Chapter 2598

Liu Mingzhi was stunned, and thought to himself that it really wasn't that simple.

It seems that the reason why my father-in-law is really angry is not just because of Shu Er's escape from marriage.

Otherwise, the relationship between their father and daughter would definitely not be so stiff that it has not been eased in the slightest after decades.

"More than that? Did something unpredictable happen later?"

Wen Renzheng nodded noncommittally, acquiescing to Liu Mingzhi's guess.

"I heard that the family and the Tang family are well-known families in Dalong, and Shu'er's escape from marriage is tantamount to embarrassing the two families.

Although this matter was contained in time and did not spread, but such a ridiculous thing happened, his father naturally had no way to hide it from his sworn brothers.

After all, there are still three days until the wedding day, and she can't hide it even if she wants to, so her father can only send someone to invite his foster brother to the mansion to tell the truth about it.

In fact, her parents also discussed it at the beginning, and planned to suppress this matter first and not tell the Tang family.

Instead, send someone to chase after Shu Er, as long as Shu Er is brought back to marry Tang Yao on time, it can be treated as nothing happened.

However, after some deliberation and deliberation, her parents finally rejected these ideas.

Because the two of them knew that this girl Shu'er was not an ordinary lady, but a half-martial artist who had practiced martial arts with the old grandfather for many years.

They considered that if they didn't chase the man back, and the bride would not be seen on the auspicious day of the auspicious day, the turmoil that would arise at that time would be even more unpredictable than telling the Tang family in advance.

After all, all the guests have come, but a couple of newcomers don't show up to pay their respects at the hall. At that time, there will definitely be riots all over the city.

In this way, the reputation of the Wenren family and the Tang family will really be disgraced.

Notifying the Tang family in advance will of course make the righteous brother Tang Cheng furious, but at the same time, we can discuss countermeasures in time, which is also an unavoidable solution.

In desperation, her father had no choice but to invite her brother-in-law over, and told her brother-in-law about the girl Shu'er's sudden escape from marriage.

Tang Chengshi came from the Tang Sect in Shu, so he is not only the head of the Tang family, but also a member of the rivers and lakes.

A month before the wedding of Shu Er and Tang Yao, Tang Cheng was seriously injured in a martial arts competition with an old opponent, and he had already had a secret illness in his body.

When he learned about Shu'er's escape from marriage, he became even more anxious and vomited blood on the spot in anger, which aggravated the injury in his body again.

Although he died directly without anger... what happened, but it was enough, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to recover in a year or so.

When her father saw his stepbrother was furious because of his daughter's escape from marriage, he was so angry that he almost lost half his life, and he blamed himself and worried.

Her father's foster brother saved his life back then, no matter what he had to give someone an explanation.

After comforting her righteous brother Tang Cheng, her father was ready to go after the girl Shu'er.

After the girl Shu'er escaped from the mansion, without even thinking about it, she rushed to the south of the Yangtze River day and night to join the old man, hoping that the old man would come forward to make decisions for her and cancel the marriage with the Tang family.

Her father knew without thinking carefully that Shu'er would definitely come to this old man's place to join me as a grandfather. After that, Yiqi Juechen went down to the south of the Yangtze River.

Alas, there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

Three days after their father and daughter left Beijing, that is, the day that Shu'er was supposed to get married, the matter of Shu King Li Yunlong broke out.

As soon as this incident broke out, the situation in the capital immediately became turbulent and full of chaos, until it turned into a bloody storm.

Dozens of families have been implicated because of this incident, and Wenren's family has also been implicated because of some things.

But at that time, her father, the head of the family, happened to be away from Beijing because he was chasing her, and the family didn't have a backbone, so later on...

I won’t repeat the specific details for you kid, anyway, since then, there has been no place for Wenren’s family in the capital.

Because of Shu'er's marriage with the Tang family's Tang Yao, his righteous brother Tang's family was also implicated. Although the family was not directly destroyed, the end was not very good.

His righteous brother Tang Cheng was first stimulated by Shu Er's escape from marriage, and because the Tang family was implicated in the court's purge operation, his mind was hit hard again.

Although the turmoil of the King of Shu's rebellion subsided in the end, Tang Cheng also suffered from one after another of blows from then on, and died of depression within a few years after accumulating depression.

Therefore, her father thought that it was Shu'er's escape from marriage that caused all this. He thought that if he had been in the capital at that time, the Wen family and the Tang family would have been able to avoid this disaster.

After the old man heard about the incident in the capital, he thought about it carefully and secretly rejoiced in his heart, thankfully it was thanks to the girl Shu'er that she escaped from marriage.

