My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2599 Meet in the sky, stay together in people

Chapter 2599 Meet in the sky, stay together in people

After Young Master Liu and the others turned around, they saw that the Wenren Yun Shu had quietly stood several steps away from the two of them at some point, looking at them with tears in their eyes.



Wen Renzheng and Liu Mingzhi saw Wenren Yunshu's delicate and helpless appearance on the verge of tears, and they silently looked at each other, knowing that the words they talked about just now had been given by Wenren Yunshu heard it.

Wen Renzheng looked at his granddaughter's grievance with a melancholy face, sighed faintly and waved to Wenren Yunshu.

"Girl, come here."

Wenren Yun Shu glanced nervously at First Young Master Liu next to the old man in her beautiful eyes, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and Shi Shi ran over.

"Husband... Husband, Shu'er... Shu'er isn't..."

Seeing Wenren Yunshu, Liu Mingzhi not only had a look of uneasiness written on her pretty face, but also stammered and hesitated to speak, so it was not clear what she was worried about.

With a faint smile, he grabbed Wenren Yunshu's jade hand and patted it a few times, Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauty's embarrassed and delicate face with soft eyes.

"Shu'er, do you want to tell my husband that you didn't intend to hide the marriage contract between you and Tang Yao from my husband, right?"

Seeing her husband say what she wanted to say, Wenren Yunshu breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded without hesitation.

"That's right, that's what I want to tell my husband, that's what I want to say."

Wenren Yunshu tightly held Young Master Liu's hands with his backhand, apology was written in his beautiful eyes, and the mist gathered in the corners of his eyes was about to fall down his cheeks.

"Husband, I'm really sorry, it's not that I deliberately wanted to hide this matter from you, but that I really don't know how to tell you about the past, which is more appropriate.

Although the marriage contract between the concubine and Tang Yao was not the concubine's original intention, there was indeed a marriage contract between the concubine and him.

Although the concubine did not really marry him as his wife, there was an unexplainable relationship between the concubine and him.

I wanted to confess this past incident to my husband several times, but I was worried that you would dislike me because of this, so I... I just...

sorry!sorry!Shu'er didn't want to do this either, Shu'er really didn't mean to hide it from you. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wenren Yunshu, who was about to cry, and ignored the old man who was beside him. He raised his hand to wipe the mist from the corner of the beauty's eyes, and hugged her in his arms.

"Good Shu'er, I'm sorry for your husband, I've let you down for my husband!
If your husband could come as promised, you would not have waited for 16 years in vain, and maybe there would be no more incidents between the Wen family and the Tang family.

All the guilt lies with the husband alone, so what does it have to do with you?

You must not blame yourself, let alone be sad, your husband is already ashamed of you, if you blame yourself again, your husband will really feel ashamed.

Good Shu'er, don't worry, you won't be angry at all about the past incident with brother Tang Yao and Tang brother, and you won't even have the slightest grudge.

It's not because I don't care about you, but because my husband knows in his heart that the fault is not yours.

It was I, Liu Mingzhi, who failed your deep affection, and it was I, Liu Mingzhi, who caused Shu Er, your father-daughter relationship with your father-in-law has been stiff for decades, and the old suspicion has not been resolved until now.

All the faults are caused by me, Liu Mingzhi. I'm sorry for my husband, Shu'er, you are the one. Thousands of mistakes are all my fault, Liu Mingzhi! "

"Husband... woo woo... Husband, do you really not dislike Shu'er having a marriage contract with someone else?"

"I don't dislike my husband, not even a little bit.

If you don't believe it, you can swear it right now in front of your face.

The emperor is above, and the thick soil is the proof. Today, I, Liu Mingzhi, swear here that if I, Liu Mingzhi, despise Wenren Yunshu even the slightest bit, then let me, Liu Mingzhi, be struck by lightning, and the five thunderbolts will strike..."

Wenren Yunshu hastily raised his jade hand to cover Young Master Liu's lips, his beautiful eyes looked at Young Master Liu's upright speech with sincerity, and her delicate face pear blossom kept shaking her head in the rain.

