Chapter 2601
The speechless strange expression on Wen Renzheng's face made First Young Master Liu hesitate for a moment. Could it be that his idea is really a little too absurd?

"Old man, tell me the truth, boy, is the plan I told you just now really inappropriate?"

There was a little hesitation in Wen Renzheng's eyes, he thought for a while and shook his head gently.

"It's not inappropriate, the old man is mainly worried that those important ministers and veterans in the court will not be able to bear such a big stimulus all at once.

If you really irritate someone at that time, it will not end well here for you. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and rubbed the stubble on his chin, squinted his eyes and muttered for a long time, then let out a chuckle.

"Old man, you have underestimated the temperament of those old foxes in the court, although they will be stimulated a little, but they will definitely not be stimulated too much.

At their status and age, what kind of strange things have they not seen?What kind of stormy scene they have not experienced?

For these old foxes, this kind of small scene is at best an appetizer with a slightly stronger taste. "

Wen Renzheng turned his head and looked at Young Master Liu who was smiling for a moment, a little light shone in his cloudy eyes, as if he understood something.

"It seems that you want to muddy the pool of stagnant water in the court!

how?Could it be that the situation in the court has become so quiet that even you feel afraid? "

"The old man is the old man, and I immediately saw my real plan, boy.

Boy, I really intend to muddy the somewhat silent pool of water in the court hall. They old foxes are now waiting for me, kid, to appoint a prince and prince as soon as possible, so that I can arrange for the descendants below to attach to it in the future.

I can understand their thoughts. People are not sages, so they will be somewhat selfish, but understanding is one thing, and we can't just watch them mess around.

The court is the central hub to maintain the stability of the world, and officials in the second class are naturally indispensable.

And how to make good use of the two classes of officials still needs to be carefully weighed.

To say something that will make you laugh, old man, no matter what the situation of the world will be now and even in the future, there must be some trade-offs in the court.

Even the kid, I can't avoid it!

Now that the cabinet has been established for many years, the power in the hands of the chief minister of the cabinet is not small.

Boss Xia Gongming is upright and selfless. I am very relieved to have him as the chief assistant of the cabinet, but he is so old this year that he can't take on the heavy responsibility for many years.

In the past two years, he has made more than one request to my boy that he wants to retire and return to his hometown, but every time he has been rejected by me.

The current court cannot be maintained without Mr. Xia, so I can only let him work hard for a few more years with a thick face.

Although I felt sorry for Mrs. Xia, I had no choice but to do it.

As for fear, there is no such thing.

Boy, I can frighten all the people in the world with my own strength, and make all those with ulterior motives dare not act rashly. Why should I be afraid of this small temple in the capital?

In front of the old man, if you say something a little arrogant, if I stomp my feet now, the whole world can still tremble three times.

My boy, I am the immediate emperor who established the country with martial arts. As long as I, Liu Mingzhi, are not killed by heaven, any conspiracies and tricks are nothing more than superficial in my opinion.

But what?Boy, I am not afraid of the civil and military ministers in the court making trouble for me, but I have to take precautions in advance for the successor.

Although I haven't set up a crown prince yet, no matter which child inherits the throne in the future, I, the father, can't leave them a mess and wait for them to clean it up, right?

Except for a few beasts, there is no father and mother in the world who does not love their children. Although the boy is now the king of Dalong's country, he is also the father of many children under his knees!
As a father, it's hard for me to be selfish, boy!At best, it's just a difference between more and less, so I have to think carefully about the future of my children, right?

Old man, you are also a father and a grandfather, you should be able to understand my painstaking efforts, kid? "

Wen Renzheng looked at Liu Mingzhi's helpless expression, and nodded noncommittally.

"Nature understands that people are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless.

People are people, after all, they are completely different from those clay sculptures and wood sculptures, and it is normal to have selfishness. "

"It's good that the old man can understand. In fact, the boy has been bored with these words for a long time, and today he can finally speak out without any scruples, and his mood instantly becomes brighter.

Nowadays, whether it is a cabinet official, an official of the Six Ministries, or an official of the Nine Ministers, none of them is an old man over fifty or sixty years old.

Compared to them, my boy, I am now in the prime of my life, so naturally I don't need to worry about them making any small moves for their own self-interest.

On the contrary, I'd love to see them come up with some small tricks for their own self-interest.

Because in this way, I can not only select real good talents from among them to give important tasks, and stay to assist the new king, but also select some rotten wood for the new king that can make him establish his prestige in the future. "

Wen Renzheng frowned suddenly, and looked at First Young Master Liu solemnly.

"It's certainly a good idea, but there is one thing you can't ignore no matter what, that is, once the rotten wood is huddled together, it is a force that cannot be ignored!"

"Old man, you can rest assured, I will not neglect this point. So not only are they waiting for me to make a crown prince, but the boy is also waiting for their actions.

They are so old and I still don't agree with them returning home because of this. I can give them a fair chance to seal their wives and children, and it depends on whether they can grasp it.

So, if the water is not muddied, they will not take any action.

Since they don't move, I have no choice but to take the initiative.

After all, some things are under control, which is better than unexpected, isn't it? "

Wen Renzheng paused, and suddenly looked at the confident Young Master Liu with a complicated expression, his lips pursed as if he wanted to say something.

"Old... old man, why are you looking at me like this suddenly? Did I say something wrong? "

Wen Renzheng seemed to be caught in the memory, his eyes were hazy and silent for a long time, he took off a jade pendant from his waist and rubbed it gently for a while.

"Boy, has anyone told you that you look very much like Li Zheng now? It seems that Li... Yanhe has a deep influence on you!"

Liu Mingzhi's pupils shrank suddenly, and the complex meaning in Wen Renzheng's gaze was self-evident.

"Yes... yes, old man, you are not the first person to say that the boy is like the emperor, Lao Zhou, the film master... They have all said these words before, saying that they can see the shadow of the emperor Li Zheng from me.

Am I really similar to my father now? "

Wen Renzheng nodded solemnly, lightly patted Liu Mingzhi on the shoulder a few times and continued walking forward.

"It's not an exaggeration to say that there is a moment of vividness. Maybe you haven't noticed it yourself, but some people who were close to Yan He in the past can easily see his shadow from you."

A trace of heavyness flashed in Liu Mingzhi's eyes, and he murmured softly.

"Is it lifelike?"

"Yes, some of your words and deeds are exactly the same as him, maybe...maybe..."

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly followed and asked, "Maybe what?"

"Perhaps you have never let go of the fact that you took away the Li family. Although you can't see it on the surface and you don't say it yourself, it doesn't mean you haven't.

It seems that Yanhe's kindness to you in the past has made you feel so guilty towards him and the Li family that cannot disappear! "

(End of this chapter)

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