Chapter 2596 Old things ([-])

Hearing Wen Renzheng's distressed tone, Liu Mingzhi suddenly felt uncomfortable. After decades of acquaintance, it was the first time he heard such a sad tone from the old man.

"Old man, I only know that the source of the conflict between Shu'er and his father-in-law and mother-in-law is because I didn't arrive as scheduled back then, boy.

However, Shu'er never told me what happened between them. Could you please tell me the details?
What kind of contradiction is it that can lead to such a situation between parents and children.

It's been 20 years. During these 20 years, Shu'er was by your side when he was in Jiangnan. Later, he got along with the boy in these years and stayed with him all the time, but he never went back to Shu to visit his father-in-law. Mother-in-law and the two elders.

At first, I didn't know what was going on, but later I realized that it wasn't that Shu'er was unwilling to return to their elders to fulfill his filial piety, but that the two elders kept shutting the door and kept shutting Shu'er out repeatedly.

Although Shu'er has never taken the initiative to mention to me about her parents, but during the holidays, when the whole family should be happy, the kid can see that Shu'er is still extremely sad.

Especially when the boy's other father-in-law and mother-in-law came to Beijing for a reunion, seeing the warm scene of her sisters reuniting with her parents, Shu Er's eyes were full of gloom.

The boy has seen Shu Er's appearance more than once, the most serious one was the day when the child was born more than two years ago.

I can see it in my eyes and feel pain in my heart, but I can't do anything about it.

Because Shu'er never told the kid about the conflicts between her and her father-in-law and mother-in-law that were difficult to resolve after decades.

The kid didn't know the detailed reasons, and he couldn't help them resolve one or two things between each other.

You said just now that Shu'er didn't tell me, maybe because she was worried that I would have a grudge. Is there any hidden secret that is inconvenient to talk about? "

Wen Renzheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly to Young Master Liu.

Under Young Master Liu's incomprehensible gaze, Wen Renzheng silently untied the pipe from his waist and lit it with a torch, and quietly swallowed the clouds for a while.

"There are indeed some secrets in it, and there is nothing inconvenient to say. Maybe the main reason is that this girl cares too much about your feelings, so she doesn't know how to tell you.

Decades have passed, so it's a long story, so I'll give you a rough overview of some of the main situations.

Calculated in detail, this matter has to start from 28 nine years ago, which should be the early autumn of Xuande 18.

That fall, after you rescued the girl who accidentally fell into the water in the Tonghe River outside the city, you told the girl whether it was true or not that you would marry her in the future and let her be your second wife, and you would keep her I got a jade flute as a token of love.

The girl Shu'er was already ten years old at that time, and it seemed that in a few years it would be time to talk about marriage, so she naturally understood everything about the relationship between children and children.

In addition, she has been studying poetry and books with the old man since she was a child, and her temperament has matured a little earlier than ordinary girls of the same age.

Therefore, in the face of you, the little brother who has a life-saving grace for her, because of the reason why the girl Huaichun was born with love, I took your childish promises that I don't know if they are true or not.

So, after you rode the yellow ox and left the old emperor's mansion in silence, this girl has been taking great care of storing the token of love you left her, waiting for you to come back to fulfill the promise.

At that time, the old man was still very curious about you, a young man who did good deeds without leaving a name. He wanted to send someone to inquire about your identity, and see what kind of person actually cheated the old old granddaughter's heart like this. .

However, the world is impermanent, and the relationship between the emperor and the minister between the old man and Yan He became tense again because of certain things, almost to the point of fire and water.

In order to properly handle the relationship between the old man and Yan He, the old man had no time to take care of other trivial matters at that time.

The more important reason is that at that time, I was really out of resources, so the matter of investigating your identity was naturally forgotten, and at the same time, the matter between Shu'er and you was neglected.

It can be said that Shu'er, who had already begun to cherish the young girl, was not thinking about anything at that time, all she was thinking about was you, the future husband-in-law.

Of course, this is what the old man learned later.

Shu'er has been waiting for you for several months, but you have never appeared again.

However, this girl still doesn't give up, she always firmly believes that you will come back and fulfill your promise to marry her as a wife, as if you have been identified in this life.

An thinks that it has been several years since you left. During these few years, Shu'er has not heard any news about you. At that time, it was the age of cardamom, so Shu'er, who was waiting in her boudoir, was very sad.

However, Shu'er, a silly girl, is still foolishly waiting for you to come back and marry her even though she is full of resentment towards you.

As the girl gradually grew up, and it was time to talk about marriage, the savior she said would come back to marry her never showed up, and his parents were worried about Shu'er's marriage, so they began Find her a good husband.

But this girl is pretending in her heart that the little brother who saved her life and said he wanted to marry her, did not agree with the talented children his parents chose for her without even looking at them.

That's you bastard.

The old son and daughter-in-law have no choice but to inquire about you carefully from Shu Er.

At first, the old son and daughter-in-law were very curious about Shu Er’s insistence on the wishful man, because there was your life-saving grace to Shu Er many years ago. Although they have never seen you, they still have excellent senses of you. of.

In private, the two of them have already negotiated with the old man without telling Shu'er, as long as your character and temperament are not too unsatisfactory, your marriage will be fulfilled happily.

After all, with the family status of the old man at the time, he didn't need to care about the so-called right and wrong things at all.

And under the circumstances at that time, it was far more suitable for Shu Er to marry a husband from an ordinary family than to find a husband who was well-matched.

Because at that time, Yanhe was too afraid that the old man would marry another well-matched family and form a strong alliance. The old man who knew the stakes in it naturally agreed to the matter without hesitation.

On the one hand, it was caused by the situation at that time, and on the other hand, the old man did not want to see his beloved granddaughter marry a man she did not like as his wife.

It's just that everything has to be based on one premise, that is, you bastard can come back to fulfill the promise you made to Shu'er many years ago.

However, until the girl Shu'er was 16 years old, you still didn't show up for a long time. At that time, the old man had already voluntarily resigned from office and retired for many years.

Her parents are not Shu'er, a silly girl. I understand in my heart that your promise back then was probably just a childish joke.

So they had no choice but to re-discuss with Shu'er about her marriage, but this girl Shu'er always believed that you would come back to marry her, and she still firmly disagreed with her parents' engagement to her.

And because of this, there was a lot of trouble, and the letters from the father and daughter were also passed on to the old man.

After the old man received the letter, he saw that the situation seemed a little bad. I was afraid that the relationship between the father and daughter would become more rigid, so he could only secretly send a letter to his former disciples to help the old man investigate what happened back then.

But after all, many years have passed. According to some vague information they found, they sent people to search all over the capital, but they didn't find any trace of your bastard.

In desperation, the old man had no choice but to go to the capital in person in disguise, and took Shu'er to spend several months looking for your whereabouts around the capital. "

(End of this chapter)

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