Chapter 2603

Wen Renzheng frowned lightly, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a strange expression: "Huh? You don't care too much?"

First Young Master Liu smiled wryly and nodded: "That's right, it's exactly what you think, old man, these two brothers have no desire for the position of prince at all.

In fact, it's not just the two brothers, Yue'er is also the same. Although she never said she didn't want to sit in that position, she never took the initiative to win it.

Not to mention being afraid of it like a tiger, just afraid of avoiding it, it seems a bit unhappy.

Alas, the reaction of their brothers and sisters makes me very worried, boy.

What's the matter with the good throne, but I can't pick a suitable heir? "

While talking and laughing, the two returned to the gazebo again, Wen Renzheng sat on the stone bench, thought for a while and nodded as if he had realized something.

"This kind of situation should be related to the environment they lived in since they were young. After all, they didn't grow up in the Emperor's Garden since they were young. They haven't been exposed to scenes of intrigue for power, so they don't attach too much importance to that position.

Compared with the sons and grandsons of phoenixes and dragons who have lived in the Emperor's Garden since childhood and experienced the torment of power, they still retain a heart of innocence.

It's just that Cheng Zhi, who was born by girls Qi Yun and girl Li Yan, is understandable for Cheng and Gan brothers to have such a disposition, but that little girl Yue'er shouldn't be like this, right?

In the past, you and the Golden Empress had only one daughter, and the second son was not yet born. This little girl was raised by the Golden Empress as a successor as soon as she was born.

In terms of power, she shouldn't have the same personality as Cheng Zhi and his brothers, right? "

"Hey! Don't mention it, the family is unlucky, this girl doesn't have any thoughts about rights now, even when she is on duty in the Ten Kings Palace, she looks like she was kicked out of the shelves.

But fortunately, he was still conscientious when dealing with the paperwork, and there was no deliberate slack behavior.

But now, once this girl finishes processing the memorandum that belongs to her, she will either take her younger brothers and sisters to fish and fish in the lakes and rivers outside the city, or... just..."

Wen Renzheng became more and more curious when he saw First Young Master Liu's face suddenly become embarrassed, hesitant to speak but stopped helplessly.

"What is it? Go on!"

First Young Master Liu looked up at the old man's curious gaze, and rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

"Or women disguise themselves as men and go...go...go to the place of fireworks and willow lanes to have fun, big and small brothels, Jiaofangsi, Goulanyuan, brothels, etc. in the two cities inside and outside the capital. , there is no place she has not been to.

It's fine to go to that kind of place to drink, listen to music, and enjoy singing and dancing, but every time she goes, she must order a group of young and beautiful brothel girls to accompany her, at least... at least five starting ones. "

"Puff...cough cough...cough cough..."

Wen Renzheng took a sip of herbal tea and sprayed it on the stone table, coughed a few times and hastily reached out to wipe the tea on his beard.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down, the old man stared at Young Master Liu with a strange and teasing expression for a while.

"Are you sure you're not joking with the old man? Girls go to the place of fireworks? Do you have to find a brothel girl to accompany you? At least five girls at a time?
Are you sure the person you just mentioned is Yue'er, that spooky little girl?Instead of yourself or your father Liu Zhian, that sinister bastard? "

Young Master Liu looked at the old man's fussy reaction, scratched his forehead with his fingers a few times in pain, and nodded helplessly.

"I'm not joking, and I'm not talking nonsense, it's just Yue'er, a stinky girl, her family is unfortunate!"

"Haha...hahaha... talent, talent!
As expected of Liu Mingzhi's seed, your Liu family's 'excellent' style has successors.

The old man thought that this little girl was extraordinary before, but he did not expect that she is really not ordinary!
Fortunately, this girl is not a man, otherwise, all the ladies in the capital will suffer. "

Young Master Liu sneered a few times with shame on his face, and really didn't know how to continue Wen Renzheng's words.

"Old man, don't say any more, this girl is almost worrying me to death, boy, which girl do you think looks like her!
It doesn't matter if you don't love female celebrities, and it's not a big problem if you don't know much about books and rituals. It can be ignored if you don't have a ladylike demeanor, but what's the matter with a daughter's family who likes to hang out in the place of fireworks?

