Chapter 2602

Liu Mingzhi's mood was disturbed, just because of what Wen Renzheng said.

In the past, many people said that they saw the shadow of Li Zheng in themselves, but they never paid attention to what they said.

However, today's old man's words made Liu Mingzhi feel deafened and enlightened. Could it be that he was really deeply influenced by his father, Li Zheng?

After being silent for a long time, Liu Mingzhi suddenly turned around and looked at Wen Renzheng beside him.

"Old man, if my disposition is really influenced by my father and his old man, is this influence good or bad?"

Wen Renzheng pinched the jade pendant that he had been playing with for a long time with his fingertips and handed it to Young Master Liu. Young Master Liu looked at the jade pendant on Wen Renzheng's fingertips in confusion, not quite understanding what the old man was doing. deep meaning.

"Old man, what do you mean?"

"This is a decades-old foreword and an apprenticeship ceremony for the old man. It is not a precious thing, and it can even be said to be worthless among all kinds of precious jade pendants.

With the status of an old man back then, wanting to exchange for a priceless and precious jade pendant was nothing more than a trivial matter.

However, no matter when Monk Yan was in the world, or he has passed away for so many years, this jade pendant has always been worn on his body, and has never been replaced once.

Although this jade pendant was given by Yanhe, it does not represent Yanhe after all. The reason why the old man wears it all the time is just to keep a thought.

The Sri Lankan has passed away, and the living should cherish themselves.Do you understand what the old man wants to say? "

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a long time with thoughtful eyes, and after about half a stick of incense time, Young Master Liu's eyes suddenly lit up, he reached out to take the jade pendant from Wen Renzheng's hand, looked at it for a moment, and then returned it back.

After returning the jade pendant to the old man, Liu Mingzhi naturally put his hands behind his back, and stared at the glow of the sky with his head upright, with a gentle smile on his lips.

Young Master Liu's whole body was bathed in the warm morning sun, and his body seemed to exude a mysterious and mysterious aura.

"It doesn't matter who I am, Liu Mingzhi, or not. I am who I am. I used to be, I am now, I will be in the future, and I will always be."

Wen Renzheng looked at Young Master Liu, who had a dusty temperament, with admiration in his old eyes.

"Yes, maybe you are like someone, but you will not be him after all. Therefore, you are you, and you will always be. This is a fact that no one can change.

On the other hand, when you look up to a good person you admire, what's wrong with that? "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and bowed to Wen Renzheng, a big gift that he hadn't done for a long time.

"The teacher's words can be said to let me see the sun through the clouds and mists, my boy. Liu Mingzhi has been taught. Thank you teacher for clarifying the confusion."

"Okay, let's get up, it's just for the authorities to be confused by the bystanders.

In fact, as long as you calm down and think carefully, you can naturally figure it out, but sometimes if no one guides you, you will always fall into a misunderstanding subconsciously.

Being old is just saying something that others dare not say, it's not a big deal.I have never doubted your character, ability and morality, but I hope you will not be too conceited.

It should be known that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.The old is getting older, and you are no longer young. You should understand the truth that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

Sometimes when looking at the overall situation, don't always focus on yourself, but also accept other people's ideas appropriately, maybe you will get unexpected gains from it! "

"Yes, what the teacher taught is that the boy has been taught."

Wen Renzheng waved his hands indifferently, turned around and walked towards the pavilion where he was resting.

"Okay, if this old man didn't care about my great-grandson's face, this old man wouldn't be bothered to waste so much talk with you."

"Yes, yes, what the old man says is what he says."

"To ask you a rather presumptuous question, who do you want to inherit the throne in your heart?

There is no deliberate personal relationship, it is purely based on the premise of who you think is more suitable to inherit the throne. "

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a long time, glanced around at the surrounding environment and quickly walked to Wen Renzheng's side and walked with him.

"Yue'er, girl."

"Yue'er? Girl? Which one... hiss... you're talking about that little girl with a ghostly personality that the Golden Empress Wanyan Wanyan made?
"Yes, it's this stinky girl. You have seen her many times before, old man. I wonder what your impression is of this stinky girl, old man?"

Wen Renzheng stroked his beard and pondered for a long time, then suddenly nodded cheerfully and chuckled lightly.

