My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2605 Mention Ten Thousand Tiger Wolf Master

Chapter 2605 Mention one hundred thousand tiger and wolf masters again

Just as Liu Mingzhi put the brush in his hand on the inkstone, the third princess Li Yan walked into the study elegantly and dignifiedly with the tray in her hand.

"Yan'er, we just had dinner, why did you bring another pot of tea?"

The third princess put the tray on the table lightly, and poured a cup of tea with the pot and put it on the desk in front of her husband.

"In case you get thirsty and save yourself time to prepare, it doesn't matter if you carry it on your back first."

After the third princess put down the teacup, she happened to see the handwriting on the rice paper.

"Husband, are you busy? How about I come back later?"

"No, no, no, I just wrote something casually for my husband. There is nothing to be shy about. You don't have anything to do, do you?"

"No, Cheng Qian and the others rushed to the Hall of Ten Kings to deal with government affairs after dinner. I have nothing to take care of myself."

"That's good. If you're not busy, we'll talk about it later. We'll talk after my husband finishes writing the rest. You can sit down for a while."

"Husband, I see that you keep swinging your arms and twisting your waist when you go out, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? If it's convenient for you to stand behind you, how about I rub your shoulders for you?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his arms a few times and sat down on the chair again, picked up the pen and began to dip in the ink.

"Alright, my husband's shoulder is indeed sore, thank you for your hard work."

The third princess walked lightly behind First Young Master Liu, raised her jade hand and gently kneaded her husband's shoulder.

"What's the hard work? I've already gotten used to serving my husband these years, otherwise I'd feel like I'd have nothing to do."

After listening to the beauty's soft words, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, held the pen in his hand and concentrated on scribbling on the rice paper again.

Liu Mingzhi stopped writing, and from time to time his face showed a thoughtful look, and then he picked up the pen to write again.

After about two sticks of incense, Liu Mingzhi carefully examined the content on the last piece of rice paper, silently put down his pen, took out his own seal from the drawer, and stamped it under his signature.

Putting the seal back in the drawer, Liu Mingzhi groaned softly and stretched his waist, looked up at the beautiful woman behind him who was silently beating her back and shoulders for him, with a hint of guilt in his eyes.




"Ah? The concubine is here, husband, you have finished writing."

Liu Mingzhi yelled three times in a row, and the third princess, who seemed to be wandering away, finally came to her senses and responded.

Seeing the absent-minded appearance of the third princess, Liu Mingzhi probably understood why she was distracted, and if there were no accidents, it should be inseparable from the film owner and the others.

"Silly Yan'er, what are you thinking in a daze?"

"It's nothing, the concubine is just thinking about some past events, husband, have you finished your work?"

"I'm done with my work, come here, I'll show you something for my husband."

"Huh? What are you looking at?"

Liu Mingzhi held back the third princess who looked a little suspicious, and gently grabbed the beautiful woman's bright wrist and pulled her to his side.

Reaching out his hand to pick up the three pieces of rice paper he had just written and handing them to the third princess, Liu Mingzhi let out a silent breath.

"Yan'er, let's take a look, if there is anything inappropriate, you can also help my husband's staff."

The third princess's delicate face was stunned, and she raised the three rice papers in her hand for some unknown reason and nodded her head to watch them.

After reading one piece, the beautiful woman's clear phoenix eyes were already flickering with indescribable pain, and after reading the second picture, the beautiful woman's phoenix eyes were faintly reddened.

After reading the contents of the last piece of rice paper, the beautiful woman's exquisite jade body trembled slightly imperceptibly, and a faint mist condensed in her already red eyes, but she kept holding back slip down.

Liu Mingzhi stood up with difficulty, turned around and looked at the beautiful woman who was holding the fragrant rice paper and trembling her shoulders, her eyes were already dimmed with tears.

"Yan'er, I'm sorry, my husband has really done his best regarding the matter of the film master and the others, and more than once, my husband wanted to make peace with them and get along with them in a friendly way.

However, they have made up their minds, and there is nothing they can do to bring back their husbands.

Even though at the last moment of the matter, Wei Fu never thought of killing them, but Wei Fu didn't do anything, but they went forward one after another and chose to perish outside the tomb of their father.

Although I stood on the opposite side due to unavoidable reasons, I sincerely admire their loyalty to their husbands.

You are well aware of your husband's personality and personality. For such senior masters, even if you are an opponent, your husband will not humiliate their corpses.

The only way to show respect is to bury their dead bodies together in front of the emperor's mausoleum.

In addition, some things that I can do for my husband are all written on these three rice papers.

Just now you have gone through them one by one. If you think there are any deficiencies, feel free to bring it up to your husband. As long as you can do it, your husband will always agree. "

The third princess held the rice paper in her hand and remained silent for a long time, blinked her tearful phoenix eyes a few times, and shook her head gently.

"Enough, husband, what you have done is enough."

Liu Mingzhi slowly opened his arms, looking at the beautiful woman who was holding back tears with distressed eyes.

"Yan'er, if you want to cry, just cry out. If you cry out, you'll be happy. If you're bored all the time, you'll ruin your body."

The third princess's delicate body trembled, and she threw herself into Young Master Liu's arms and wept bitterly.

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Mingzhi carefully hugged the sleeping beauty with her eyes closed and walked out of the study.

I was really tired after crying for so long.

Three days later, Young Master Liu, who was reviewing documents in the study, was interrupted by Liu Song's voice outside the door.

"Master, Master Song Qing came to ask to see you."



Not long after, Song Qing's hearty voice came into the study.

"Third brother, let's go in for the convenience of brother."

Liu Mingzhi gently put down the ink brush in his hand, smiled and looked towards the door.

"Of course it's convenient, come in quickly."

"it is good."

Song Qing responded, walked steadily into the study and headed straight for Young Master Liu's desk.

Liu Mingzhi poured two cups of tea with the pot, sat on the chair and looked curiously at the document in Song Qing's hand.

"Is it because the film master and the others have almost handled their affairs? Or is there something else going on?"

"It's not the movie master's business. Their business is jointly handled by people from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry. It's a matter of recruiting recruits."

Young Master Liu's eyes lit up, and he stared intently at the document in Song Qing's hand.

"Is there any result about the [-] recruits?"

Song Qing felt the excitement in Young Master Liu's eyes, and hurriedly handed the document in front of Young Master Liu.

"From April, after the Ministry of War received your order, it began to recruit [-] recruits. After four or five months, the matter finally came to fruition.

Now all the [-] recruits have been recruited, and the training started half a month ago. As long as there are no accidents during the period, they can go to the battlefield after the beginning of next spring. "

"That's great. It's not in vain for my young master to wait for so long. How is the morale of the recruits?"

"It's incredible! It's not an exaggeration to say that the fighting spirit is high and the morale is like a rainbow.

These 40 new recruits are different from the previous [-] recruits. They are elite soldiers carefully selected from more than [-] young and strong men.

Among them, [-]% of the recruits already had a good foundation in kung fu before joining the army. Although they were all superficial in boxing and kicking, they had laid a solid foundation. "

"Forty percent? How come there are so many?"

"Poor culture and rich martial arts, poor culture and rich martial arts, now the common people are almost full, and some young and strong people start to practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies in their spare time after the busy farming.

Therefore, right after joining the army, they are already quite good recruits.

After entering the battlefield, as soon as he sees blood, he can quickly grow into a real elite soldier.

As long as these [-] recruits can be added to the Western Expedition army in time, the matter of the Western Expedition will be much simpler. "

After listening to Song Qing's words, Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and silently flipped through the contents of the document.

(End of this chapter)

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