Do you know what old man makes me feel helpless the most? "

"Haha... the old man is all ears."

"This girl used to go alone, but now she has gone too far, and she has started bringing her younger brothers and sisters with her.

The other half-grown children are quite obedient and sensible, as long as I deliberately turn my face on them, they will be more or less honest for a while.

But there is also a stinky girl named Lianniang under the boy's knees. He used to be a little bit wild and courageous, but since he got acquainted with this stinky girl, Yue'er, hey, he is another lawless bully!

The most important point is that she is stubborn and stubborn, and will not refute or run away when she makes a mistake, just obediently waiting for you to take a training stick to deal with her.

You admit it when you scold, you admit it when you beat it, you admit it when you punish it, in a word, the child knows that I made a mistake, and I will never complain about being beaten or scolded, but I just don't change it.

No matter how you say it, don’t change anything, at worst, father and mother, you can beat me up again, after the injury on the buttocks is healed, then continue to make mistakes with Sister Yue’er.

And no matter it's the girl Yue'er or the girl Lianiang, they still have a sense of propriety in their hearts, that is, they don't make big mistakes that violate the laws of the dragon, and they keep making small mistakes that damage their virtue, and they are determined not to correct them.

You said, what can I do if I meet such a girl?
Firstly, they didn't commit crimes, secondly, they didn't murder and set fire, and thirdly, they didn't disregard human life. Even if you are angry, you can't really be beaten to death, right?
However, if these two girls cause trouble, they will keep causing trouble, and if they hurt others, it will make your heart feel sweet, sweeter than honey.Boy, I am angry and happy, but I have nothing to do!

Alas, having such two daughters, boy, I really don't know what evil I did in my previous life. "

"Hahaha...don't say it, don't say it, the old man's stomach hurts from laughing any longer."

"That's really making you laugh, old man. Anyway, my head is about to explode."

"Let's get down to business, if Chengzhi, Chenggan, their brothers and Yue'er still have the same attitude towards the crown prince, what are you going to do?"

Liu Mingzhi's expression gradually became serious, and he lit a pot of tobacco again, hesitating.

After a long time, the smoke in front of Liu Mingzhi lingered on his somewhat serious face.

"That's out of their hands!"

Wen Renzheng frowned suddenly, picked up the teacup and took a sip but didn't say anything.

"Old man, I am already in my early forties this year, and I may not be able to pamper their brothers, sisters and others for several years if I want to.

I don't expect each of their brothers and sisters to be dragons and phoenixes, but I don't want to see their brothers, sisters and others eventually... will... oh...

In my whole life, speaking of it, I actually have nothing to show off. Thinking about it until the moment of Daxing’s death, probably——

That's probably still the case.

If boy, I... Forget it, there has never been any ifs in the world. "

Wen Renzheng looked at Young Master Liu's slightly sad expression, sighed faintly, lifted the pot and poured him a cup of herbal tea.

"Just look at it, just look at it. Regarding the suggestion for the crown prince, the old man who should mention it has already mentioned it to you. How to act in the future can only be based on the overall situation.

This old man dare not make rash assertions, and you also dare not make rash assertions yourself.That being the case, the only way to get to the front of the mountain is by car. "

"The old man is right, and the boy thinks the same way."

"That's good, that's good, by the way, the old man plans to leave in ten days."

Young Master Liu stood up suddenly, and looked at Wen Renzheng who was energetic but old-fashioned with complicated eyes.

"Old man, if you feel that the boy has something bad to offer, you can just tell me, and the boy can prepare for you without saying a word.

How old are you already this year, wouldn't it be good to just stay here with the boy and enjoy the rest of your life?Why do you have to go to the rivers and lakes again..."


Looking at the old man who interrupted his words, Liu Mingzhi asked suspiciously: "Old man, what do you want to say?"

"The old man has made up his mind to go, don't force him to stay."

Wen Renzheng's firm expression had already let Liu Mingzhi know that there was no need to say anything, so he could only nod helplessly in agreement.

"Well, since the old man has made up his mind to go, the kid will stop talking

(End of this chapter)

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