My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2600 Undoubtedly

Chapter 2600 Undoubtedly
Wen Renzheng looked at First Young Master Liu with black eyes, and Wenren Yunshu and his wife seemed to want you and me to be affectionate again, so they hurriedly coughed twice.

Seeing the good granddaughter with a pretty face and a shy face after hastily breaking free from her husband's big hand, the old man shook his head helplessly.

Both of them are old couples in their 40s and [-]s, but they still say those nasty love words like those seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys and girls, so what?
Wen Renzheng lit a pot of shredded tobacco and smoked it a few times, then looked at Young Master Liu thoughtfully for a moment.

"The matter about the spy shadow agents has finally come to an end, as for the remaining spy shadow agents who have been disbanded, I guess they will not come out to make trouble again in the future.

What the film master said before he died was not wrong, the spies without the backing of innate masters are no longer a threat to you.

Therefore, even if there may still be some spy spies who are still determined to restore the country, it will be a trivial matter for you to come out to make trouble in the future.

Spy Shadow is now considered to be destroyed, and Dalong can barely be said to be peaceful in the world.

Such a good situation is a great opportunity for you, the current king of a country, to make great achievements and establish a prosperous dynasty.

As long as you can still stick to your true heart, the reputation of being one emperor through the ages may not be able to be called, but the reputation of being the hero of the prosperous age will definitely have a place for you.

But this is just an old one-sided statement. The reputation of being one emperor through the ages may not have a place for you. As the current emperor who has the power of life and death and holds supreme authority, why not give it a try?

Maybe the evaluation of you in the history books of later generations will be an emperor through the ages. As for the specifics, let's give it a try.

As the king of a country, these things are just your duty to you.

The old man has already said what he should say, as for where to go, that is your own business.

To put something you don't like to hear, the world today seems to be peaceful and peaceful, but in fact there are still many undercurrents in it.

If you are not careful, these small undercurrents will surge up, and in an instant, the peace and prosperity that you have worked hard to manage for decades can be collapsed.

The most notable point is the issue of the people's livelihood in the three prefectures of Neifu, Beifu and Xinfu.

Although today's Dalong Sanfu is happy and harmonious, like a family, the reason why there is such a peaceful scene is because you, Liu Mingzhi, are suppressing it!
What if you die in exile?This kind of world is peaceful and peaceful, and the prosperity of the people of the three prefectures can continue to be maintained?
Does the successor king have this ability?Is there such a means?Do you have the benevolence to love the world at the same time?Is there a supreme mind that is tolerant to all rivers and treats all people in the world equally?

These are the basic conditions for maintaining the current prosperity of the dragon!
Not everyone is as far-sighted as you Liu Mingzhi, and not everyone has your disposition.

Once the successor king arbitrarily changes the current national policy of the imperial court to govern the people's livelihood and officials after your great success, the building of Dalong Shengshi will certainly not collapse in an instant, but it will also go downhill.

These words of the old man are by no means scaremongering, but some personal opinions summed up from what he saw and heard during his travels in the world over the years.

Therefore, you must carefully consider the choice of the crown prince and the successor.

It is about the safety of Dalong, Jiangshan, Shanhe, and hundreds of thousands of mountains and rivers. Don't be careless. You have to think twice before you can make a final decision.

Because your choice is not only a matter of who sits on that chair, it is also related to the safety of the people in the world!
You have to carefully weigh the candidate for the successor king. "

Wenren Yunshu heard that his grandfather suddenly talked to her husband about Li Chu's issue, her pretty face tightened involuntarily, and she glanced lightly at First Young Master Liu, who looked calm as water, and hurriedly blessed her.

"Grandpa, Husband, you've been talking for so long, I'm guessing you're already thirsty, Shu'er will go get you a new pot of tea first.

Husband, you stay with grandpa first, and my concubine prepares first. "

Wenren Yun Shu didn't wait for Liu Mingzhi's consent after finishing speaking, got up and rushed straight to the backyard of Liu Mansion with lotus steps.

Young Master Liu watched Wenren Yunshu's beautiful figure as he hurried away, smiled helplessly, and raised his hand to signal Wen Renzheng, who was puffing away from a cigarette pot.

"Old man, the scenery in the garden is quite pleasing to the eye, let's continue to look around.

It's the end of August now, if you don't take a good look at the scenery in the courtyard, you probably won't be able to see it in another month or so. "

Wen Renzheng smiled lightly and nodded in agreement: "I will do what I want."



