Chapter 2604

When Liu Mingzhi was depressed because of the fact that the old man was going to leave in ten days, a beautiful figure full of vitality quietly appeared in the garden.

His eyes searched for the two young masters Liu who were sitting in the gazebo and whispering something, that beautiful figure giggled and trotted towards the two without hesitation.

"Stinky old man, grandparents and mother are calling you to go to the main hall for breakfast."

"There is also this honored guest, grandpa... you seem to be old man Wenren?
ah!It turns out that I really heard about you, old man, we haven't seen each other for many years, but you are still as old and strong as ever! "

A voice that sounded like an oriole's cry suddenly interrupted Wen Renzheng and Wen Renzheng who were talking, causing them to subconsciously look towards the source of the voice.

Young Master Liu saw the little cutie standing under the steps outside the gazebo looking at the old man with a pretty face full of surprise, and a little pampering and helplessness floated in his eyes.

"Stinky girl, since you know that father is here with distinguished guests, how dare you be so surprised in the morning? Is your skin itchy again?"

The cute face changed and she took a few steps back in shock, her big watery eyes stared at First Young Master Liu vigilantly in case "accidents" happened.

"Of course Yue'er doesn't have itchy skin anymore, but Yue'er is afraid that the voice is too low, Daddy, you and Grandpa Wenren can't hear you, that's why the voice is so loud.

Besides, Yue'er wasn't surprised at all, it's because you were so engrossed in talking with Grandpa Wenren that you didn't notice Yue'er's arrival! "

Seeing his daughter's innocent face, First Young Master Liu smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Smelly girl, you know how to argue, so hurry up and come in to greet Grandpa Wenren."

"Oh, yes, yes."

The cutie nodded hurriedly when she heard her father's words, and immediately lifted the hem of the Bicui Lingyan skirt with a pair of white and flawless jade hands, and trotted to stop in front of Wen Renzheng.

"Yue'er pays homage to the great-grandfather who is a scholar, and wishes the great-grandfather a happy life and a healthy life."

Wen Renzheng carefully looked at the little cutie who stood in front of him and gave him a blessing, stroked the beard on his chin and nodded cheerfully.

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you, great grandfather, great grandfather, Yue'er poured tea for you."

Wen Renzheng took the teacup from the cutie, looked at the pretty and elegant cutie, and sighed with regret.

"Time is not forgiving, in the blink of an eye, you, a little girl who was a ghost at the time, have grown up so much, if your father hadn't said your name, my great-grandfather almost wouldn't dare to recognize it.

You are grown up, and your great-grandfather is also older. "

The little cutie grinned, and hurriedly walked behind Wen Renzheng and lightly patted his shoulders.

"Great-grandfather is not old at all, he is still the same as a few years ago, no, no, he looks younger than before, great-grandfather will definitely be younger in the future.

Grandpa, is Yue'er still capable of this strength? "

"Oh, it's just right, it's just right, no wonder your father said that you are the girl who loves people the most, now I see what your father said is true.

Girl!Grandpa came here in a hurry this time, and didn't prepare any gifts for you, so don't be angry with Grandpa. "

"No, no, of course not. Grandpa's coming is the best gift, right, dad."

First Young Master Liu looked at the little cutie standing behind the old man who was so courteous, silently rolled his eyes and didn't speak.

Don't you know the virtues of this stinky girl?Once she accosted herself, she would definitely raise her tail to the sky.

"It's even more embarrassing for you to say that about grandpa. How about it, grandpa just happens to be able to stay in the capital for a while. I don't have any good things about me now, only martial arts can be regarded as a little attainment.

If you girl and the rest of your brothers and sisters don't understand anything about martial arts, you can come to Grandpa to ask a question or two, and Grandpa will definitely spare no effort to give you some pointers. "

"Really? Thank you so much, grandpa."

"What's the matter, grandpa will really become younger if he can stay with you children. As long as you don't dislike my grandpa, I'm not good enough."

"I don't dislike it, I certainly don't dislike it."

Seeing the old man being coaxed by the cutie and laughing non-stop, First Young Master Liu coughed softly a few times.

"Old man, this girl has been spoiled by the boy since she was a child. If she is disobedient and makes you angry in the future, you can teach her, and the boy will never say no."

"Come on, I'm not that good at being a teacher. Besides, this girl is so considerate and sensible, she doesn't seem to be as troublesome as you said."

Hearing Wen Renzheng's words to defend herself, the cutie sticks out her clove tongue at First Young Master Liu proudly, and looks up arrogantly.

That beating expression seemed to be saying to Young Master Liu, old man, look, look, this girl is so cute, and flowers bloom when they see flowers.

Although Wen Renzheng didn't know what the little cutie standing behind him was doing, but he could vaguely guess something from Young Master Liu's non-stop rolling his eyes.

Haha laughed and put down the teacup in his hand, Wen Renzheng stood up lightly.

"It's almost time. Let's not delay any longer. It's not good to keep your parents waiting for too long. Let's have breakfast first."

"Okay, listen to the old man, let's go eat first."



"First, hurry up and go to the backyard to get two jars of peach blossom wine brewed by your aunt Ya. Later, I will have a few drinks with your great-grandfather for my father."

"Huh? Do you want to drink it early in the morning?"


Seeing Dad's sudden frown, Little Cutie hurriedly ran towards the backyard, waving her hands.

"Okay, okay, it's okay for Yue'er to go!"

"Grandpa, Yue'er, I'm going ahead. Let's see each other later."

"Grandpa, let's go too."

"Okay, let's go."

"How is it? After seeing this girl's current appearance, what do you want to say, old man?"

Wen Renzheng looked up at the slender figure of the little cutie who disappeared into the arch, stroked his beard and silently smiled for a long time without saying a word.

"Old man, what are you?"

"It's not easy!"

"Huh? Old man, can you explain in more detail?"

Wen Renzheng chuckled, and strode towards the main hall of the Liu family with high strides.

"Don't say it, don't say it! It's not that I want to play tricks, but that I don't want my words to affect your own thoughts.

You need to make up your own mind about some things, the old man can give you some advice, but the old man can't affect your thinking.

No matter what will happen in the future, if you are indecisive, you should ask your heart and do it. "

Liu Mingzhi paused, staring at the old man's gradually moving back, and muttered thoughtfully.

"If you are indecisive, you should ask your heart."

Gently repeating this sentence, Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a half-smile and started to chase after the old man.

About half an hour later, the breakfast in Liu's Mansion came to an end amidst laughter.

After eating and drinking, First Young Master Liu told the third princess softly that he was waiting for her in the study, and then moved his body and rushed to the study.

After Liu Mingzhi arrived in the study room, he straightened the ink and moistened the pen, and then picked up the brush and wrote something on a piece of blank rice paper.

After a piece of rice paper was filled with content, Liu Mingzhi blew the ink on it and laid out a second blank piece of paper.

When Liu Mingzhi had just written three words on the second piece of rice paper, there was a sudden knock on the door, followed by the soft voice of the third princess Li Yan.

"Husband, is it convenient for me to come in now?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at the wide open door, and slowly stood up.

"Yan'er, come in."

(End of this chapter)

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