Otherwise, I'm afraid Wenren's fate will be even more miserable!
Therefore, the old man said something that seemed to be protecting Shu'er, which made the old man's bastard son who was already angry even more angry.

So later on, not only the girl Shu'er, but her father and even me, the old man who protected his granddaughter, also got 'resentment'.

That bastard son of the old man is getting more and more confused as he gets older, why can't he see that it was Shu'er's escape from marriage that saved Wen Ren... Hey... In short, the things involved are very complicated, and there is really no way to know who is right and who is wrong Make it clear. "

Looking at Wen Renzheng's helpless expression, Liu Mingzhi took out his pipe pipe thoughtfully and began to puff.

After a long time, Young Master Liu lightly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Old man, I have heard some inside stories about the rebellion of the King of Shu from the mouth of the late King of Shu and from the former chief executive Lao Zhou a few years ago.

Boy, I just thought carefully about what the two of them said at the beginning. Does the old man want to hear the boy's opinion? "

Wen Renzheng's dark eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at First Young Master Liu with a half-smile.

"Tell me."

"Old man, if father-in-law hadn't chased after Shu'er back then, but had stayed in the capital, Wen's fate would have been even more bleak than it is now.

Because at that time, the father was not only clearing out those party members who were attached to the King of Shu, but also didn't want to take the opportunity to clear up your old man's former party members!
If your father-in-law was in the capital at that time, because of your prestige and connections in the past, some forces, large and small, would definitely go to discuss with him.

At that time, Emperor Father will see that even if you have retired and returned to your hometown, you still have the prestige to influence the situation above the court, so according to Emperor Father's heart, by then Wenren will...will...

You should understand what the boy wants to say, old man. "

Wen Renzheng pointed at Young Master Liu and laughed for a while with relief, then walked slowly forward.

"To the point, you kid is a discerning person!
After sitting in that chair for years, I immediately saw the stakes.

However, that old bastard son never figured out the key point. No matter whether he was in the capital or not, the fate of the Wen family would not change.

On the contrary, if he happened to be still in the capital at that time, Wenren's fate would only be worse.

At that time, Yan He was already determined to eliminate the cronies under the King of Shu and pave the way for Prince Li Baiyu. At the same time, why didn't he take this opportunity to eliminate some former officials who were attached to the old people?

On the cusp of this crisis, as the son of an old man, he was already in the position of bearing the brunt, let alone wanting to survive the disaster.

Wanting to avoid it is purely a dream.

At that time, because he came to Jiangnan just to catch up with Shu Er, Yan He mistakenly thought that he came to seek help from the old man.

Yan He thought that he had a half-master-student relationship with the old man, and was afraid that if the old man came out again, there would be some uncontrollable chaos, so he had no choice but to let it go, so Wen Ren's family didn't have a big problem afterwards. By disaster.

Otherwise, let alone Wenren's family, I'm afraid even the Tang family will be implicated because of this!

Although Shu'er's escape from marriage was not good, it just happened to save the lives of the Wen family and the Tang family!

Her father's old fool always thought that Shu'er's escaping marriage harmed Wen's family, and caused his righteous brother Tang Cheng to die in depression because of this. The older he got, the more foolish he became.

It was useless for the old man to come forward to explain this matter, but instead he took it as that the old man was pampering and protecting the girl Shu'er on purpose.

It's unreasonable for things that are not useful.

Perhaps this is the so-called time and fate.

No, because of the incident that happened back then, decades have passed, and the relationship between their father and daughter still hasn't eased in any way.

Even the old man was brought along with him.

Shu'er came to the door dozens of times to ask for forgiveness, but was always turned away by her father.

Her mother forgave Shu'er a long time ago. It should be said that her mother never complained about this girl from the beginning to the end.

But after marrying her husband, because of that old stubborn ass of her father, no matter how much her mother loves her daughter, she still...

Alas, it's hard for an upright official to break up housework! "

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a long time, then suddenly turned his head to look at Wen Renzheng.

"Old man, I think it's possible that father-in-law, the old man, has already figured out the key point.

It was just because of his sworn brother Tang Cheng's death in depression. Because of guilt, he didn't know how to persuade himself to accept Shu'er's apology.

Maybe, my father-in-law felt too guilty for his righteous brother Tang Cheng. After all, you just said that Uncle Tang saved his father-in-law's life back then.

Maybe the old man actually understands everything in his heart, but... oh..."

Wen Renzheng stroked his beautiful beard and nodded, then shook his head with a complex expression.

"Who knows? That's why the old man said that things are complicated, and whoever is right and who is wrong can explain clearly!"


A slightly choked voice came from behind the two of them, causing them to turn and look over in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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