long time thoughtfully, and then heaved a deep sigh.

"Oh, old man, if Shu'er is sad because of other things, what else can I say, but because of this matter, I really don't know what to say.

To tell you the truth, boy, I have had a good relationship with Shu'er for so many years, and I don't even know what your old son and daughter-in-law, my father-in-law and mother-in-law look like.

It’s not that I don’t know etiquette. I didn’t know that I would take Shu’er and Zhengming to visit their elders in Sichuan. In fact, their elders never gave me this opportunity.

Many years ago, when the boy, Shu'er and Lian'er went to Shu to visit Lian'er's mother, they made a detour to the house of their elders.

But what!The two elders directly shut us, the couple, and the three of us out, and I didn't even step in the gate of their mansion, boy.

It’s fine if I didn’t enter the mansion. At that time, I thought that maybe I made their elders unhappy in some way. For example, I cheated their elders’ daughters away, and I didn’t pay their respects to their elders in time. It's understandable for them to be angry with me.

But later, even Shu'er was directly blocked from the door, and the boy realized that things were not as simple as I thought.

At that time, the boy didn't know why, so he wanted to beg the housekeeper to be more lenient, but at that time Shu'er tearfully asked me to take her away. In desperation, the boy had no choice but to take the two sisters back to the capital.

On the way back to Beijing, the kid also made indirect remarks more than once, wanting to find out from Shu'er what conflicts existed between her and her father-in-law, mother-in-law, and the elders.

However, Shu'er kept silent about this, until later, even if I mentioned a little bit of this matter, she would look like she was about to cry.

Afraid of touching her sad past, the boy had no choice but to keep this matter in his heart. Later, as various things appeared, it gradually disappeared.

But the boy didn't completely forget about this matter. When I formally married Shu'er, I sent someone to Sichuan to deliver an invitation card, hoping that the two elders could attend my wedding banquet with Shu'er.

But as soon as the invitation was sent, it disappeared without a trace. The two elders didn't even send back a letter, let alone coming to the capital.

I couldn't hold back the doubts in my heart, so I asked Shu'er what was going on?

But Shu'er cried and told me not to ask any more questions, so I had no choice but to stop asking.

More than two years ago, when the child was born on the full moon, I still sent someone to send invitations to the two elders, hoping that the two elders could attend the child's full moon banquet.

The result was not beyond the boy's expectation, and there was still no news.

At that time, I understood that there must be conflicts between Shuer and his father-in-law, mother-in-law and the elders that I didn't know existed, and the root of the conflicts had a lot to do with me.

However, what puzzles me is that I have never seen their elders for decades, so how can I make them unhappy?
I asked Shu'er, but she didn't tell me, which made me helpless.

Therefore, after a long time, the boy almost forgot about this matter. When you mentioned it suddenly, old man, the boy didn't think about it. "

Seeing Young Master Liu's gloomy expression, Wen Renzheng put down his teacup and got up and walked into the garden. Seeing this situation, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to get up and follow.

"Shu'er didn't tell you, maybe because she was afraid that you would have a grudge in your heart."

"Ah? What's wrong with it?"

"That's all, the words have been said here, and there is nothing that the old man can't say.

Back then, Shu'er had already told you everything about why you and Shu'er got married, right? "

"Yes, Shu'er told me a few years ago. When Shu'er was young, she accidentally fell into the water. I just happened to save her life from the river when I was passing by, so we formed an indissoluble bond."

Wen Renzheng glanced at First Young Master Liu faintly: "It's not just that, is it? You made some naive words back then, right?
Don't tell this old man that you don't know? "

Of course I don’t know. I was shocked when I found out about it. Who knew that I was a good young man who did what is right?
Young Master Liu muttered a few words in his heart, but on the surface he nodded honestly to Wen Renzheng.

"I know, of course I know. At that time, the boy was young and frivolous, and his behavior was quite unrestrained. He really made some inconspicuous promises to Shu'er."

"It's good to know, those childish words of yours can be regarded as making Shu'er miserable."

(End of this chapter)

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