"That little girl is not ordinary! Although the old man has only seen her a few times, he still has a deep impression on this little girl.

Although this girl is just a little girl, she is bold and cautious, courageous and resourceful, and acts resolutely and does not follow common sense. The most important point is that this girl's disposition is very similar to yours. "

"Oh? Which point?"

"Informal and thick-skinned."

"That's necessary, and I don't even look at who Yue'er belongs to... er... er..."

Liu Mingzhi originally thought that Wen Renzheng was praising his father and daughter, subconsciously "modestly" for a while, and then realized that the old man's words did not seem to be praising himself.

It is very suitable to be informal, but where does this thick-skinned come from?

This young master is famous for his humility, politeness, unparalleled benevolence and righteousness, and he almost engraved the words "honest man and gentleman" on his forehead. How could he be hooked on thick-skinned?
Defamation, proper slander.

Wen Renzheng glanced at Young Master Liu's bitter expression, smiled lightly and shook his head, he knew what was on Young Master Liu's mind without guessing.

If there is no accident, it must be something that is not related to the self-proclaimed good person or a gentleman.

Regardless of what First Young Master Liu was thinking, Wen Renzheng continued: "Although you have many children under your knees, this girl is the only one who resembles you the most.

Although the rest of the children were also good-natured, they were at a slight disadvantage compared to this girl.

Because this girl has a dark belly and she looks smiling on the surface, but she can make people die half to death when she calculates it. Maybe it has something to do with the environment she grew up in since she was a child.

There is also the point that the old man just said, thick-skinned.

Sometimes thick-skinned is not necessarily a bad thing, too thin-skinned is easy to suffer, especially in front of old foxes like Manchu civil and military, thin-skinned is not good at all.

If you want to suppress these old foxes, you can only treat them in the same way, and if you want to do this, you must have a thick skin.

Thick-skinned is not a good word in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is normal in the court, not even the thickest, only thicker.

Not only is this girl thick-skinned, but as far as the old man knows, she had experience in supervising the country when she was about ten years old.

It is not uncommon to be able to supervise the country on behalf of the emperor at the age of ten, and it has existed since ancient times, but at the age of about ten years old, he can rely on his own ability to manage the country in an orderly manner, which is no small matter.

This woman's temperament and ability are beyond ordinary people or her peers are not a star, she is also a monster.

If this girl inherits the throne, within two years of training, she will surely be able to tidy up the civil and military ministers in the court.

A group of old foxes can be subdued by her, let alone a group of underachievers in the future.

If this girl can inherit the throne, she is indeed an excellent candidate, but...but...but this girl is a daughter after all.

After all, the daughter's family is going to marry. Once she gets married in the future, who will be the name of Dalong's Jiangshan Sheji in the future?Should I continue to be named Liu, or a certain surname?
Even if this girl doesn't have to marry and will dedicate her whole life to her family, country and community, who should shoulder the heavy burden for the successor king after her?

If one is not handled well, I am afraid that another bloody storm will be set off.

And this bloodbath must have been caused among the internal descendants of your Liu family, and the reason for this is because of that position.

It seems that this girl's succession to the throne is not a perfect solution, it is difficult! "

Liu Mingzhi sighed solemnly, his eyes were constantly shining with worry.

"Old man, this is exactly what the boy is worried about. The boy is not afraid that Yue'er will marry a woman in the future, let alone that she will pass the throne to his children in the future.

What the boy is really afraid of is precisely what you said just now, old man, that is, after Yue'er succeeds to the throne, whether the Liu family's line will fight with Yue'er's line in the future because of the throne.

If in the future, because of the throne, the children and grandchildren of the boy will quarrel with the children and grandchildren of Yue'er, and finally develop to the point of fighting each other, then I will not rest in peace even if I die.

So the kid knew in his heart that Yue'er was more suitable to inherit the throne right now, but he never made a final decision.

At that time, no matter who hurts anyone, won't it be my Liu Mingzhi's flesh and blood? "

"Hey, if you were the old man, I'm afraid you won't be much better than you. This kind of choice is indeed too difficult."

"So, the kid is still thinking about it, and has been trying to find a way to get the best of both worlds."

"Do you have a general plan?"

"Chengzhi, both brothers are good at Chengqian, but it's just that they don't care much about being the crown prince."

(End of this chapter)

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