"Did you see Shu'er's reaction just now?"

"I see, what do you want to say?"

"Well, in fact, on the matter of which child is to be the crown prince, I have never taken the initiative to shy away from any of the many sisters of Yun'er and the others, but they themselves are all secretive.

Whenever this issue was mentioned, the sisters began to find various excuses to avoid it.

Seeing that all the sisters reacted like this, to be honest, I was quite helpless myself, kid.

Sometimes, boy, I really want to have a good discussion with their sisters about Lichu, and hope that one of them can help me get a better idea.

As the saying goes, one person counts the short, and two count the long. Some of their words may not be inspiring to me, anyway, I think so.

However, when I saw the reaction of all the sisters when they heard about Lichu, I had no choice but to hold my words in my heart even if I had a belly full.

Except for the boy, when I asked their sisters to bring up these things alone, they would help me with advice if they couldn't avoid it, but what they said was all a middle-of-the-road statement, and there was really no merit.

So up to now, I still haven't made up my mind about who will be the crown prince!

Why haven't I considered the possible future situations that you just mentioned, old man?And I have considered this issue more than once.

However, it is precisely because I have also considered these problems in the future that I have not made up my mind for a long time to register which child as the crown prince.

Just like what you said, the old man, it is about the safety and stability of Dalong's country, the safety and stability of hundreds of thousands of mountains and rivers, how dare I make a choice so easily?

The world has been divided and disputed for so many years. After the hard struggle of generations of ancestors, it was finally unified by me, Liu Mingzhi. How can I watch it split again?
It is because I have considered these that the issue of Li Chu has been delayed for so many years without an accurate result.

How difficult it is to unify the world, I don't want to see the new dynasty die in the sky like the Great Qin Empire!
Since you just mentioned this issue, boy, I would like to hear your thoughts. I wonder if you have any excellent suggestions, old man? "

Wen Renzheng looked at Young Master Liu looking at him with extremely sincere eyes, and the original uneasiness in his heart finally calmed down.

Having known each other for decades, he still knows what kind of person Liu Mingzhi is.

Young Master Liu's sincere expression made Wen Renzheng clear in his heart that he was not dissatisfied because his old benefactor suddenly meddled in the question about the crown prince, but he sincerely wanted to hear his own advice.

Thinking of these, Wen Renzheng couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and secretly sighed in his heart that he really didn't misunderstand the person back then!
To be able to sit in that position, my disciple and grandson-in-law really deserved his name.

"The old man didn't want to get involved in the matter of the crown prince, and the reason why he said this just now is that he really didn't want to see your decades of hard work come to naught.

Before this question was uttered, the old man hesitated for a long time. Since you really don't mind the old man giving you some advice, then the old man will just say a little bit of shallow opinion.

Regarding the matter of the crown prince and the crown prince, do you want to establish a long life in your heart?Or Lidi?Or Licai?
What the old man said was that on the premise of each having his own strengths, if he is the eldest son and has high morals and virtues, then there is no doubt about who will be the crown prince. "

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, staring at the rising sun in the sky with deep eyes, pondering for a long time.

"It's all happened."

"What about now? Are you still hesitating between the three?"

"As far as the current situation in the court is concerned, the boy is more inclined to be talented, but only in terms of the current situation, who knows what will become of Dalong in the future?
After all, the Western Expedition and Tsarist Russia are still inconclusive. It seems to me that it is a bit too early to make false conclusions at this time.

However, after the Spy Shadow incident was over, after the kid came home from the imperial mausoleum, and now a day and a half later, the kid thought about a bold idea and wanted to try it out. "

"Oh? Is it convenient to say?"

Seeing Wen Renzheng's curious look, Liu Mingzhi nodded without hesitation, scanned the situation in the garden, and whispered in Wen Renzheng's ear.

After a while, Wen Renzheng couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw the weird smile on Young Master Liu's face.

"You... are you sure you want to do this? Don't think about it anymore?"

"Don't think about it any further. Although this move is a bit absurd, it can not only test the disposition of those little bastards, but also see the reactions of the civil and military officials in the court. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It's just a test for all of them, and it can't change anything. "

Wen Renzheng held his beard in silence for a long time, then nodded with a wry smile.

"Yes, as long as you are not afraid of stimulating the minds of those civil and military officials in the court, you can try it if you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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