"You are not allowed to swear, and you are not allowed to talk nonsense. I believe you, and I believe you in everything you say."

Wen Renzheng stood aside and looked at the affectionate money. The couple of you and me were embarrassed. He was afraid that they would do something more outrageous, so he reminded him with erratic eyes.

"Ahem... umh, what, I said, should you two be concerned about the existence of the old?

Bright world, can you two pay attention to your behavior in broad daylight?

The old man is a bad old man who is about to die again, it seems a bit inappropriate for the two of you to be so blatantly flirting with each other, right? "

Hearing Grandpa's reminder, Wenren Yunshu let out a soft cry and hurriedly struggled out of her husband's arms, clutching the hem of his clothes tightly with both hands, and lowered her head with a red face.

"Grandpa, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Young Master Liu also sneered a few times with a slightly embarrassing expression. He was so forgetful just now that he almost forgot that the old man, the big light bulb, was still standing beside him.

Wen Renzheng rolled his eyes helplessly at his shy and good-looking granddaughter.

Not only is the water splashed by the married daughter, but the married granddaughter is also the water that is spilled.

It's only been so many years, and the old man like me is almost gone in my eyes.


"Hey, grandpa."

"About the conflicts and gaps between you and your father, grandpa has already explained everything clearly to this bastard just now.

These things are not your fault in the first place, so you don't have to feel embarrassed about them.

And this bastard is not that kind of pedantic person, he won't mind those old things between you and Tang Yao, so from now on you don't have to have any psychological pressure anymore.

You can live your life as you want in the future, if this bastard dares to bully you, Grandpa, I will not spare him. "

"Grandpa, my husband won't bully me."

"Oh, women are extroverted, women are extroverted."


Wen Renzheng turned around and looked at First Young Master Liu: "You understand all the ins and outs of the matter, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his forehead and pondered for a while, looked at Wenren Yunshu and then at the old man.

"Knowing the cause and effect, I don't have to ram around blindly like a headless chicken.

But how to properly handle this matter, I have to carefully weigh one or two.

After all, the things here are complicated or not, and simple is not simple, at least some preparations must be made.

After I had a concrete idea, I took the time to take Shu'er and Zhengming to another trip to Sichuan to see if I could reconcile these misunderstandings that had been put on hold for many years.

In the final analysis, these things were provoked because I didn't come as promised, boy. No matter what, I had to help Shu'er solve it. "

Wen Renzheng squinted his eyes and stared in the direction of the imperial mausoleum outside the city for a while, then turned to look at First Young Master Liu with a bitter smile on his lips.

"Well, in fact, you don't need to blame yourself too much for this matter, maybe it really is God's will in everything.

I don't know if you have thought about it, but if you really came to marry Shu'er as promised back then, after the two of you got married, Wenrenjia and Jiangnan Liuke would become a strong marriage.

However, whether it was the old man back then or the Jiangnan Liu back then, they were a powerful force that could not be ignored for Yanhe.

At that time, if our two families formed a good relationship between Qin and Jin, after the incident of the king of Shu broke out, let alone Wenren, your Liu family would not be able to die well.

It's not that the old man deliberately criticizes your father as a sinister person. Even if you were able to come as promised, your father would definitely not agree to your marriage with Shu'er.

Moreover, if the old man knew your specific identity at the beginning, he would most likely not agree to it, and at that time, he might really have to put on a drama of fighting mandarin ducks.

It's not that there is any personal grievance between the old man and your father, it's that the situation back then was too severe.

Although the old man is not particularly clear about it, he has also heard about it. Back then, your father had reached a certain agreement with Yan He in private.

As for the content of those agreements, no one knows except the two of them.

It has been many years since Yan He passed away, so there is no need to mention these old things.

Encounter in the sky, stay in the people.

Fortunately, God is not too ruthless, so that you two lovers will finally get married after more than ten years. "

Liu Mingzhi silently took Wenren Yunshu's jade hand and exhaled sighingly.

"Walking around for more than ten years, we finally came together. There is nothing better than fate."

(End of this chapter)

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